840.50 Recovery/3–948: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Great Britain
848. For Berger.1 Advise Carey2 object of DiVittorio meeting him London (urtel 944 Mch 9)3 seems obviously to make political capital for Italian Communist Party in coming Italian elections by implication that non-support ERP, even Communist victory, does not mean [Page 848] Italy will fail get American aid. Mere fact meeting occurred would support that impression in Italy. Carey may wish avoid giving DiVittorio and Santi slightest encouragement and issue statement after meeting that he informed them Italy’s best interest, if she desires American aid, is to support ERP.4
- Samuel D. Berger, First Secretary of Embassy in London.↩
- James B. Carey, Secretary-Treasurer of the C.I.O. ↩
- In this telegram, not printed, the London Embassy reported that the Trieste delegation had been seated as visitors to the Trade Union Conference on the E.R.P., and that the C.I.O. and A.F.L. had asked for full status for the minority in the C.G.I.L. but were unwilling to make an issue of it (840.50 Recovery/3–948).↩
- Rome’s press telegram 1109 of March 13, not printed, reported that several Rome newspapers carried Carey’s statement to di Vittorio and Santi saying: “CIO fully supports Marshall Plan and considers it completely non-political. Allegedly added that if CGIL so desired there would be no difficulty in requesting the government in Washington to exclude Italy from ERP. di Vittorio allegedly replied Italy wished aid but objected to certain conditions; whereupon Carey said that ERP was not a marmalade from which could be picked only the cherries or nuts.” (840.50 Recovery/3–1348)↩