845.00/9–1448: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in India

secret   us urgent

551. Request early interview: Bajpai for discussion Hyderabad following lines:

On Sept. 3 Indian Amb1 informally requested Dept give its views re Hyderabad. Problem given urgent attention but following observations are only of preliminary nature to be made GOI on informal and confidential basis.
US believes GOI aware our favoring close association all princely states with one or other Dominion. In specific case Hyderabad we have carefully avoided any encouragement Nizam’s aspirations independence. It has been and continues our opinion general welfare Indian subcontinent best, served by close association Hyderabad with GOI and highly desirable this association be brought about expeditiously and in such manner as to promote peace and stability in area.
Re present Indian military action Hyderabad US has noted with interest press reports of proclamation Indian Army Command to people of Hyderabad stating “As soon as our task is completed, the people of Hyderabad will be given the opportunity to decide their future, both as regards internal government and relations with India”.
US not intending sponsor Hyderabad’s complaint UN, but military events may encourage other UN members place Hyderabad issue on agenda either UNSC or UNGA. While US views on legal and other aspects Hyderabad question not formulated, it possible various complex legal aspects could arouse lengthy discussion UNGA or UNSC and perhaps even lead to reference matter ICJ, thus protracting uncertainty Hyderabad status which Indian Amb here states GOI wishes avoid.
Bearing in mind reported intention GOI to give people Hyderabad opportunity freely to express their desire re future status their state, we feel that India might derive significant advantages taking initiative in proposing course of action by which UN could contribute to early solution problem without prejudice its position re legal status Hyderabad. For example, GOI might wish consider as first step in this direction making immediate announcement that it would invite UN to undertake, when conditions permit, supervision of free plebiscite Hyderabad accordance its adherence highest principles international peace and cooperation and in firm conviction that its objectives would be more fully appreciated if subjected to moral scrutiny of world.
Should Bajpai react favorably foregoing and ask whether US would support such Indian proposal, you are authorized reply in sense that although we cannot give commitment without full info, we would be disposed consider sympathetically such proposal as advanced by GOI.
Dept informally conveying foregoing views to Indian Amb here.

  1. Benegal Rama Rau. He presented his credentials as Ambassador to the United States on August 5, 1948.