- Abd-el-Krim, 685
- Abelin, Pierre, 630–631
- Achilles, Theodore C., 59, 66, 76–78, 115–116, 127–128, 132, 148, 182, 234–235, 257–258, 207, 301n , 348, 469, 644n , 660n , 672n , 1017–1020, 1039–1040, 1047–1048, 1057
- Afghanistan, 65
- Africa, 4
- African Development Council, 844–845
- Agriculture, (U.S.) Department of, 632, 731, 872
- Air Force, (U.S.) Department of the, 85n , 254, 729, 733, 746, 804, 809
- Air Transport Command, 732
- Airey, Maj. Gen. Terrence Sydney, 506–508, 512, 516–517, 520–521, 523, 524n , 530, 535–536, 549–552, 558–562, 566, 572–573, 576
- Aklilou, Ato Abte Wold, 899, 955–956, 959, 964
- Alaska, 71, 74, 326–327
- Albania, 154n , 971
- Albornoz y Liminiana, Álvaro do, 1052
- Aldrich, Winthrop Williams, 1039
- Alexander of Tunis, Field Marshal the Viscount, 222, 276, 1076
- Alfonso XIII, 1050, 1061–1062
- Algeria (see also French North Africa), 325–326, 683, 689, 691–692, 695, 697, 711, 713–714
- Alien Property Custodian, 995, 1000
- Allen, Richard. F., 594
- Allen, W. Denis, 9, 12, 891–892, 909
- Alphand, Hervé, 355, 362, 409–410, 446–447, 592–594
- Alzamora, Don Carlos, 357–358
- American Federation of Labor (A.F. of L.), 673, 847n , 867
- American Republics (see also under European Recovery Program), 67, 469, 957–958, 961–962, 1022, 1046, 1053, 1058–1059, 1101–1102
- Aminoff, Alexis, 113, 268n
- Anderson, Maj. Gen. Samuel E., 1034–1035, 1039
- Andvord, Rolf Otto, 30–32, 119–120
- Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, 916n , 923, 932, 956
- Annam, 691
- Antarctica, 1077, 1102
- Arab League, 684, 689–690, 692–695, 704–705, 709, 714
- Arab states, 892–893, 907, 919, 957–958, 960
- Argentina, 480, 493, 737, 830, 871–874, 890, 955n , 961, 1045, 1048–1049, 1053, 1067–1068, 1101–1102, 1111
- Armour, Norman, 43–44, 53, 103, 800–801, 830–832, 897, 1030, 1048
- Army, (U.S.) Department of the: France, question of U.S. military assistance for, 664–665: Germany, U.S. policy toward, 310, 390; Italy, question of U.S. military assistance for, 743–744, 749–751, 754, 756, 758, 772–774, 779–782, 786, 790; Italy, U.S. policy toward, 729, 740, 746, 812–813; most-favored-nation treatment for areas under occupation or control, 457–458; Trieste question, 551, 555; visit to the United States by the Chief of the Italian Army General Staff, 808, 812–814; Western European Union, U.S. policy toward, 85n
- Arnold, Maj. Gen. W. H., 749–750
- Artajo, Alberto Martin, 1020–1022, 1026–1030, 1035, 1040, 1050, 1062
- Atlantic Charter. See under Treaties, conventions, etc.
- Atomic energy, foreign policy aspects of U.S. development of (see also under United Nations), 582
- Atomic warfare, possibility of, 620
- Atomic weapons: Soviet development of, 90: U.S. policy regarding employment of, 191, 281, 629, 885–886, 888
- Attlee, Clement R., 79, 361, 412, 1069, 1073, 1075–1077, 1093
- Auchincloss, John W., 429–431
- Auriol, Vincent, 640, 661
- Austin, Warren R., 502–507, 510, 521n
- Australia, 67, 442, 449, 587n , 879, 896n , 922, 943, 951, 1084, 1100, 1110
- Austria (see also under European Recovery Program, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, etc., Organization for European Economic Cooperation, and Western European Union): Coal requirements, 555; Communist coup, possibility of, 38; Economic Cooperation Agreement with the United States, July 2, 408–409, 463: political situation, 40; Soviet, policy toward, 98, 117; trade with Trieste, 565: U.S. emergency plans for, 812; U.S. military commander, 292; U.S. military forces in, 558, 733, 736, 740; U.S. zone of occupation, 754
- Austrian peace settlement or treaty, 287
- Azores. See under North Atlantic Treaty Organization, etc., and Portugal: Agreements with the United States.
- Azzam Pasha, 709–710
- Babič, Branko, 529–530, 543–544
- Bagby, Philip, 937, 953–955
- Balayneh, M. Zaoude, 953
- Balearic Islands, 1063
- Balfour, Sir John, 55n , 128, 132, 130, 1108
- Baraduc, Pierre, 413, 423n , 593
- Baraibar, Germán, 1036, 1040
- Barth, Alfred William. 1057–1058
- Bartlett, Frederic P., 1085
- Baruch, Herman B., 35n , 379–380, 464
- Baslini, Capt. Franco, 815
- Basso, Lilio, 821, 856
- Baumgartner, Wilfred, 593–594
- Bay, Charles Ulrick, 20–21, 24–26, 30–32, 44–45, 46n , 48–49, 80–81, 119–120, 126–127, 160–163, 235–236, 254, 437–438
- Baydur, Huseyin Ragip, 129–131, 196–198, 321
- Beatty, J. Robert, 477
- Beaumont, Guérin de, 646
- Bech, Joseph, 18
- Bech-Friis, Hans G., 295–296, 299–300
- Bejarano, Felix, 1054
- Belgian Congo: Belgian concern regarding security of, 299; strategic importance of, 314; uranium procured from, U.S. policy regarding, 582
- Belgium (see also
Belgian Congo
and Belgian subheadings under individual subjects and
- African Development Council, 845
- Agreements with the United States: Economic cooperation, July 2, 408–409, 459, 463, 582: economic cooperation, Nov. 22 and 29, 582: most-favored-nation treatment for areas under occupation or control, July 2, 582; passport visas, Oct. 12 and 26, 583; U.S. Educational Foundation in Belgium, Oct. 8, 582
- Atomic energy, cooperation with the United States in the development of, 582
- Economic and financial situation, 564
- Italian colonies, disposition of, 896n , 922, 943, 961
- Soviet aggression against Western Europe, danger of, 617
- Spain, Belgian policy toward, 1007, 1028
- Trade with France, 368
- Trade with the Netherlands, 368
- Benediktsson, Bjorni, 126, 720–722
- Benelux (Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg) (see also under Committee for European Economic Cooperation, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, etc., and Western European Union): Belgian role, 491; British relations with, 1098; customs union, 31, 37, 368, 379; French accession to, question of, 368, 379; Germany, Benelux interest in, 19, 28, 388; Italian colonies, disposition of, 961; meetings of, 18; union, 302
- Bennouna, Mahdi, 692
- Bérard, Albert Joseph André, 925
- Bérard, Armand, 55n , 56n , 148, 182, 185, 187, 206–208, 212–213, 234, 420, 660n
- Berger, Samuel D., 483, 847
- Berlin, Soviet zone of occupation in, 90
- Berlin blockade by the Soviet Union, 90–91, 154–156, 194, 206–207, 216, 280–281, 285, 546, 660, 869, 885–886, 1053n , 1058, 1115; Moscow conversations, 635n , 660
- Bermuda, 1125
- Bernadotte, 23
- Berthoud, Eric A., 381–382, 420
- Bertil, Prince, Duke of Halland, 134
- Béthouart, Gen. Marie Emile Antoine, 676
- Bevan, Aneurin, 1075
- Bevans, Charles I., 969, 971
- Beverley, Capt. William Yorke La Roche, 971
- Bevin, Ernest: Anglo-American relations, 136: Czechoslovakia, Communist coup in, 32; Economic Commission for Europe, postponement of third session of the, 374; European Recovery Program, 4, 352–355, 383, 386, 391–392, 411–412, 418n , 437, 458, 471, 484–485, 1103, 1108–1109, 1117, 1119–1120: France, political situation in, 32; Italian colonies, disposition of, 136, 919–920, 925, 929, 931–932, 935–936, 951; Italian elections, 835, 838–839, 843–844: Italy, political stiuation in, 32, 628; North Atlantic Treaty Organization, development of, 46–50, 52, 57, 69–70, 79–80, 97, 117, 122, 127–129, 132–133, 226; Norwegian request for security assurances, 67: political position, 1069, 1074, 1076: Socialist parties, conference of, 361; Soviet Union, policy toward, 1073–1075: Spain, policy toward, 1033, 1036, 1053–1054, 1056, 1058, 1062–1063, 1098: Trieste question, 515n : West Germany, policy toward, 2; Western European Union, development and establishment of, 1–34 passim, 39, 41–42, 46–48, 50, 55–58, 68–69, 78, 88–89, 91, 99–101, 108, 116, 136–140, 149, 163, 199, 260 [Page 1133] 261, 275, 304, 389, 1069, 1076–1077, 1080, 1093
- Bidault, Georges: European Recovery Program, 363, 383, 410, 437, 454, 469; French economic and financial policies, 601–603; Italian fleet, disposition of, 974; Italy, policy toward, 628–629, 835, 838–840, 844, 860, 902–903; North Atlantic Treaty Organization, development of, 46, 49–50, 97, 117; political situation in France, 618–619, 624, 629, 638; Soviet aggression against Western Europe, concern regarding possibility of, 616–620, 629: Trieste question, 512, 515–516; U.S. military assistance for France, question of, 665; Western European Union, development and establishment of, 1, 2n , 4, 6, 9, 29–30, 33–35, 38, 42, 50, 55–57, 68, 77, 89, 91, 99, 101n , 108, 121, 140, 142–143, 196
- Billotte, Lt. Gen. Pierre, 110–111
- Birdsall, Lt. Col. Paul, 696
- Bissell, Richard M., Jr., 469, 486–489, 671–672, 1121
- Black, Eugene R., 428
- Blaisdell, Thomas C., Jr., 428, 598, 600, 603, 608
- Blau, Clarence I., 428
- Bliss, Don, 453
- Blum, Léon, 613–616, 622, 624, 646, 674
- Blum, Robert, 1039
- Bogomolov, Alexander Yefromovich, 662
- Boheman, Erik C., 268–270, 296
- Bohlen, Charles E., 108, 116, 128, 148, 154, 168–169, 177, 182, 184–186, 193, 205–211, 271, 550, 557, 722
- Bolivia, 961, 1049
- Bolton, Sir George L. F., 599, 604–605
- Bonbright, James C. H., 617, 696
- Bonesteel, Lt. Col. Charles II., III, 388, 417n , 437, 446–447, 1121
- Bonneau, Gabril, 925
