890F.6363/9–1548: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Legation in Saudi Arabia


372. Brit Emb informed Dept Brit Min Jidda instructed urge SAG make “no decision” re offshore oil concession before receipt US-Brit views re division Persian Gulf and asked whether Dept would take similar position with SAG. Although Dept replied could not agree request withholding decision, Dept believe highly important there be no proclamation or publicity re offshore concession pending receipt suggestions re division Gulf. Particularly concerned in view par 5 Legtel 512, Sept 15 indicating Aramco obligated start offshore work within one month signature agreement. Publicity of operations US company in Gulf prior acceptance by littoral states proposed proclamation re division Gulf would greatly increase difficulty obtaining universal acceptance.

Following discussions with Brit it now appears proposed proclamation will be ready within few weeks for presentation by US and Brit Govts to Persian Gulf states. Inform SAG that US and Brit Govts will soon be able reply its request for guidance re offshore oil matters and express hope there will be no proclamation or publicity re concessions affecting submerged area pending receipt suggestions concerning division Gulf.
