740.0011 EW (Peace)/10–148: Telegram

The Minister in Bulgaria (Heath) to the Secretary of State


1248. Bulgarian reply our aide-mémoire September 231 insisting on Bulgaria’s right membership in UN and denying Bulgarian failure observe peace treaty or that it had supported guerrilla activity against Greek Government carries mendacity to pitch of effrontery. It is, moreover, extremely vulnerable to successful rejoinder, which I assume must be made and made soon. Our ideas regards text of rejoinder will shortly be submitted (Legtel 1246, October 1).2 It seems clear to me that Bulgarian memorandum, which is wholly unconvincing and largely unresponsive to our aide-mémoire, was written with idea of eventual propaganda publication in Bulgarian press, with presumably incomplete quotation of our communication to which it is purportedly in reply.

I venture suggest that our rebuttal of this communication might be handed Foreign Minister Kolarov now in Paris and preferably at time when Bulgaria’s renewed request for entrance into UN is being considered by SC. If pressure of business or other considerations make it inadvisable for Secretary himself present memorandum, suggest that it be delivered by Bohlen.3 At same time, I might hand in copy of memorandum to Acting Foreign Minister here.

[Page 379]

I hope that crowded Assembly agenda will nevertheless permit oratorical reference be made to Bulgaria’s total disregard of treaty and human rights as recommended mytel 1226, September 28. Secretary’s keynote speech4 and Mrs. Roosevelt’s talk at Sorbonne5 regarding human rights made an impression in diplomatic circles here and on Bulgarian listeners to VOA. Further oratorical development at Paris of this theme with Bulgaria as case in point would not only seek maintain spirit of suppressed majority on position masses in Bulgaria, but also have some restraining and disquieting effect on Bulgarian Government as well.

Only effective debating point scored by Bulgarian Government memorandum is its observation that if we felt it was disregarding treaty why did we fail to invoke the arbitral machinery for disputes provided in Article 35. I suggest that in addition to action which we recommend be taken at UN, Department now give consideration to instructing Legation submit violations of Article 2 and of military and other clauses to such arbitral machinery. It is probable that Soviet diplomatic mission would veto a meeting of three heads of mission provided in Article, but if so, case of Soviet obstruction of peaceful settlements of disputes and obligations would then become more clear.6

Presume VOA is briefed on Bulgarian memorandum so that if Bulgarians publish it it can be answered without delay.

Repeated Paris as 53 for Gadel.

  1. Regarding Minister Heath’s aide-mémoire of September 23, see telegram 1203, September 23, from Sofia, p. 375. The lengthy Bulgarian reply, the text of which was transmitted to the Department in telegram 1241, September 30, from Sofia, not printed, was handed to Heath on September 30. The text of the Bulgarian note was published in various Sofia newspapers on October 2, and a long summary of the note appeared in Pravda, the organ of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, on October 4.
  2. The telegram under reference here is not printed. In telegram 1252, October 4, from Sofia, not printed, Minister Heath transmitted the text of a proposed reply to the Bulgarian note of September 30 (740.0011 EW (Peace)/10–448). The draft note was never sent.
  3. Charles E. Bohlen, Special Assistant to the Secretary of State, member of the United States Delegation to the United Nations General Assembly session in Paris.
  4. For text, see Department of State Bulletin, October 3, 1948, p. 432.
  5. For text, see ibid., October 10, 1948, p. 457.
  6. To Minister Heath’s proposals set forth in this and other messages, the Department replied (in telegram Gadel 139, October 7, repeated to Sofia as 616) in part as follows:

    “Dept doubts utility this time continuance exchange directly with Bulgs and believes response Bulg memo can be most effectively made in GA or SC on suitable occasion selected by USDel, possibly during debate on human rights convention or more probably in discussion Bulg membership application.” (740.0011 EW (Peace)/9–3048)