740.00119 EW/8–248: Telegram
The Minister in Hungary (Chapin) to the Secretary of State
1240. Berlin’s 53 to Budapest July 29, repeated Department.1 Am somewhat disturbed that Vatican should officially request at this time transfer to it for safe keeping of Holy Crown of St. Stephen and would be interested to know real reasons behind this démarche.
I can well understand that crown should not remain permanently in American possession and that eventually some decision must be made as to its future disposition. On the other hand, I believe it would be mistake politically this juncture either to return the crown to Hungary or transfer it to the Vatican. Symbolic value of crown to Hungarians whether Catholic, Protestant or Jew is probably greater than that attaching to the crown jewels most present or former monarchies and in fact was one of basic spiritual foundations behind the institution of the regency which after all was exercised by a Protestant. Furthermore, our legal right to transfer to the Vatican an object which belongs to whole Hungarian people, on basis of claim it given 947 years ago by the Vatican should be carefully examined. Department will presumably estimate what repercussions if any, such proposed transfer would have on non-Catholic opinion in US. In any event I should be most reluctant even if decision made to give crown to Vatican for custody to have this done at this time when relations between Hungary and US are strained and almost simultaneously with issuance [Page 367] of permission for departure Horthy family (Berlin’s 1866, July 29).2 Great political capital would be made of any transfer of crown at a time which moreover coincides with St. Stephens Day August 20.
It is to be noted Hungarian Government has never officially raised in writing question of return of crown to Hungary although failure to follow upon Molnar inquiry (my 382, March 9 to Department3) may be due partially to desire not to complicate further quarrel between Hungarian Government and Catholic Church. In any event I should be strongly opposed to return of St. Stephens Crown at this time to Hungary and recommend temporary retention thereof in American hands.
Sent Department 1240; repeated Rome for Am Vat 69, Berlin 89.
- Telegram 1862, July 29, from Berlin, repeated to Budapest as 53, not printed, transmitted the text of a letter from the Apostolic Visitator to the United States Political Adviser for Germany, Robert Murphy, requesting that the Sacred Crown of St. Stephen of Hungary be transferred to the Vatican for safekeeping until it could be safely returned to Hungary. (740.00119 EW/7–2948) The Crown was in the custody of United States authorities in Germany, but its precise whereabouts was being kept secret.↩
- Not printed; it reported that former Hungarian Regent Admiral Horthy and his family, then in American custody in the United States zone of occupation of Germany, was not liable under German denazification laws and that there was no objection by any Western military government agency to their departure from Germany (740.00119 EW/8–248).↩
- Not printed.↩