840.811/8–1448: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Yugoslavia

secret   us urgent

494. Dudel 44. French Embassy has informed Dept that, inasmuch it is now evident that Soviets determined obtain adoption Soviet draft without amendment and as French Govt declines to legalize present situation on Danube by appearing accept imposition anticipated majority decision which would neither respect principle freedom of navigation nor safeguard legitimate French interests, French representative has been instructed to select in agreement with his US and Brit colleagues suitable opportunity for rupture conference. French suggested such opportunity might be rejection by conference of amendments to Preamble and first two Articles Soviet protocol. French Govt [Page 703] would have liked similar authority given US and Brit representatives.

Dept has replied to Emb along lines instructions contained Dudel 39, Aug 12 (to Belgrade as 483) pointing out our firm conviction overriding importance remaining conference through final vote but at same time emphasizing that US appreciates considerations set forth by French and is determined to make US position clear in that respect by final summary statement, by voting against Soviet convention in plenary and by refusing to sign or to attend ceremony of signature of such convention.
