860F.00/10–1948: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the United States Delegation to the United Nations, at Paris


Gadel 297. For Raynor.1 Discussions held with Zenkl and Slavik ur 408 Oct 19 on plans refugee movement.2 Preliminary organization formed by group US for Council Free Czechoslovakia. Proposals submitted refugee groups London and Paris for approval. Plan calls for general council political refugees with Executive Committee in US and subsidiary groups London and Paris.

While emphasizing need organize refugees for relief purposes and assistance info program Zecho Dept indicated sympathetic view political activities provided: (1) no govt-in-exile established while US maintains diplomatic relations present Zecho Govt; (2) refugee organization achieves to maximum possible unity of pol groups; (3) organization broadly representative of various democratic elements at home. Unsuccessful efforts made obtain from Zenkl list refugees European centers for admission US participate in work. Presence Ripka and particularly Slovaks in ur 408 highly desirable, but no agreed list desired for admission recd yet from refugee organization. Zenkl also informed some representation necessary for Agrarians and Social Democratic group in London as well as organizations in US zone Germany. No action taken by Dept yet indicate desirability Ripka’s visit and wider Slovak representation as initiative should come from Zecho group.

Apart from initial organizational steps already taken, present activities group concerned with party politics and efforts obtain ascendency for particular political groups. Several refugees have attempted to utilize contacts with Dept secure better position in refugee organization. This situation will be clarified soon as definite organization agreed.

Views of Dept of necessity of maximum unity will be communicated leaders if further delay in obtaining agreed list representatives.

  1. G. Hay den Ray nor, Special Assistant to the Director, Office of European Affairs, was serving as an adviser to the United States Delegation at the Third Session of the United Nations General Assembly which opened at Paris on September 21, 1948.
  2. During October 1948, officers of the Department of State held a number of conversations with Dr. Zenkl, former Ambassador Slavik, and other Czechoslovak exile leaders regarding plans for a refugee organization. Memoranda of those conversations are included in file 860F.00. The telegram under reference here, not printed, asked for the Department’s views regarding such an organization (860F.00/10–1948).