860H.00/11–2448: Telegram

The Ambassador in Yugoslavia (Cannon) to the Secretary of State


1477. Parallel with their energetic international offensive at GA Yugoslav Government for first time since Cominform break is displaying spirit for vigorous domestic projects. Direction their resumed charge seems definitely to the left. Neither abroad nor at home has Tito attempted compromise with non-Communist opinion that might have consolidated support he temporarily enjoyed from political center and right. His course apparently will be extreme Communist orthodoxy in struggle against “foreign imperialism and domestic Reaction.”

Foregoing is preliminary evaluation past month’s frenetic organizational activity throughout Yugoslavia. During this time following major congresses have been held: Communist Youth Organization SKOJ, United Syndicates Yugoslavs, Serb Assembly, Yugoslav Youth Festival, League Yugoslav Engineers and Technicians, CP of Bosnia and Hercegovina, Yugoslav Physicians, CP of Dalmatia, CC of Anti-Fascist Women’s Front, CP of Slovenia, CP of Zagreb, Serb Academy Science, Slovene Academy Science and Art, Federal Academic Council. This organizational epidemic will continue throughout the year with following as most important meetings scheduled: CP’s Croatia, Macedonia and Serbia, People’s Youth, People’s Front and special session National Assembly.

Of meetings already held, Slovene CP was by far most significant. See my next following telegram. All of them, however, emphasized as Yugoslav domestic policy intensification of Communization particularly in agriculture. All have asserted supremacy CP and minimized mass organizations. In case of youth, combination SKOJ and People’s Youth will essentially eliminate latter. Tito’s recent addresses have been models doctrinal purity emphasizing labor as most important factor new Yugoslavia, warning that revolutionary process will continue as long as exploiting capitalist elements have power obstruct development Socialism, proclaiming “No force can sway us from further upbuilding Socialist state.” His chief associates have opened violent oratorical campaign against rich kulaks, village magnates and remnants of clericalism and have stressed intensified struggle against opportunism, carelessness, absenteeism, and mobility of labor. Party congresses have urged ideological strengthening or purging party ranks and merciless new drive against saboteurs, speculators and agents foreign espionage.

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Of symbolic significance to this new period was nationalization week ago street flower stalls which had heretofore remained as unique if bedraggled relics free enterprise.

That this new intensification and Tito’s own admissions appear to concede part of Cominform reproaches does not seem trouble Yugoslavs. Their rationale probably is that no CP in east Europe is impervious all counts Cominform indictment and that Yugoslavs leading position next to Soviet CP will be further improved to confound Communist critics. Domestically in any event Communist Party Yugoslavia has regained buoyancy and aggressiveness of year ago.

Hypothesis suggested above depends somewhat on CP congresses Croatia, Macedonia and Serbia and National Assembly special session November 27. Agenda latter does not disclose reason for convocation special session so soon after regular fall meeting. Legislative committees are now drafting new bills for patents, honorary titles for workers, military criminal code, coastal waters and amendments to citizenship law for Yugoslav-Germans, press statute readmissibility foreign publications and agrarian reform re permits for land division. Many dramatic rumors current re real purpose assembly include usual dinar conversion story and change name Yugoslavia to Union Socialist States Yugoslavia. We expect new cooperative program in offing perhaps creating large number new collectives and voting large sums for agricultural machinery. This may be moment for constitutional changes forecast by Tito at Communist Party Yugoslavia last July in reference to socio-economic section constitution.

This new spirit can, of course, be taken to mean Yugoslav god is seeking modus vivendi with Cominform world along lines more energetic foreign policy and more vigorous domestic socalization. If such attempt seems likely to prosper it would put our interim Yugoslav policy to new test.

Sent Department 1477, pouched Moscow.
