501.BC/10–448: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the United States Delegation at the United Nations General Assembly, at Paris


Gadel 140. Dept concurs attitude taken with Lauterpacht (Delga 195) and believes best avoid further SC consideration at moment if possible, particularly since such consideration likely result SC dropping matter from agenda immediately which might give GOI unwarranted [Page 422] encouragement take more uncompromising position Kashmir case.

However, if SC meets on question and expected majority sentiment develops in favor dropping case from agenda, suggest you concert with UKDel in seeking have Council accompany action to drop with request GOI keep SYG advised developments for info SC. If this not possible and majority, including UK and Canada, favor dropping case without such request, suggest you vote affirmatively (Delga 206).

Response further inquiries suggest you advise HyDel US not prepared mediate.1

  1. New Delhi and Karachi were informed of the contents of this telegram, Delga 195, by circular telegram dated October 8, not printed (501.BC/10–848).