- Bonnet, Henri: European Recovery Program, 359–361, 365n ; Export–Import Bank loan for France, negotiations concerning, 626; French political and economic situation, 611; French security, 643–644, 660; Italian colonies, disposition of, 839, 918–919: North Atlantic Treaty Organization, development of, 99, 148, 152, 155–159, 164–166, 168, 171–173, 181, 214, 217–221, 229–232, 237, 249–250, 270, 310–312, 318–319, 324–329, 645: Trieste question, 514n ; Western European Union, development of, 104, 112, 121, 123, 142
- Bracci, Mario, 857
- Bradley, Gen. Omar N., 110–111, 221, 648, 665n 808, 816
- Branting, Georg, 504
- Brazil, 203–205, 608, 896n , 922, 943, 1045–1046
- Brewster, Owen, 105
- Bridges, Styles, 388
- British colonies and dependencies, 1077, 1091, 1102, 1106, 1110
- British Commonwealth (see also under United Kingdom and Western European Union): Aircraft purchases from the United Kingdom, 259; British consultations with, 448; British ties to, 303, 417, 452, 458, 460, 484, 487–489, 1077, 1081, 1090–1094, 1113–1115, 1118; dollar deficits of, 442–443, 451; Imperial preferences, 1103: International Monetary Fund, drawings from, 1067; Italian colonies, disposition of, 898, 900; Spain, policy toward, 1057–1058; U.S. support for, 1095
- British Empire, 442, 955n , 1081, 1103, 1113–1114
- British Honduras, 1102
- British Joint Services Mission in Washington, 189
- British-Mexican Oil Company, 807
- British Overseas Airways Corporation, 895–896
- Bronz, George, 428
- Brooks, James R., 562n
- Brosio, Manlio, 988n
- Bruce, David K. E., 639, 649–651, 659, 670, 672
- Bruce, Howard, 466, 486n
- Bruggmann, Karl, 429–431, 474, 494
- Brusasca, Guiseppe, 852
- Bryn, Dag, 127, 223n
- Budget, Bureau of the, 554
- Buehler, Lt. Col. John P., 428
- Buhl, Vilhelm, 323–324
- Bulgaria, 154n 736, 788
- Bull, Maj. Gen. Harold R., 616–618, 621–622
- Burin de Roziers, Etienne, 925
- Burma, 442, 706, 1084, 1100
- Butler, George H., 58–59, 72, 78n , 128, 148
- Butrick, Richard P., 315, 720–721
- Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic, 896, 922, 943, 951
- Byington, Homer M., 537–538, 569–572, 576–577, 696, 803–806, 822–823, 890, 930, 982–985, 987n 989n
- Byrnes, James F., 80
- Cadogan, Sir Alexander, 508, 521n
- Caeiro da Matta, José, 202–263, 995, 1002–1007, 1009–1010
- Caffery, Jefferson: European Recovery Program, 355–356, 377–378, 380–381, 395–410, 413–414, 420–421, 423n , 425–427, 437, 454–455; France, economic situation in, 592, 597–598, 601–604, 607, 626–628, 631–632, 635n , 651, 659, 661, 670–671, 677; France, [Page 1134] political situation in, 594–597, 613–616, 622–626, 629–631, 634, 637–642, 646, 661–664, 668, 674, 677; French North Africa, 690–691; Italian colonies, disposition of, 902–903, 911–912, 921, 925–927, 929, 931–932; Italy, French policy toward, 628–629, 633, 839–841, 978n ; North African conference, 694–695; Soviet aggression against Western Europe, French concern regarding possibility of, 616–618, 629; Spanish exile group in France, 1051–1052, 1054–1055; Trieste question, 512, 513n , 515n , 516n , 525, 526n , 527n , 573n : U.S. arms for France, question of, 253: Western European Union. 14n , 26–30, 34–35, 38, 50, 68, 77n , 84–85, 112, 114n , 121, 139, 142–143, 222, 256–257, 300n
- Cambodia, 691
- Campilli, Pietro, 396, 398, 730, 865n
- Canada (sec also under North Atlantic Treaty Organization, etc., Trieste, etc., United Kingdom, and Western European Union): Devaluation of French franc, 607: Italian colonies, disposition of, 896n , 922, 943; joint U.S.-Canadian defense arrangements, 132, 149; standardization of armaments, 191
- Canali, Paolo, 736n , 789n
- Canary Islands, 1063
- Cannon, Cavendish, 508n , 519–520, 523n 526–528, 539–541
- Capehart, Homer E., 83
- Carey, James B., 847–848, 852, 859, 867
- Cargo, William I., 953n
- Caribbean, 1101, 1125
- Carson, Col. Marion, 696
- Carter, Marshall S., 411, 614
- Casablanca Conference (1943), 684, 713
- Castellani, Augusto, 575
- Cattani, Attilio, 373
- Cattani, Leone, 817
- Cecil, Robert, 59
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 728
- Ceylon, 442, 706, 1084, 1125
- Charles, Sir Noel H. H., 894–895, 900, 910, 922, 937, 942–948
- Chase National Bank, 1039–1040, 1057–1058
- Chauvel, Jean, 84–85, 121n , 921
- Chile, 731, 1102
- China: British policy toward, 1101: Italian colonies, disposition of, 896n , 922, 943, 961; most-favored-nation treatment for areas under occupation or control, opposition to, 460; security of, 65, 70, 197–198; U.S. economic and military assistance for, 280, 390, 483, 678, 681–682, 780; U.S. policy toward, 469, 1101
- Churchill, Winston S., 90–91, 275n , 970, 1003, 1077
- Cianca, Alberto, 821
- Cingolani, Mario, 753n
- Cippico, Edoardo Prettner, 851
- Civil air transport: Bermuda concept, 657; French policy, 657
- Clark, Clifford, 477–478
- Clark, Gen. Mark W., 675
- Clarke, Richard W. B., 1067–1068
- Clay, Gen. Lucius D., 207, 290, 390, 410, 419, 643–644, 648, 660, 664–665
- Clayton, William L., 368, 388, 425–426
- Clutton, George Lisle, 922, 937, 954–956, 958
- Cognazzo, Col. Giuseppe, 815
- Combined Chiefs of Staff (U.S.–U.K.):
- Combined Civil Affairs Committee (U.S.–U.K.), 551
- Commerce, (U.S.) Department of, 399, 564–565
- Committee (Council, Conference) for European Economic
Cooperation (CEEC) (see
Organization for European Economic Cooperation
and under
European Recovery Program):
- Activities of, 352, 354–355, 365, 377–378
- Anglo-American zones of occupation in Germany, relationship to, 384–390, 403n , 404, 407, 409, 418–420, 553
- Anglo-French consultations with other participating countries, 365–366, 373, 377–378, 381–382, 383n
- Belgian role, 380, 396
- Benelux role, 355, 378, 381–382, 396
- British role, 39, 352–356, 359–361, 365–367, 377, 381–383, 386, 391–392, 396, 401–403, 406–407, 409–410, 412–413, 417–419, 602, 843, 845, 1080–1081, 1118
- Clearing and compensation arrangements, 352, 380–381, 387, 406, 1081
- Commodity committees, 382–383, 391
- Conference at Paris (1947), 356, 360–362, 373, 383, 385, 404, 408, 412, 658, 1022, 1036, 1119
- Conference at Paris, Mar. 15–Apr. 16, 354–357, 359–361, 365–368, 377, 382–389, 391–392, 395–398, 401–403, 423, 439, 835, 860, 873n , 1118
- Customs union study group, 352, 379, 406, 408, 1081
- Danish role, 396
- Economic Commission for Europe, relationship to, 375, 385
- European Recovery Program, 399–403, 405–406, 416–417, 438
- French role, 355–356, 359–363, 365–367, 380–383, 386, 392, 396, 398, 401, 406, 409–410, 413, 418–420
- French zone of occupation in Germany, relationship to, 384–389, 409, 418–420
- Irish role, 381
- Italian role, 355, 373, 378, 380–382, 393, 401, 406, 835, 838, 860, 874
- Luxembourg role, 396
- Meetings of, 42
- Mission to the United States (1947), 362n
- Netherlands role, 380, 382, 396
- Norwegian role, 397
- Participating countries, 352, 354, 365–366, 375–376, 382–387, 400, 404–405, 415–416, 419–420, 454, 554, 556, 825, 861, 873, 1026, 1035–1036, 1081, 1084–1085
- Reports, 156–158, 352, 354–355, 366, 373, 381, 383–385, 408, 417, 419, 461, 470, 474
- Representation in Washington, question of, 420
- Scandinavian role, 355, 378, 381, 396
- Secretary-General, 383, 398
- Staff, 362–363
- Swedish role, 355, 366–367, 396, 405
- Swiss role, 377–378, 381–382, 393, 397, 403, 474, 494
- Trieste (Anglo-American zone), relationship to, 553–554
- Turkish role, 397
- U.S. attitude, 3, 356–357, 384–386, 389–390, 397–401, 412–421, 485–486, 864, 1082
- Working Group, 355, 360, 366, 378, 381–384, 389–390, 395n , 398, 401, 403–404, 423n
- Communist Information Bureau (Com-inform), 239, 353, 361, 661, 669, 673, 727, 1077; denunciation of Tito and Yugoslav Communist Party, 528–530, 536, 541, 543–544, 548
- Communist International (Comintern), 239, 674
- Conference of Berlin (Potsdam) (1945), 914
- Congress (U.S.): Byrd Law, 744; Committee for European Economic Cooperation, report by, 156; ECA appropriations, debates and hearings, 223, 1089, 1121; European Recovery Program, 13, 22, 83, 266, 307, 352–394 passim, 400–402, 405, 407, 411–412, 416–417, 426, 433, 438, 446, 451, 458, 461, 465, 468, 473, 478, 491–492, 495–498, 626–627, 667, 669, 673, 678, 681, 733, 766–767, 842, 853n , 868–869, 873n , 884, 886–887, 996–997, 1024, 1033, 1036, 1044, 1066, 1074, 1083, 1085–1087, 1089, 1113; France, question of U.S. military assistance for, 676; House Appropriations Committee, 433, 751, 887; House Foreign Affairs Committee, 111, 123, 149, 751; House of Representatives, 92, 94, 137, 149, 320, 400, 411–412, 869, 873, 1036–1037, 1044, 1054; interim aid program, 728, 730, 861, 1074n ; Italian colonies, disposition of former, 960; Italy, U.S. policy toward, 778, 812; joint Congressional committee on foreign economic cooperation, 462; military alliance between the United States and the United Kingdom, question of, 13, 17; military assistance programs, 391, 744, 751, 754, 756, 759, 761, 812; National Advisory Council, 609; North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 72, 80, 82–84, 128, 131, 133, 187, 213, 282, 297, 317–318, 320, 326–327, 814, 1006; occupation costs in Germany, 585; Senate, 80, 82, 92–94, 105, 149–151, 156, 169, 178, 187, 196, 213, 244, 247, 282, 297, 311, 320, 325, 377, 390, 394–395, 400, 411, 636, 853n , 873n , 1006; Senate Appropriations Committee, 751, 887; Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 82–84, 94, 96–97, 101, 105, 107, 117, 121, 133, 156, 189, 320, 377, 384, 626, 636, 751, 887; Soviet expansionist policy, 40; U.N. affairs, 82–84, 92–96, 105, 119; Universal Military Training, 869; Vandenberg Resolution (see under North Atlantic Treaty Organization and Western European Union); war powers of, 156–157, 173, 211–212, 245, 350; Western European Union, 10, 41, 60, 83–84, 92–93, 99, 118, 121, 149–150, 157, 166–167, 184, 187, 196–197, 200, 208, 210, 224, 252, 260, 280, 282, 291, 305, 652, 885; wheat policy, 872
- Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), 841–842, 847n , 848n , 867
- Conklin, William G., 429
- Connally, Tom, 271
- Conolly, 735n , 973, 975, 977, 979, 983–986, 989
- Cook, Don, 446n
- Cooper, Duff, 1004–1005
- Corfu case, 1094
- Costa Rica, 961
- Costantini, Constintino, 823
- Cottam, Howard Rex, 730
- Council of Foreign Ministers (see also under Italian colonies, etc.): Breakdown of London meeting (1947), 1n , 4, 25, 353, 359, 361, 618, 1069, 1073, 1075n , 1095; Deputies (see also under Italian colonies, etc.), 734; draft Four-Power treaty on [Page 1136] disarmament and demilitarization of Germany, 3; establishment of, 914–915; German question, 921; Italian peace treaty, 116, 512; Soviet attitude, 155, 921; Trieste question, 531–532, 555
- Couve de Murville, Maurice, 925
- Creech Jones, Arthur, 937n
- Cripps, Sir Stafford, 397, 412, 437, 452–453, 455–456, 458, 465, 468, 471, 473, 489, 597, 601, 1067, 1072–1073, 1076
- Crossman, Richard Howard Stafford, 1077, 1123–1124
- Cuba, 955n , 961
- Cuesta, Fernandez, 1050
- Culbertson, Paul T., 1017–1040 passim, 1063–1064
- Cumming, Hugh Smith, Jr., 299–300
- Cunningham, Sir Andrew Browne, 969
- Cunningham, Harry F., Jr., 721
- Cyprus: British base on, 1099; Greek claim to, 1099
- Cyrenaica. See under Italian colonies, etc.: Libya.
- Czechoslovakia: British policy toward, 1077; Communist coup, 32, 35, 38, 40–41, 45, 47, 51, 98, 113, 152, 154, 265, 393, 629, 776, 786, 835–837, 838n , 845–846, 848, 850, 868; Economic Commission for Europe, membership in, 500; General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, member of, 448: Italian colonies, disposition of, 895–896, 922, 943; Munich Conference (1938), 130; Warsaw conference and declaration, 154n ; withdrawal of British and American Ambassadors, question of, 843, 845
- Dahlman, Sven, 134
- Dalton, Hugh, 275n , 1076
- Danube conference, 541
- Danvila, Julio, 1060
- D’Aragona, Lodovico, 753n
- Daridan, Jean, 270n
- de Azcarati, Pablo, 505
- de Castro, Augusto, 1004–1005
- de Courten, Raffaele, 969
- Defense, (U.S.) Department of (Department of National Defense, National Military Establishment), 118, 141, 188, 267, 271, 292, 305, 333n , 645, 660, 720, 722, 701, 768, 778, 780, 783, 807, 814–815, 1039, 1040n
- De Gasperi, Alcide: Economic situation in Italy, 883–884; food situation in Italy, 737–738, 740–742; Italian armed forces, U.S. military assistance for, 738, 751, 756–758, 761, 772, 774–775, 782, 784–790, 794, 802n , 827–828; Italian colonies, disposition of, 930, 937, 940–941, 966–968; Italian elections, 633, 828, 833–834, 836–837, 840, 845, 847, 851–852, 856–859, 877; Italian fleet, disposition of, 978n , 987; Italian government, 524, 728, 737, 752–753, 798, 829, 841–845, 851, 902, 966: Soviet aggression against Western Europe, danger of, 795, 885; Trieste question, 514–515, 797; U.S. military forces in Italy, delay in the withdrawal of, 729–730, 749; U.S. military mission, proposed, 736–737, 749; Western European Union, 33, 53–54, 62, 65–66, 115–116, 252–253, 261–262, 267, 298
- De Gaulle, Gen. Charles, 306–308, 454, 469, 595–597, 614–615, 618, 622–624, 629–631, 633–634, 639, 641–642, 653–I 654, 663–664, 666–667, 669, 677, 680, 690, 1074
- Dejean, Maurice, 505
- Del Andes, Conde, 1054
- Delaney, George, 673
- de Lattre de Tassigny, Gen. Jean, 276, 290, 676
- Del Vayo, Julio Álvarez, 1052
- De Martino, Col. Umberto, 815
- Dendramis, Vassili, 16–17, 321–322
- Denmark (see also under
Committee for European Economic Cooperation, European Recovery Program, North
Atlantic Treaty Organization, etc., Organization for European Economic Cooperation, and
Western European Union):
- Agreements with the United States:
- Double taxation convention, May 6, 591: economic cooperation, June 29, 409, 463, 590; economic cooperation, Nov. 4 and 18, 590; most-favored-nation treatment to areas under occupation or control, June 29, 591
- German refugees in Denmark, consultations with the United States on the disposition of, 584–585, 587, 589
- Greenland: Consultations with the United States on arrangements for the defense of, 584–590; Danish suzerainty over, 299
- Inter-Allied Reparations Agency, member of, 585
- Italian colonies, disposition of, 961
- Neutrality of, 31, 98, 127, 134
- Scandinavian conference of Foreign Ministers, 30–32, 251
- Scandinavian customs union, attitude toward, 31
- Security of, question of U.S. role in the, 67–68, 139n , 208, 233, 256, 265, 269, 281, 296
- Soviet Union: Policy, 44–45, 51, 67–68, 586, 588; trade negotiations with, 379
- Swedish arms, question of, 300
- U.S. arms, request for, 67, 75, 77
- U.S. base negotiations, 233n , 234
- U.S. policy, 232–234
- Deutsch, John D., 477–478
- Devinat, Paul, 661
- Dewey, Thomas E., 491n
- Dhahran Air Base, U.S. maintenance and operation of, 732
- Displaced persons in Europe, emigration of, 358
- Di Stefano, Mario, 796–797
- Di Vittorio, Giuseppe, 841, 847–848, 852, 859
- Dodd, Norris E., 872
- Don Carlos, 1050–1051, 1059–1060
- Don Juan, 1004, 1050–1052, 1059–1063
- Double taxation agreements, 717, 993
- Douglas, Lewis W.: Economic Commission for Europe, 373n ; economic cooperation agreement between the United States and the United Kingdom, 1109–1113; European Recovery Program, 384, 386–389, 410–412, 418n , 419, 425, 437, 439, 450–452, 458, 464, 471, 476, 483–486, 489, 1074, 1118–1121; French economic and political developments, 604, 647, 671; Italian colonies, disposition of, 844, 891, 894, 896–898, 910–912, 915–921, 923–924, 928–930, 936–940, 942–948, 951–952, 955n ; Italian elections, 837, 843–845, 849n ; North Atlantic Treaty Organization, development of, 49, 50n , 70–71, 300n ; United Kingdom, U.S. relations with, 1066, 1079–1082, 1089–1090, 1113–1117; Western European Union, 1, 32–34, 35n , 55n , 56n , 59–60, 64, 69, 78, 88–91, 123–126, 143–148, 155, 188, 261n , 266
- Dowling, Walter C., 261n , 569, 572, 726n , 784–787, 789, 797, 830, 871
- Drury, C. M., 477–478
- Duclos, Jacques, 661–662
- Duke of Sotomayor, 1050
- Dulles, John Foster, 84, 104, 106–109, 295, 491, 623–624
- Dunham, William B., 1040, 1057–1058
- Dunn, James Clement: European Recovery Program, 373, 873–875, 888–889; Italian colonies, disposition of, 903, 912n , 930, 966–968; Italian elections, 816–822, 827–830, 832–838, 841–842, 845–847, 850–860, 866n , 868–870, 877–882, 903; Italian fleet, disposition of, 972–977, 979–981, 986–991; Marshall visit to Rome, 883–887; Trieste question, 509–510, 514–516, 518n , 525n , 541n , 560n , 566–568, 574, 576n ; U.S. policy toward Italy, 729–759 passim, 764–765, 774n , 775n , 781n , 784–790, 797n , 799–800, 808–811, 822–824, 825n , 860, 867–868; Western European Union, question of Italian participation in, 45, 53–54, 252–253, 261n , 267
- Durand, André, 635
- Eaton, Charles A., 553
- Eccles, Marriner S., 598–601, 603, 605–611
- Ecer, Bokuslav, 504
- Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) ( see also under Committee for European Economic Cooperation and Organization for European Economic Cooperation): Activities of, 39, 146, 352, 363; British policy, 489, 1081; coal and transport committees, 385, 501; Italian participation, 875; third session, postponement of, 373–376, 392; U.S. policy, 499–501, 564
- Economic Cooperation Act (1948), 222, 408, 414–416, 424, 429–434, 457, 461, 463, 470, 474–475, 479, 533, 562, 572–573, 652, 873n , 1103–1104
- Economic Cooperation Administration (ECA) (see also under European Recovery Program): Administrator (see also Hoffman, Paul G.), 394–395, 408, 414–416, 426, 429–434, 436, 445, 457, 475, 495, 498, 562, 659, 873n , 1082; French policy toward, 157; loans, 428–429; missions in individual countries, 406, 415–417, 420, 433–434, 462, 496, 638, 645, 651n , 659n , 888–889; Netherlands attitude toward, 169; obligations to participating countries, 433, 439, 444, 465–466, 473–475; policies and programs, 137, 170, 196, 283, 301, 406, 637, 639, 658; special representative in Europe (see also Harriman, W. Averell), 305, 400, 403, 406, 416–417, 420, 424–425, 493
- Ecuador, 961
- Eden, Anthony, 969, 1123
- Egeland, Leif, 503, 505
- Egypt, 298, 692–693, 695, 704–705, 896n , 914, 922, 932, 937, 943, 956, 1097, 1099
- Eichholz, Robert B., 428
- Einaudi, Luigi, 787, 883n
- Eisenhower, Gen. of the Army Dwight D., 616n
- El Salvador, 961, 1049
- Engels, Friedrich, 529
- Erice, José Sebastián de, 1020–1022, 1063
- Eritrea. See under Italian colonies, etc.
