501.BC Kashmir/9–1448: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the United States Representative on the United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan (Huddle), at New Delhi


554. Kascom 27. Dept believes highly desirable Commission remain Indian Subcontinent and continue negotiations so long as, any hope remains inducing agreement, modifying Aug 13 proposals as necessary. This is particularly important present time in view possible effect Jinnah’s death1 on Pakistan attitude and in view current Hyderabad crisis. Commission decision explain Pakistan reservations GOI and Huddle’s decision visit Azad territory (Comkas 35, 37 and 382) wisely taken in Dept’s view, showing intention continue efforts and allaying professed disappointment expressed by Zafrullah that Commission was breaking off discussions (Karachi’s 4503). This feeling perhaps based on interpretation Commission’s press communique (Karachitel, Sept 8, unnumbered)4 stating Commission expects continue negotiations “should it find it desirable”. Dept understands feeling discouragement some members Commission. However, experience Commission to date and experience other good offices commissions shows value as deterrents continued presence such bodies in area and necessity long, patient efforts for successful completion task.

Re Pakistan’s insistence GOI accept Part B SC Resolution 21 Apr (Comkas 345), Dept inclined agree best hope appears lie in working out supplement to agreement dealing with plebiscite, as suggested to Nehru (Comkas 37). However, in order avoid involvement in details plebiscite arrangements this stage, it might be possible employ brief, general language effect that such arrangements will be worked out “along general lines of” SC resolution, or “taking Part B SC resolution as working basis” or some similar language.

Re possibility reconsideration matter by SC (Comkas 35 and 37)

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Dept assumes that so long as any chance remains for agreement through negotiation, any interim Report to SC will be merely informative and not call for consideration matter by Council. If, however, situation reaches such complete impasse that Commission feels it necessary seek further SC consideration, Dept believes it essential that Commission submit recommendations for specific SC action. Dept presently doubts advisability requesting SC to replace Commission by moderator with new terms of reference, as suggested Comkas 296 and 37. We feel such recommendation might provoke unnecessary extended debate in Council re desirability Commission vs moderator and re new terms reference. Also feel such step might have psychological disadvantage of appearing abandon progress reached so far, instead of building on action already taken by SC and Commission. Furthermore selection moderator might raise serious difficulties since Dept doubts advisability appointment US national and practicability of finding acceptable candidate another nationality. Dept would like your further views on this.

If maximum efforts Commission to accomplish results by persuasion prove fruitless, Dept might be able support report by Commission to Council stating it believes Aug 13 proposals, with some indicated modifications, constitute most reasonable basis for restoration peace and order, and recommending that SC call on parties under Art 40 to comply with them. Such action by the SC might be desirable if show of firmness by SC would induce compliance, by enabling both Govts to save face domestically by pointing out that they had no alternative but accept or risk sanctions by international community. Indicate your views.

  1. Mohamed Ali Jinnah, Governor General of Pakistan, died on September 11, 1948. He was succeeded on September 14 by Khwaja Sir Nazimuddin.
  2. Comkas 35 (telegram 447, September 8, from Karachi) and Comkas 38 (telegram 808, September 10 from New Delhi); neither printed. Comkas 37 (telegram 809 from New Delhi), p. 377.
  3. Telegram 450, September 9, from Karachi; not printed.
  4. Not printed.
  5. Telegram 443, September 6 from Karachi, p. 376.
  6. Telegram 434, August 31 from Karachi, p. 371.