745.45F/1–748: Telegram

The Chargé in India (Donovan) to the Secretary of State


15. Embtel 10, January 4. EAD on January 6 replied by third person note to Embassy’s first person note of January 21 addressed to Nehru (Embtel 5, January 32).

Body EAD’s note follows:

“The Government of India appreciate the friendly interest of the Government of the United States of America in a pacific settlement of the Kashmir issue. In the note submitted by them to the Security Council, there is ample evidence of the efforts made by the Government of India to settle this matter by friendly negotiation with the Government of Pakistan and of the patience which they have shown in the face of acts of aggression against their forces and their territory. They feel that they would have been within their rights in entering Pakistan territory in order to strike at bases, situated in that territory, from which the invaders of Jammu and Kashmir state have been and still are operating. That they have, instead, preferred to invoke the aid of the Security Council is proof of their devotion to peace and of their loyalty to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations. They are not aware that there are, in India, any ‘irresponsible elements’ who are likely to indulge in provocative action [Page 274] while the Kashmir question is being considered by the Security Council; they certainly have no intention of doing so themselves.

All that they desire is that the people of Jammu and Kashmir should be freed as quickly as possible from the horrors of invasion and thus enabled to determine their future by their freely declared will. They will be grateful if, through their representative on the Security Council, the Government of the United States of America will help in the speedy achievement of this object.”

Copy of note follows by despatch.

Obviously GOI objects to phrase “irresponsible elements”. This objection comes from EAD as Nehru gave no indication displeasure to me. EAD’s attitude towards phrase “irresponsible elements” is interesting since Nehru himself mentioned to me possibility “Kashmir irregulars” taking action against GOP which GOI could not prevent.

Embassy considers GOI’s assurances adequate especially since Embassy feels GOI is in difficult military position and would like nothing better than to get out of present imbroglio gracefully and without loss of face. Bucher’s assurances (Embtels 1 and 10, January 2 and 4) must also be considered connection with GOI assurances.

Delhi press reports today indicate fighting increasing in intensity and that raiders using artillery for first time.

Sent Department as 15, repeated Karachi as 5. Department please repeat London as 6.

  1. See telegram 10, January 4, from New Delhi, footnote 3, p. 270.
  2. Not printed.