311.6115/8–1348: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the Soviet Union


959. Regret delay in informing you developments in cases of Soviet teachers Emtel 1615 Aug 13, 6 pm. From outset press handling of this matter here has clearly revealed the evidence of Soviet methods. An accurate account of your conversation with Molotov widely published in Am press. While we regret initial BBC handling of story we believe that real significance of this incident is now well understood both here and abroad.

For ur info investigation of Kosenkina and Samarin cases continuing, although Kosenkina’s physical condition makes difficult obtain her full story of trip to Consulate and circumstances of her stay there. We contemplate replying here to Molotov’s note as well as those received from Soviet Emb.1

  1. See note of August 19, p. 1045.