Memorandum by President Truman to the Secretary of State
Washington, July 7,
Memorandum for the Secretary of State:
Attached hereto is a memorandum determining the end of the emergency referred to in the Master Lend-Lease Agreements, in accordance with the recommendations contained in your memoranda to me of March 5, 1948, and July 2, 1948.1
[Page 997]The recommendation made in your memorandum of July 2, 1948, to the effect that the determination receive no publicity at the present time, meets with my approval.
Harry S Truman
- The latter memorandum is not printed. It also reported that the approval of this determination of the end of the emergency had been obtained from both the Departments of the Army and Navy, in letters of May 10 and June 19 from the former, and April 10, 1948 from the latter, none printed. (861.24/6–1948)↩