- Erkin, Feridun Cemal, 16n , 129
- Erlander, Tage, 160–161, 366–367
- Esenbel, Melih, 984
- Ethiopia, 899–900, 918, 922–923, 926–927, 932, 935–968 passim
- European Assembly, proposed, 1120n
- European Coal Organization, 396
- European Recovery Program (Marshall Plan):
- American Republics, effect on, 357–358
- Austrian role, 394, 433, 435
- Belgian role, 358–359, 363, 367–368, 394, 433, 490
- Bilateral agreements between the United States and participating countries, 408–409, 421–422, 429–433, 435–436, 445–447, 449–450, 454, 456–464, 474–475, 494, 547–548, 576, 669–670, 873n , 1000, 1008, 1108–1112
- British-American zones of occupation in Germany (Bizonia), participation of, 395, 433, 475–476
- British role, 4–5, 14, 19, 58, 274, 352–354, 361–363, 378, 395, 411, 433, 439–440, 442–443, 447–453, 455–456, 484–489, 602, 843, 845, 1067–1069, 1071–1072, 1075–1081, 1083–1089, 1098, 1103–1104, 1108–1109, 1116–1117, 1121
- Canadian relationship, question of, 478–482, 1068
- Committee for European Economic Cooperation, role of, 399–406, 414–417, 438
- Commodity allocations, 434, 888–889
- Communist attacks on, 633–634, 664, 666, 668–669, 673–674, 679, 746, 820, 835, 837, 841, 850, 852, 853n , 854, 867, 1119
- Conference of Socialist parties to endorse American aid, 361–362
- Counterpart funds, 461–462, 638, 650, 650–660
- Credit allocations to participating countries, 394–395, 433–435, 437–438, 441, 451, 456, 465, 469–470, 473–474, 482–483, 888–889, 1078–1079, 1087, 1089, 1104
- Danish role, 51, 324, 378–379, 394, 433, 435
- Economic Cooperation Administration, role of, 399–400, 406, 427–429, 433, 435, 440, 444, 451, 455–456, 461, 465–466, 468, 470–471, 473–476, 478–484, 494–496, 560, 565, 572, 650–652, 659, 666–667, 669–670, 814, 879, 888–889, 1083, 1085, 1087–1089, 1104, 1111, 1116, 1118, 1121
- French role, 308, 394, 433, 439–440, 450, 454–455, 469, 592, 599, 606, 620, 626, 634, 654, 663, 668–670, 1067, 1078, 1111
- French zone of occupation in Germany, participation of, 395, 433
- Grants, 453, 455, 461, 466, 482, 495–496, 498–499
- Greek role, 363, 394, 433–435
- Icelandic role, 394, 433, 442, 1084
- Interim aid program (U.S.) ( see also under France and Italy: United States), 376–377, 551, 554, 598, 651, 1074n
- Investment guaranty funds, 482–483
- Irish role, 394, 433, 442, 444–445, 1084
- Italian role, 376, 394, 411, 433, 435, 768, 794–795, 825, 834–835, 842, 845, 848–850, 852–854, 861, 865n , 873n , 880, 883, 888–890, 917, 1067, 1078, 1080
- Loans, 453, 455, 465–467, 473–474, 482–483, 495–499
- Luxembourg role, 394, 433
- Netherlands role, 363, 379, 395, 433, 435, 496
- Nonparticipating countries, dollar deficits of, 442–443, 450, 480, 1083–1090, 1104
- Norwegian role, 395, 433, 435, 437–438
- Offshore procurement, 435, 456, 478–481, 493–494, 565, 1068, 1087–1088, 1111
- Organization for European Economic Cooperation, role of, 302, 398, 426–427
- Organization of, 112
- Participating countries, 352–353, 356–358, 363, 394, 399, 408, 422, 430–432, 435, 440, 445, 447, 450, 455, 457, 461–462, 475, 486–487, 495–496, 599, 633, 668, 873n , 879, 887, 889, 998, 1000, 1018, 1024, 1026, 1033, 1043, 1055, 1086, 1088
- Peruvian attitude, 357–358
- Portuguese role, 363, 372, 433, 999
- Programming, 398–403, 405–406, 416–417, 426–427, 433
- Saar role, 43
- Scandinavian role, 30, 42, 47, 1080
- Soviet, opposition, 5–6, 155, 186, 239, 242, 266, 353, 375, 657, 661–662, 738, 835, 848, 877, 1103
- Soviet satellite opposition, 499–500, 835, 1103
- Spain, question regarding inclusion of, 411–412, 658, 868–869, 1018, 1021–1024, 1026–1027, 1029–1030, 1032–1033, 1035–1037, 1043–1045, 1054–1055, 1063, 1098
- Swedish role, 23, 268, 354, 391, 395, 433, 435, 474
- Swiss role, 42, 363, 372, 391, 393, 429–431, 433, 470–471, 474–475, 494
- Trades Union Conference on, 362, 483, 485, 841, 843, 846, 847n , 855–856, 867, 1073, 1080, 1119
- Trieste (Anglo-American zones of occupation), participation of, 546–547, 553–554, 571–576, 578, 847n
- Turkish role, 363–365, 368–373, 395, 433–436
- U.S. conditions, 382, 454–455, 1075
- U.S. military bases as quid quo pro, speculation regarding, 366–367
- U.S. policy, 2, 22–23, 34, 40, 42, 58, 83, 85, 106, 118, 125, 141, 156, 159, 167, 177, 183, 185, 189, 194, 208, 210, 216–217, 266, 291, 303, 305–308, 352, 356–359, 363–364, 371–373, 376–377, 389–391, 394–395, 414–417, 432–433, 445, 457–458, 469–470, 474–477, 482–483, 491–499, 605, 627, 633–636, 650, 668–670, 768, 835, 860–861, 863–865, 867, 881, 1077, 1084, 1086–1089, 1103, 1106, 1117
- Vatican attitude, 887
- West German participation, question of, 309–310, 378, 407–408, 413–414, 417, 435, 450
- Export–Import Bank of Washington ( see also under France, Italy, Spain, and United Kingdom), 358, 428, 443, 466, 495, 498, 572, 1087–1088
- Facchinetti, Cipriano, 753n , 774n , 787, 789, 819, 870
- Fajon, Etienne, 661
- Falbe, I. C., 823
- Fales, Herbert P., 1078–1079
- Falkland Islands, 1102
- Far East, 678, 686, 1077, 1100–1101, 1107
- Far Eastern Commission, 447–448, 464n , 1100
- Faroe Islands, 442, 1084
- Farravelli, Giuseppe, 832
- Federal Employees Pay Act of 1945, 744n
- Federal Reserve Bank of New York: Bank of France gold reserve, 627; loan to Turkey, 372
- Fernández, Juan Antonio Suances, 1030n
- Fernandez, Raúl, 1053
- Festing, Gen. Frank, 199–200
- Fezzan: Disposition of, 892, 913–914, 924, 929, 936, 961; French claim to and control over, 689, 693, 695, 707–708, 913–914, 923, 926–927, 942; French trusteeship, proposed, 927
- Finland: Agreement with the Soviet Union, 68, 81, 98, 112–113; elections, 112–113; Soviet attack on (1940), 264; Soviet policy, 24, 31, 40, 44–47, 51, 98, 112–113, 268–269, 629, 835; Swedish attitude, 112–113, 264
- Finletter, Thomas K., 25n , 452–453, 455–456, 464–465, 471, 484–485, 1117–1121
- Finley, Harold D., 696
- Fisher, Allan J., 428
- Flanders, Ralph E., 83
- Fletcher, C. Paul, 696
- Foa, Vittorio, 821
- Foreign Aid Act of 1947, 554, 557n , 562, 594, 755
- Foreign Assistance Act (1948), 306, 408, 459, 561–562, 669–670, 1036n , 1086, 1117n
- Foreign Liquidation Commission, 725, 773
- Fornara, Col. Domingo, 815
- Forrestal, James V.: European Recovery Program, 366, 486, 1120; France, question of U.S. arms for, 647, 649n , 665–666; Iceland, 722; Italian colonies, disposition of, 906, 933, 959; Italy, U.S. policy, 729, 738, 743–744, 746, 751, 758, 762, 769–770, 779–782, 800–801, 806–807, 809n ; North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 72, 333n , 347; Spain, question of U.S. air base facilities in, 1039–1040; Spain, U.S. policy toward, 1030; Universal Military Training, proposed, 869; Western European Union, 183, 221, 289
- Foster, Gordon J., 528
- Foulkes, Gen. Charles, 59
- Four Freedoms, 684, 713
- Four Power Naval Commission. See under Italian fleet.
