860H.00/7–2648: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Yugoslavia


415. For reasons adduced Depcirtel June 30,1 any steps we may be prepared take to assist Tito will require most careful appraisal in light all prevailing circumstances. However, as indication appropriate overtures his part will receive prompt attention accordance merits, suggest you see Bebler at earliest suitable opportunity and inform him that in line our frequently expressed attitude concerning importance of development mutually beneficial trade relations as stimulus to economic recovery and establishment world peace, (1) we have noticed with interest Tito’s remarks to Olson (urtel 986 July 26) regarding US–Yugo trade and (2) we will be pleased to consider any further comment or suggestions which Yugo authorities may wish to make available in elaboration of Yugo thinking in matter. (Sent Belgrade 415 rptd Moscow 868 London 2960 Paris 2862).

  1. Not printed; it contained the text of the conclusions of Policy Planning Staff paper 35, June 30, 1948, p. 1079.