501.BB Balkan/2–348: Telegram
Mr. Gerald A. Drew 1 to the Secretary of State
45. Combal 82. From Drew. The Australian Delegate showed me this morning paraphrase of lengthy cable from his government to British Foreign Office, evidently in response to a communication from London regarding representations of the Greek Ambassador for special session of GA to despatch foreign troops to Greece.
The Australian communication expressed disapproval of the Greek proposal on grounds that presence of any armed forces in Greece might provoke armed reaction from the north which could touch off international conflict. The telegram stated that policy of Australian Government was to seek solution of Greek problem through conciliation of countries directly concerned in present situation. It suggested inter alia a program for cessation of support to Markos by northern neighbors in return for Greek agreement on new internationally supervised elections, amnesty, participation of leftist elements in government, reform of labor laws, reduction of armed forces, withdrawal of all foreign military instructors and advisers, and placing of economic aid to Greece under international administration.
The Australian telegram also expressed disapproval of suggestion stated to be under discussion between Washington and London for inclusion of Greek problem on agenda of Interim Committee.
[Page 226]The Australian delegate said that his government considers the conciliatory mission of UNSCOB to be its most useful function, and that while not opposed to observer teams, their work not considered important. He said that in near future he will propose despatch of subcommittee of UNSCOB to capitals of northern neighbors to hold exploratory conversations regarding Australian program of conciliation. While prepared for further rebuff, he stated that he felt no effort should be spared in direction of conciliatory solution.
[Here follows further comment on the Australian Representative.]
Sent Department as Combal 82 and 45, repeated Brussels.
- Deputy United States Representative on the United Nations Special Committee on the Balkans.↩