- Fox, Homer S., 478
- France (see also
French Equatorial Africa, French Indochina, French Morocco, French North Africa, French
Union, French West Africa, Tunisia
and French subheadings under specific subjects and
- Agreements with the United States:
- Distribution and exhibition of American motion picture films in the French Union, Sept. 16, 716
- Double taxation convention and supplementary protocol, Oct. 18, 1946, and Map 17, 1948, 717
- Economic cooperation, Jan. 2, 715
- Economic cooperation, June 28, 306, 407, 454–455, 460, 463–464, 669–670, 715–716; amendments, Sept. 21, Oct. 8, and Nov. 17 and 20, 716–717
- Free entry and free inland transportation of relief supplies and packages for France, Dec. 23, 716
- Military obligations of certain persons having dual nationality, Feb. 25, 715; Dec. 22, 716
- Most-favored-nation treatment to areas under occupation or control, June 28, 716
- Mutual aid settlement, Feb. 27, 717
- U.S. Educational Commission in France, Oct. 22, 716
- British policy toward, 623, 647, 657, 1076–1077, 1107, 1115
- Chamber of Deputies, 616n
- Civil air transport policy, 657
- Coal strike, 662–664, 668, 672–674, 677, 679
- Commercial agreement with Spain, 1045
- Confédération Générale du Travail (CGT): Coal strike, 674n ; demand for wage increases, 32, 625, 632, 635n , 638; split in, 353, 663, 666, 843, 867
- Confédération Générale du Travail-Force Ouvrière (CGT-FO), 625, 632, 638, 646, 673–674, 843
- Council of the Republic, 677, 680
- Customs union with Italy, 302, 340, 368, 379, 656, 658, 681, 838n , 840, 860, 874, 884, 887, 889n
- Devaluation of the French franc, 597–598, 600–603, 606, 608–610, 612–615, 666
- Economic and financial situation, 564, 592, 595–597, 621, 638, 641, 649, 651, 666, 670
- Economic and financial stabilization measures (see also Devaluation of the French franc, supra), 595–597, 613–615, 625–627, 637, 642, 646, 650–651, 659–660, 663–664, 669, 677, 680
- Elections, 637–639, 641, 647, 653
- Export–Import Bank loan, negotiations regarding, 626–628
- German looted gold, distribution of, 628
- Government, 595–597, 604, 609, 611, 614–618, 623–624, 629–680 passim, 685, 690, 700, 779
- Italy, French policy toward, 628, 633, 658, 775, 831–832, 838–841, 844, 870, 902–903
- National Assembly, 596, 634, 637–639, 641–642, 647, 650, 653, 657, 677, 680
- Parliament, 595–596, 637–640, 650, 664
- Petroleum resources, 656
- Political and economic developments relating to France, U.S. concern with, 592–681, 779
- Political parties: Catholic workers labor party, 638, 673–674, 843; Communists, 113, 306, 593, 595–597, 614–615, 617–620, 625–668 passim, 674, 677–679, 681, 685, 711: Gaullists. 595–596, 614, 625, 640–642, 650, 663; Independent Republican, 595; Left Rally, 680; Mouvement Republicain Populate (MRP), 595, 638, 642, 646, 680; Radical-Socialists, 639, 673; Radicals, 595, 640–641; Rassemblement du Peuple Français (RPF), 596, 641, 664, 680; Socialists, 613–616, 618, 638–642, 646–647, 657–658, 674, 680, 838: Union Démocratique et Socialiste de la Résistance (USDR), 595
- Political situation, 32, 37–38, 40, 447, 594–597, 602, 609–610, 613–616, 618–619, 622–626, 629–631, 637–670 passim, 677–682, 685, 690
- Security of, 2, 35, 80, 110–111, 122, 129, 138, 309, 616–621, 629, 634n , 639, 643–644, 654, 663, 667
- Soviet aggression against Western Europe, French concern regarding, 616–622, 629, 658–659, 663, 676
- Soviet policy, 626, 657, 661–662, 673, 685
- Soviet wheat sales to, 737
- Spain, French policy toward, 658, 1007, 1019–1020, 1024, 1043, 1054, 1058
- Trade agreement with Italy, 874
- Treaty of friendship, commerce, and navigation with the United States, negotiations concerning, 652, 655
- U.S. arms and military equipment, French request for, 224, 253, 266, 280, 621–622, 644–645, 648–649, 664–666
- U.S. Army payments to, 628
- U.S. foreign aid program, 592–594
- U.S. interim aid program, 598, 627, 651
- U.S. policy, 306–308, 635–637, 651–659, 748
- U.S. wheat allocations for France, 631–632, 634–635
- Agreements with the United States:
- Franco y Bahamonde, Gen. Francisco, 31, 203, 362, 411, 658, 686, 1004, 1007, 1017–1045 passim, 1050–1051, 1053n , 1054, 1057, 1059–1063, 1097–1098
- Franks, Sir Oliver: British Ambassador to the United States, 396, 406, 484–485, 1119; Committee for European Economic Cooperation, 362, 395n , 396n , 484–485, 1119; European Recovery Program, 1108–1109; North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 153, 159, 174, 178, 181, 231–232, [Page 1141] 237, 249, 270, 319–320, 324–326, 329; Sweden, British policy toward, 254n ; Western European Union, 148, 151–153, 155–156, 158–159, 164, 167–169, 174–175
- Fransoni, Francesco, 504–505, 752
- Frederik, King of Denmark, 589
- French Equatorial Africa, 709, 927
- French Indochina, 652, 655, 691
- French Morocco: Arab League trusteeship, proposed, 692; Communist activities, 711; Egyptian trusteeship, proposed, 692; extraterritorial rights, 686, 688, 715; French policy regarding, 684–685, 687–689, 691–692, 695, 697–700, 706, 710; French Union, question of Moroccan relationship to, 698–699, 711; independence movement, 684–685, 688, 691–692, 698, 700, 711, 713; nationalist movement, 683–685, 688, 691–692, 698–701, 711: North Atlantic Treaty Organization, question regarding possible inclusion of Morocco in, 328: Palestine developments, influence of, 701: strategic importance of, 686–687: United Nations appeal, question of, 685, 692; U.S. base rights at Port Lyautey, 688, 714; U.S. policy, 652, 687–688, 699–700; U.S. treaty rights. 700, 714–715; U.S. trusteeship, proposed, 692
- French North Africa (see also Algeria, Fezzan, French Morocco, and Tunisia): Arab League interest in, 714; Communist activities, 685, 696, 711–712: French policy, 685, 690, 692–695, 699–700, 926; nationalism, 684, 690, 694–695; Palestine developments, influence of, 701, 714; political situation, 689, 692; strategic importance of, 683–684, 686–687, 699; United Nations, proposed appeal to, 714; United Nations General Assembly, proposed appeal to, 690, 694–695, 709–710; U.S. information program, 655, 712–713; U.S. policy, 654–658, 682–715
- French Union, 685, 690, 696, 698–699, 711, 716
- French West Africa, 683, 709, 927
- Friedman, Joseph B., 598, 603
- Gaither, Brig. Gen. Ridgely, 527, 560n , 575
- Gallman, Waldemar J., 1–2, 50n , 68, 352–354, 359, 361–362, 381–382, 383n , 391–393, 598, 622–623, 788, 891, 894–896, 898, 900–901, 903–906, 908, 910, 1067–1077
- Galloway, W. J., 182
- Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 859
- Gaston, Herbert E., 428
- Geneva conference on tariffs and trade, 413, 421–422, 447–448
- George, Walter, 105
- George VI, King of England, 1062
- Gerhardsen, Einar, 25n 119, 126
- Gerig, O. Benjamin, 953n
- German assets. See under Italy and Portugal and see Spain: German looted gold, etc.
- German peace treaty or settlement, 3, 287, 409, 418, 448
- German problem, 80
- Germany (see also Berlin blockade,
etc., most-favored-nation treatment, etc., and
West Germany): 718
- Allied occupation forces, 643–644
- Anglo-American-French-Benelux talks on Germany, London, 15, 17, 23, 99, 122, 154n , 388, 447, 636, 644, 844, 1095; agreements and recommendations, June 7, 189, 309, 410, 637, 658
- Anglo-American zones of occupation (Bizonia) (see also under Committee for European Economic Cooperation, European Recovery Program, and Organization for European Economic Cooperation): Bipartite Board, 409; coal I export prices, 475–476; economic cooperation agreement with the United States, July 14, 463; Joint Export–Import Agency, 389, 476
- Belgian interest in German problem, 359
- British policy, 80, 657, 1069, 1077, 1095–1096, 1107
- British troops in, 186
- British zone of occupation, 1096
- Defense plans (Anglo-American-French), 660
- Draft Four-Power treaty for the disarmament and demilitarization of Germany, 3, 10, 34, 80
- Foreign exchange assets and earnings, 861
- French policy, 80, 143, 303, 307, 327, 388, 454, 637, 654, 657, 1096
- French zone of occupation, 384–389, 395, 409, 418–420, 433, 467, 648
- Gold declaration (1944), 995n , 1000
- Italian participation in consideration of Germany economic questions, proposed, 778, 838, 844
- Italian trade with, 882
- Looted gold, negotiations concerning restitution of, 995–997, 1000–1001, 1018, 1024, 1035, 1042
- Military governors, 290, 409–410, 418–419
- Netherlands interest in German problem, 359, 379
- Office of Military Government, U.S., 475
- Reparations question, 309, 843, 845, 860
- Ruhr, international control of, 1095
- Soviet policy, 98, 113, 117, 308, 657–658, 860, 1096
- Soviet troops in, 186
- Soviet zone of occupation, 450
- Trade with Trieste, 565
- U.S. military commander, 292
- U.S. military forces in, 122, 186, 206, 210, 220, 222, 242, 733
- U.S. policy, 308–310, 1095–1096
- U.S. zone of occupation: Air transit service, 732; costs of occupation, 585; most-favored-nation treatment for, 432; refugee problem, 484–485; reserve military supplies and equipment, 754
- Giannini, Guglielmo, 817
- Gibraltar, strategic importance of, 1097
