745.45F/6–348: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in India

secret   us urgent
niact (delhi only)

346. Emb Karachi reports Pak battalion vicinity Uri engaged active combat Indian army and military situation developing such manner that continued advance Indian army and resulting contact [Page 345] with Pak seventh division vicinity Mirpur could force official public recognition hostilities between Ind-Pak troops in Kashmir which might result open declared war. Emb believes in view seriousness situation unless urgent action taken Kashmir question may be settled by military decision prior arrival SC commission.

Delhi please cable appraisal situation. London please discuss foregoing with Brit Govt and cable Brit views.1

Sent New Delhi 346 London 2065 Karachi 213.

  1. Ambassador Douglas, in his telegram 2509, June 7 from London, not printed, advised that Gray and Tull of the Southeast Asia Department of the British Foreign Office said on June 3 that the Office was unaware of any active combat between India and Pakistan, though it considered it possible at any time (501.BC Kashmir/6–748).