868.01/1–1648: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Greece


113. Urtel 94 Jan 16.1 We of course hope that coalition will continue and know you will do all you can to encourage Grks to this end.

Pls make clear also that we would regret any change in govt brought about by force or other unconstitutional means. Any such change might have adverse effects on Amer public opinion and consequently on Amer aid program for Greece. Political leaders might well be reminded that question of continued aid will probably be presented Congress.

  1. Not printed; it gave Chargé Rankin’s view that the strain on the Greek coalition government was expected to increase and reported the widespread feeling in political circles that the coalition was an “unnatural and ineffective fusion of two jealous and incompatible groups held together only by US pressure.” (868.01/1–1647)