- Gil Robles y Quinones, Jose Mari, 1051–1052, 1054, 1062
- Giral y Pereiro, José, 1052
- Giurati, Capt. Ernesto, 971
- Glawe, Col. Benoid E., 742
- Glendinning, Charles D., 478
- Gold Coast, 706
- Gomez, Trifon, 1054
- Gore-Booth, Paul H., 391–392
- Gorizia, Yugoslav claim to, 523
- Gottwald, Klement, 837
- Grafström, Sven, 112–114
- Greasley, Col. Philip H., 953n
- Greece (see also under European Recovery Program, Italian fleet, etc., North Atlantic Treaty Organization, etc., Organization for European Economic Cooperation, and Western European Union): Blocked assets, 386; British policy, 1077, 1099–1100, 1107, 1115; British troops in, 1074, 1099; Cyprus, Greek claim to, 1099; developments in, 239, 719, 765, 1022: economic cooperation agreement with the United States, July 2, 409, 432, 445, 463; Italian colonies, 896n , 922, 943, 951; Marshall visit, 886; security of, 65–66, 74, 87, 95, 97, 102–103, 108, 205, 334, 342, 766, 1099; Socialists, 361; Soviet policy, 98, 113, 844; Soviet satellite pressure on, 1098–1099; U.S. aid mission, 732; U.S. economic and military assistance, 95n , 196, 280, 390, 427, 678, 682, 756, 759, 761–762, 770–772, 779–780, 799, 801n , 849n , 850
- Green, William, 672–673
- Greenland (see also under Denmark and Western European Union): Danish suzerainty over, 299; defense of, 265, 584–590; U.S. bases, negotiations with Denmark concerning, 233n , 234, 586–588
- Griswold, Dwight P., 427
- Gross, Ernest A., 953n , 960
- Gruenther, Maj. Gen. Alfred M., 59, 61, 64, 69–70, 188–189, 221–222, 644n
- Guatemala, 955n , 1102
- Guidotti, Gastone, 541–542, 550n , 558, 578n , 979, 983
- Guillaume, Jules, 29–30
- Guindey, Guillaume, 597, 602–603, 607
- Guisan, Henri, 505
- Gunneng, 251, 277–278
- Gunter, John W., 428
- Gurney, Chan, 1053
- Gustaf Adolf, Crown Prince of Sweden, 119–120
- Gutt, Camille, 492, 604, 607–608
- Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia, 899, 956, 959, 964–965, 968
- Haiti, 961
- Halleck, Charles, 360
- Hall-Patch, Sir Edmund, 355, 362, 392, 425, 437, 446–447, 455, 485, 490, 607, 1119, 1121
- Hammarskjold, Dag, 354, 398, 425
- Hansen, H. C., 323–324
- Harriman, W. Averell, 183–184, 283, 300–301, 303–306, 308–309, 425–426, 428, 437, 446–447, 452–453, 455–457, 464–466, 470–473, 475, 484–485, 489–492, 494, 499, 603–604, 606–608, 646, 651, 659, 670–672, 884, 970, 1074, 1117–1119, 1121
- Hassan Pasha, 107
- Hauge, Jens C., 24–25
- Havana conference on international trade, 407, 413, 421, 447–448, 875
- Hawaii, 71
- Healey, Dennis, 362, 788, 854–855
- Hebbard, W. L., 439–442, 1082–1083, 1088–1089
- Hedtoft, Hans, 51, 68, 324, 585n , 587–589
- Helb, H. A., 234–235
- Henderson, A. I., 428, 446
- Henderson, James T., 273n
- Henderson, John N., 148, 182, 235, 257–258, 1025–1026
- Henderson. Loy W., 16–17, 78n , 131n , 417n , 692, 694n , 713–715, 849n , 908–910
- Hickerson, John D.: European Recovery Program, 390–391, 417n , 444–445; France, economic and political developments in, 622–624, 625n , 629–630, 659n , 666–667, 672n ; French security, 644n ; Greenland, negotiations concerning defense of, 587n ; Iceland, security interests in, 720; Italian elections, 849n ; Italy, [Page 1143] U.S. policy toward, 779–780, 784–787, 789, 793–796, 799n , 811–814; North Atlantic Treaty Organization, development of, 52, 61, 69–72, 122n , 127, 178–179, 182, 212–213, 225, 227, 256, 270–273, 295, 300n , 332, 344–345, 348–351; Norwegian request for U.S. arms, 223–224; Portugal, U.S. relations with, 999, 1005–1007; Spain, U.S. policy toward, 1034–1035, 1039–1040, 1047–1048; Sweden, U.S. policy toward, 253–254, 296n ; Trieste question, 517n , 561–562: United Kingdom, U.S. relations with, 1078; Western European Union, development of, 6–7, 9–12, 21–23, 34, 40–42, 55n , 56n , 59–60, 64, 66, 78, 116, 148, 158–159, 188, 202–204, 225, 260–261, 267
- Highby, Leo I., 632
- Hill, Arthur M., 770n , 782n
- Hirschfeld, Hans M., 396, 398
- Hitler, Adolf, 48, 130, 239, 249, 418n 835
- Hoffman, Paul G., 283, 301, 414n , 417n , 425–429, 444, 453, 456, 458, 464, 466–469, 471–472, 476–477, 482–483, 485–486, 480–491, 562n , 646, 649, 671–672, 1083, 1117, 1119–1120
- Hollis, Gen. 59, 61, 69
- Hong Kong, 1101
- Hooker, John S., 428
- Horsey, Outerbridge, 998, 1025–1026, 1034–1035
- Hoyer-Millar, Sir Frederic. See Millar, Sir Frederic Hoyer.
- Hull. Cordell, 969
- Hulley, Benjamin M., 223, 268, 344, 348, 584–586, 587n
- Humelsine, Carlisle, 411, 781n , 813n
- Humphreys Committee on German reparations, 309
- Hungary, 154n , 837, 1077
- Hynning, Clifford J., 428
- Iceland (see also under
European Recovery Program, North
Atlantic Treaty Organization, etc., Organization for European Economic Cooperation, and
Western European Union):
- Agreements with the United States: Economic cooperation, July 3, 409, 463, 722; most-favored-nation treatment to areas under occupation or control, July 3, 722
- Keflavik airport, negotiations regarding U.S. use of, 720–722
- Scandinavian conference of Foreign Ministers, 30–31, 43, 126
- U.S. military bases, question of, 315
- U.S. position with respect to North Atlantic security interests in, 720–722
- Idris, Emir Sidi, 893, 912
- Imru, Ras H. S., 964n
- India, 65, 197, 442, 706, 896n , 922, 943, 1077, 1084
- Inönü, Ismet, 333, 363, 368–370
- Inter-Allied Reparations Agency, 585
- Inter-American Conference for the maintenance of peace and security, Bogotá, Mar. 30–May 2, 68n , 110, 410n , 425n , 1036n
- Inter-American Economic and Social Council, committee of, 358
- International Authority for the Ruhr, 309
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 358, 364, 434, 443, 476, 489n , 865, 1030, 1087–1088, 1104
- International Civil Aviation Organization, 999
- International Court of Justice, 36, 334, 338–339, 455, 462, 536, 1102
- International Emergency Food Council, 385
- International Monetary Fund: Belgium, 440, 608; Brazil, 608; British drawings, 438–440, 1067, 1087–1088, 1104; drawing rights, 439–441; France, 439–440, 455, 597–602, 604, 606–609, 612–613; Italy, 440, 600–601, 608: meetings, 489 n; membership, 440; Mexico, 608; Netherlands, 440; principles, 602, 609–610; sterling area countries, drawings by, 1082, 1087; Turkey, 372; U.S. vote, 605
- International Trade Organization: Charter of, 413, 423n , 447, 652, 656, 1104–1106, 1112, 1116; conference at Havana, 407, 413, 421, 447–448, 875
- Inverchapel, Lord: British Ambassador, 396n ; Economic Commission for Europe, 373 n; European Recovery Program, 359–361, 365n , 377, 383n , 411; North Atlantic Treaty Organization, development of, 48, 52, 69, 79n , 99; Sweden, British aircraft sales to, 254; Western European Union, development of, 3–4, 8, 11–17, 19–23, 46n , 55n , 59–60, 64, 89n , 91n , 99–100, 104, 112, 123–124, 136–137
- Iran: British policy, 1077; Italian colonies, 961: security of, 61, 64–66, 74, 87, 95, 97, 102–103, 108, 143, 205, 271, 326, 331, 334, 342, 766, 780; Soviet pressure on, 46, 51, 98, 113
- Iraq, 442, 709, 1084, 1106
- Ireland (see also under Committee for European Economic Cooperation, European Recovery Program, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, etc. Organization for European Economic Cooperation, and Western European Union): Agreement with the United States respecting application of most-favored-nation [Page 1144] treatment to areas under occupation or control, June 28, 723; commercial agreement with Spain, 1022; economic cooperation agreement with the United States, June 28, 409, 459–460, 463, 723; union of, question of, 58, 298; United Nations membership, question of, 203, 246
- Ireland, Philip W., 696
- Israel (see also Palestine question), 701
- Istel, André, 604
- Italian colonies, disposition of former:
- Anglo-American talks, 908–911, 915, 921–923, 927, 954, 958
- Anglo-American-Ethiopian talks, 955–956
- Anglo-American-French talks, 910, 921, 927–928, 931, 936, 954
- Arab states, position of, 907
- British bases in, Soviet charges regarding, 951–952
- British position, 831–832, 840, 843–844, 892–895, 898, 900, 902–905, 910–911, 917, 919–956 passim, 961, 964–965, 1097–1098
- British trusteeship, proposed, 916–918, 958
- Council of Foreign Ministers, 735, 832, 891, 900–901, 914–915, 919–921, 923, 925, 937–938, 942–944, 946n , 949–952, 958
- Council of Foreign Ministers’ Deputies on Italian colonies: Deliberations, 891–942 passim, 966; recommendations, 942–951, 956n , 958
- Disposition, 115–116, 136, 261, 267, 283, 298, 330, 509, 628n , 689–690, 734, 891–969
- Eritrea, 893–894, 895n , 899, 904–905, 907–908, 910, 916–918, 923–924, 927, 932, 933n , 935, 938–942, 944–946; Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, proposals regarding cession of northern Eritrea to, 916n , 923, 932, 956: British bases in, question of, 899, 907; British position, 959; British trusteeship, proposed, 935, 938; Ethiopia, proposed cession to, 959–960, 962–966, 968; Ethiopian attitude, 953, 955–959; Ethiopian trusteeship, proposed, 935–939, 945, 950, 955; French position, 945–946, 950, 968; Italian position, 969; Italian trusteeship, proposed, 925–926, 937, 939–940, 943–946, 968; return to Italy, proposed, 927, 937, 953; U.S. position, 946, 952, 958–960, 963–965; U.S. telecommunications base and air and naval base facilities, 899, 934–935, 956–960, 964–965
