Editorial Note
A draft resolution by the United States, with minor language changes, was adopted by an ad hoc committee of UNSCOB on April 22. It provided “that in interpreting its functions under Paragraph Six (1), UNSCOB ‘must be governed by the whole of the resolution’ of October 21 and ‘may make use of every means which it may judge appropriate and useful, whether direct observation, inquiry, or investigation either directly or through subcommittees or observers.’” It also provided that instructions to the observer groups be revised in the [Page 245] light of the foregoing (telegram 175, April 23, 6 p. m., from Salonika, identified also as Combal 158, 501.BB Balkan/4–2348).
UNSCOB adopted the resolution on April 24, by a vote of 8–0, with Australia abstaining (telegram 177, April 24, 2 p. m., from Salonika, identified also as Combal 159, 501.BB Balkan/4–2448).