- Four Power Commission of Investigation, 689, 734–735, 831–832, 839, 844, 892–899, 901–906, 908–909, 911–912, 915, 935, 942, 952, 955
- French-American discussions concerning, 925–927
- French position, 689–690, 831, 838–840, 893–895, 897, 900–906, 910–911, 917–921, 922n , 925–927, 929, 931, 937, 939–941, 943, 945–951, 954, 968
- Independence, proposed, 918, 925, 931–932
- Interested governments (Egypt, Ethiopia, and Italy), 896, 898n , 899–900, 901n , 903–905, 914, 915n , 918, 922–923, 926–927, 932, 935, 938–941, 943–945, 950, 952–953, 955–959, 962–963, 965, 967
- Italian position, 831–832, 852, 860, 870, 893–895, 897–898, 902, 904, 916–917, 922, 930, 938–941, 943, 945, 957, 965–969
- Italian trusteeship, proposed, 830–832, 838n , 852n , 860, 893, 898, 902n , 916n , 917n , 923, 927, 940, 947, 960, 1097
- Libya:
- Arab League interest, 709, 714; Arab League trusteeship, proposed, 689, 693, 695, 704–705; Arab states’ interest, 892–893, 919, 957–958; boundaries with French territories, 906; British military administration, 734, 807; Britsh military bases, 899–900, 907, 911, 926, 931–932, 937, 1097; British policy, 891–893, 916, 918, 922–923, 928–929, 937, 941–942, 947–948, 954, 961; British trusteeship, proposed, 689–690, 693–695, 704, 706–707, 892–893, 910–911, 913, 916n , 923, 926–929, 931–932, 936–938, 942, 947, 954–955, 957–958, 961–962; Council of Foreign Ministers’ Deputies for Italian colonies, recommendations of, 947–948, 958n ; Cyrenaica, 689, 693, 695, 697, 703–704, 706, 892–893, 897, 910, 912–913, 918–919, 923, 926–927, 931, 936–938, 941–942, 947–948, 954–955, 958, 961–963, 1097, 1099; disposition of, 689–690, 703, 708, 793–795, 845, 860, 891–893; Egyptian trusteeship, proposed, 689, 693, 695, 704–706; Four Power Commission of Investigation, visit of, 899, 904, 906, 908–910, 912, 915, 942, 962; French policy, 704, 707–709, 906, 910, 913, 918–919, 924, 926–929, 936, 938, 942, 947, 961, 965, 968; French trusteeship, proposed, 693, 695, 704; independence, proposals [Page 1145] for, 690–691, 693, 695, 703–705, 707–708, 852, 892–893, 910, 912–913, 918–919, 923, 926, 929, 936, 957–958, 962; Italian policy, 852n , 860, 895, 904, 937; Italian trusteeship, proposed, 693, 695, 703–705, 708–709, 860, 892–893, 910–912, 926–927, 929, 931–932, 942, 957, 960–961, 965, 968–969; Soviet attitude, 936, 943; Tripolitania, 689–690, 693, 695, 703–709, 892–893, 910–913, 917–918, 923–924, 926–929, 931, 936–938, 940–942, 947–948, 954–955, 957, 960–963, 965, 968; United Nations, possible referral to, 709, 763; United Nations General Assembly, possible referral to, 942, 958; United Nations trusteeship, proposed, 963; U.S. air bases, question of, 899–900, 930, 934; U.S. air facilities, agreement with British concerning, 907; U.S. position, 704–707, 892, 906–907, 912–914, 936, 938, 942, 947, 954, 957–958, 960–963, 968; U.S. troops, proposed transfer from Italy of, 734–735, 739–740; U.S. trusteeship, proposed, 689, 693, 695, 704, 706, 913, 923–924, 928–929, 931, 942, 960
- Other interested governments (Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Byelorussia, Canada, China, Czechoslovakia, Greece, India, Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, Poland, Ukrainian SSR, Union of South Africa, Yugoslavia), views of, 891, 895–896, 899–901, 908, 922, 940, 943, 951, 961
- Somaliland, 831, 893, 895, 897n , 899, 904, 907–908, 910, 916–918, 923, 932, 938, 940, 942, 944, 948–950, 952–953; British bases in, question of, 899, 907; Council of Foreign Ministers’ Deputies for Italian colonies, recommendations of, 943–944; Italian trusteeship, proposed, 924–926, 931–932, 935–937, 939, 941, 943, 948–949, 956, 962–964, 967–968; return to Italy, proposed, 923, 927, 952; U.S. bases in, question of, 899
- Soviet policy, 776, 830–832, 840, 845, 894–906, 911–912, 917, 920, 922n , 925, 930, 937, 939, 943–945, 947, 950–952
- United Nations: General Assembly, 735, 901, 908, 920, 923–925, 929, 931, 935–938, 945–947, 949, 952–958, 961–962, 964–967; Security Council, 940; trusteeship, proposed, 917–918, 952, 954
- U.S. bases in, Soviet charges regarding, 951–952
- U.S. position, 689n , 769, 831, 839–840, 844, 891–969, 1096–1097
- U.S. Working Group, 953–954
- Yugoslav position, 896n , 922, 943
- Italian fleet, disposition of: Albanian share, 971, 991; British position, 970–974, 976, 990–991; destruction of submarines and other warships, 975–976, 978; Four Power (U.S.–U.K.–U.S.S.R.–France) Naval Commission, work of, 728, 969, 971–977, 979, 982, 985–991; French position, 870, 970–971, 973–974, 976–983, 985; Greek share, 971, 974, 977, 979, 985; Italian responsibilites, 973–978, 982–984, 986–990; scrapping of submarines and renounced warships, 880, 975–978, 983–984; Soviet position, 870, 969–972, 974–976, 978–979, 982–989, 991; Turkish attitude toward transit of Italian warships through Straits, 980, 984–985, 989–991; U.S. position, 970–974, 977–978, 988, 991; warships renounced by the United States and the United Kingdom, disposition of, 974–976, 978, 981–982, 985; Yugoslav share, 971, 974, 977, 982n , 985, 991
- Italian language newspapers in the United States, 822–823
- Italy (see also Italian colonies,
etc., and Italian fleet, etc., and
Italian subheadings under individual countries and subjects):
- African Development Council, proposed admission of Italy to, 844–845
- Agreements with the United States:
- Bonner–Carbino agreement on surplus sales (1946), 763–764, 772, 803, 806
- Economic cooperation, Jan. 3, 755–756, 825, 861, 890; extension, Dec. 30, 890
- Economic cooperation, June 28, 409, 459–460, 462–463, 882: amendments, Sept. 28 and Oct. 2, 882
- Military transit agreement. Apr. 10 and 14, 732–733, 742–743, 790–793
- Taff–del Vecchio agreement, 725, 735, 764, 803
- Treaty of friendship, commerce, and navigation, Feb. 2, 824
- Armed forces, 736, 738, 757–759, 767, 777, 788n , 798, 815, 940
- British policy, 628, 725, 831–832, 838–839, 843–845, 1080, 1096
- Chief of Italian Army General Staff (Marras), visit to the United States by the, 808, 810, 812–816
- Civil strife or insurrection: Danger of, 738–739, 742, 745–748, 754, 758–760, 765–768, 774n , 777, 820–821, 824, 834, 870, 878; U.S. position, 725–726, 734, 746, 768–769, 780, 785–786, 849
- Committee of National Liberation for Northern Italy, 745n , 747
- Confederatione Generale Italiana del Lavoro (CGIL), 818, 841–843, 846, 847n , 867, 869–870
- Constituent Assembly, 728, 741, 753, 870
- Customs Union with France, 302, 340, 379, 656, 658, 681, 838n , 840, 860, 874, 884, 887, 889n
- Economic and financial policies and programs, 825–826, 863–865, 873–874, 890
- Economic and financial situation, 860–863, 865, 874, 883–885
- Elections, 37, 40, 46, 61–62, 69, 73, 77, 86, 252, 261, 390, 411, 507, 509, 520, 522–523, 558, 561, 628, 633, 727, 739, 741–742, 748, 753, 760, 765–768, 770n , 774n , 775–777, 780, 784, 793–794, 796–797, 816–822, 824, 827–878, 886, 892, 899, 901n , 902, 900, 917, 974, 976n , 1029, 1036, 1044, 1093; U.S. policy regarding, 720, 775–777, 780, 787n , 816–890, 897, 900
- Exchange rate, 600–601
- Export–Import Bank loans, 731, 865
- French policy, 628, 633, 658, 725, 831–832, 838–841, 844, 870, 902–903
- German assets in Italy, proposed transfer to Italian Government of, 838
- German economic questions, proposed Italian participation in Allied consideration of, 778
- Germany, trade with, 882
- Government, 726–810 passim, 814, 825–832, 838–845, 849, 851–852, 864, 868–869, 872–876, 878, 879n , 881, 888, 898–899, 904, 917–918, 930, 932, 940–941, 944, 946, 949, 962–989 passim
- International trade conference at Havana, Italian observor at, 875
- Parliament, 847, 876; Chamber of Deputies, 878 n; Senate, 878
- Peace treaty, questions regarding implementation or revision of, 114–116, 204, 241, 201, 267, 283, 298, 329–330, 340, 502–561 passim, 573, 576–578, 580, 658, 709, 725–726, 733–734, 736, 739, 746, 749n , 752, 758, 768, 774n , 775, 778–779, 788n , 794–796, 798, 802, 804, 810, 814, 838–840, 869, 880, 894, 899, 901, 907, 914, 920, 940, 942, 948–950, 952, 962, 970–972, 980–981, 984, 986–987, 1097
- Political parties:
- Actionists, 817, 821
- Association of Female Farmers, 820
- Christian Democrats, 753, 776, 778, 816–820, 828–829, 833–835, 845–847, 851–852, 868, 877–878
- Christian Union Labor Party, 843
- Communists, 113, 353, 390, 513n , 628, 725, 727–729, 738–739, 741–742, 745–748, 752, 754, 758–761, 766–767, 769, 775–778, 784–787, 794, 797, 815–870 passim, 877–879, 881, 887, 897–898, 902, 917–918, 930, 966, 1029, 1044, 1090
- Feminine Alliance for Peace and Democracy, 820
- Garibaldi Avant Guard, 820
- Liberal, 816–818, 845, 877
- Monarchists, 834, 878
- National bloc, 817–818, 878
- Partita Republicano Italiano (PRI), 753, 816–819, 833, 846, 877–878
- Partito Socialista dei Lavoratori Italiani (PSLI), 753, 816–818, 833, 838, 843, 845–846, 854–855, 868–869, 878
- Partito Socialista Italiano (PSI), 753, 776–777, 816, 820–822, 827–829, 832–834, 836–837, 841–842, 847, 854–856, 858, 868–870
- Popular Democratic Front, 816, 819, 828, 833–835, 842, 845, 847, 850–852, 854, 856–859, 868–870, 878
- Uomo Qualunque, 753, 816–818, 833–834
- Political situation, 32, 38, 390, 742, 753, 756, 757n , 762, 765n , 784, 816–890, 960
- President, 847
- Protection of American lives and property, 824, 867–868, 876
- Security of, 884–885
- Ship purchases, discussions concerning, 830
- Ship transfers, 858, 860
- Soviet Union: Aggression against Western Europe, danger of, 617, 795, 884–885; commercial treaty, negotiations concerning, 860, 987; policy toward Italy, 98, 113, 509, 522, 727–728, 767, 776, 788, 797–798, 827, 830–831, 836–837, 844, 860, 870, 877, 898–901, 906, 940; wheat for Italy, question of, 737–738, 741
- Strikes, 353, 727, 739, 745, 747–748, 766, 820, 827, 867, 870, 872
- Sunken ships off Italian coast, proposed gift of, 725
- Territorial integrity and internal security of Italy, U.S. concern for the safeguarding of the, 724–815
- Trade agreements with France, Netherlands, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom, 874
- United Nations membership, question of, 725, 768, 779, 795, 869, 875, 940, 981
- United States: Communists, denial of visas for, 866, 880, 898; democratic forces in Italy, efforts in support of, 816–890; economic and financial assistance, 725, 777–778, 822–823, 825–827, 832, 845, 857, 868, 882, 887; immigrant quotas for Italians, 897–898; information program, 768, 778; interim aid program, 725, 728, 730–732, 737, 755–756, 767–768, 825, 860–861, 881; military forces in Italy, withdrawal of, 729–730, 733–736, 740, 745–746, 749n ; military mission, proposed, 736–737, 749; policy toward Italy, 62, 628, 724–727, 746, 748–749, 765–769, 812–813, 827, 829–830, 836–837, 966, 1096; relief program, 881–882; surplus property sales, 725, 735, 751, 758, 763–764, 772–774, 787n , 790, 803–806, 808–809; wheat and cereals shipments, 725, 737, 741–742, 768, 829–830, 871–873, 878–879, 890, 917
- Vatican policy, 745–746, 776, 794, 818, 827, 845–846, 851, 868, 881, 887, 917
- War criminals, disposition of, 844
- War prisoner claims against the United States, settlement of, 882
- Yugoslav aid to Italian Communists, possibility of, 728, 739, 758, 767
- Yugoslav policy, 798, 836, 844
- Yugoslavia: Italian policy, 561, 786 n; Italian territory ceded to, 862
- Iveković, Mladen, 504–505
- Jackson, Wayne G., 413, 417n 421, 659n
- Jahn, Gunnar, 223n
- Japan: Air transit services, 732; most-favored-nation treatment for, 432, 446, 448–449, 455, 457–458, 460, 464, 1110
- Japanese peace conference, 1100
- Japanese peace settlement or treaty, 448, 1100
- Jaujard, Vice Adm. Robert, 277, 290
- Javits, Jacob K., 1055
- Jebb, Hubert Miles Gladwyn, 37, 59–61, 65–66, 69, 71–72, 78, 123–124, 143, 155–156, 188, 225–227, 231, 1120
- Jernegan, John D., 16–17, 129, 131n , 321n , 984–985
- Jimenez de Asua, Luis, 1054
- Johnson, Col. Douglas V., 814–815
- Johnson, Hershel V., 96
- Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS): Anglo-American talks on the Middle East (1947), 15; Azores, U.S. base rights in, 999; Belgian Congo, strategic importance of, 314; defense plans for Germany, 660; existing international commitments involving the possible use of armed forces, 287; France, U.S. arms for, 648–649, 665; French Morocco, U.S. base rights in, 688; Greenland, U.S. bases in, 587n ; Italian colonies, disposition of former, 906–907, 924, 933–935, 958–959; Italy, U.S. military assistance for, 765, 769–771, 779–801, 806, 809n ; Italy, U.S. policy in event of Communist participation in Italian government, 782–783; North Atlantic Treaty Organization, U.S. policy toward, 69, 333n , 347; Spain, proposed U.S. air base facilities in, 1034–1035; Spain, U.S. policy toward, 202–203; U.S. representation at Brussels Pact military conversations, 188–193, 266, 289–292
- Jones, George Lewis, Jr., 696, 921–922
- Jonsson, Finnur, 720
- Jouhaux, Léon, 632
- Joyce, Robert P., 508–509, 516, 520–521, 524–525, 527–528, 530, 536n , 538–539, 543–546, 550–551, 557–559, 572–573, 576, 578n
- Juin, Gen. Alphonse, 222, 277, 691n
- Jung, Gen. Helge, 296, 300
- Kamarck, Andrew M., 428, 598, 603, 608
- Karpunin, Rear Adm. V. P., 971
- Kauffmann, Henrik de, 584–587
- Kennan, George F.: European Recovery Program, 388, 1108; French political and economic developments, 672n ; Italian elections, 847n , 848–849, 856n ; North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 128–129, 178, 182, 185, 225–226, 234–235, 283–284, 301n , [Page 1148] 315n , 332; Trieste question, 550, 557; Western European Union, 7–8, 100–101, 108–109, 116–117, 118n , 136–137, 157, 159–160, 165, 168, 177, 225
- Kharlamov, Vasili A., 899n
- Kibler, Maj. Gen. A. Franklin, 254, 660
- Kirk, Alan G., 18–19, 56–58, 76–78, 279, 298–299, 490–492, 647
- Knapp, J. Burke, 428, 598, 600, 608, 611, 1083n
- Knight, Ridgway B., 677, 694, 696
- Koenig, Gen. Marie-Pierre, 643–644, 664
- Korea: British policy, 1100; most-favored-nation treatment for U.S. zone of occupation, 432, 446, 460, 464, 1110; situation in, 780; U.S. policy, 1100
- Krag, Jens Otto, 323–324
- Kravchenko, Victor A., 881
- Labouisse, Henry R., Jr., 301n , 402–404, 421, 666, 668–672, 1078
- La Malfa, Ugo, 987–988
- Lange, Halvard M., 20–21, 44–46, 48–49, 80–81, 126–127, 160–163, 235–236, 255–258, 260, 273n , 279–282, 295, 344–346
- Langhelle, Nils, 295
- Laos, 691
- Largentaye, Jean de, 597, 604
- Latin America. See American Republics.
- Lay, James S., Jr., 85n
- Leahy, Fleet Adm. William D., 289–292, 347n 648–649, 770–771, 782–783, 906–907, 933–934
- Lebanon, 1106
- Le Breton, David, Jr., 196, 984
- Leclerc de Hautecloque, Gen. Jacques, 707
- Le Gallais, Hugues, 182, 270, 310, 325, 327, 330–332
- Lemnitzer, Maj. Gen. Lyman L., 188, 209, 267
- Lend-Lease (see also under United Kingdom: Agreements with the United States), Soviet account, negotiations for settlement of, 1066
- Lend-Lease Act, 1075
- Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich, 193, 529, 543
- Le Norcy, 380–381
- Lequérica, José Felix, 1037, 1047–1050
- Leroy, Jean, 900, 925
- Levy-Hawes, Maurice, 558, 565, 569
- Lewis, John L., 672–674
- Liberia. 961
- Libya. See under Italian colonies, etc.
- Lie, Trygve, 1027
- Lintott, 413, 422, 423n
- Linville, Francis A., 871–873
- Locker, Melville E., 428
- Lombardi, Riccardo, 745n
- Lombardo, Ivan Matteo, 411, 816, 821, 832–834, 838, 855, 859
- Longarini, G. N., 823
- Longo, Luigi, 747
- Loridan, Walter, 36–37, 42
- Louchheim, Walter C., Jr., 428
- Lovett, Robert A.: Danish request for arms, 75, 223n ; Danish ships, compensation for, 584; European Recovery Program, 352, 359–361, 365n , 370, 376–377, 383n , 386, 389–390, 410–412, 414–420, 425–427, 445, 471–472, 486, 490, 492–494, 889–890; France, political and economic developments, 597, 611, 626, 672–673; France, U.S. military assistance for, 253, 645; French North Africa, 682n ; German refugees in Denmark, disposition of, 584–585; Greenland, defense of, 584, 586; Italian colonies, disposition of former, 839, 908, 918–919, 930, 932, 954–960, 967–968; Italian elections, 848, 879; Italian fleet, disposition of, 987, 989–990; Italy, U.S. policy toward, 726n , 727, 729–732, 735, 737–738, 740, 746–748, 750, 755–756, 770n , 774–775, 780n , 796–797, 806–807, 809n , 811–813, 876–879; North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 50n , 71–72, 82–84, 92–97, 103–108, 128, 132, 150, 159, 165, 168, 171–182, 198, 208–237 passim, 249–250, 254–256, 258–259, 267–268, 271–273, 282–283, 288–289, 295, 300–351 passim, 645; Portugal, U.S. relations with, 1000–1002; Spain, U.S. relations with, 1030, 1035–1036, 1039–1040, 1055–1056, 1058–1059; Sweden, U.S. policy toward, 253; Swedish neutrality, 268–270, 281–282; Trieste question, 505–506, 520–524, 526–527, 541–542, 546–548, 553, 560, 578–580; Turkish security, 129–131, 196–198; United Kingdom, U.S. relations with, 1083, 1090n , 1120–1121; Western European Union, 12–14, 17–19, 21–23, 32, 46n , 68, 76–79, 88–96, 99, 112, 116, 118n , 121, 123, 142–143, 147–155, 158, 160, 163, 166–170, 175–177, 199–201, 207–208, 225, 200, 266–267, 300–310
- Lovink, Antonius H. J., 194–195
- Lucifero di Aprigliano, Roberto, 817, 845, 847
- Lussu, Emilia, 821
- Lutes, Lt. Gen. Le Roy, 666
- Luthringer, George F., 428, 598, 600–601, 603, 606, 608
- Luxembourg (see also Benelux and under Committee for European Economic Cooperation, European Recovery Program, North Atlantic Treaty Organization , etc., and Western European Union): [Page 1149]
- Lynch, Thomas J., 428, 608
- MacArthur, Douglas, 2d, 617
- MacBride, Séan, 279, 283, 298, 444–445
- Mackay world telecommunications system, 686
- MacKereth, Gilbert, 1036n
- Maclean, Donald D., 59, 115–116, 127–128, 148
- MacVeagh, Lincoln, 262–263, 1001–1005, 1008–1016, 1050–1051, 1059
- Madagascar, 927
- Maddocks, Gen. Ray T., 813, 815
- Makins, Roger, 381, 446n , 485, 1119, 1121
- Malaya, 1100, 1122
- Mallet, Sir Victor Alexander, 937n
- Malta, 1099–1100
- Manuilsky, Dmitri Z., 536
- Manus Island, 587
- Marazza, Achile, 745n
- Marie, André, 642
- Maritime Commission (U.S.), 725
- Marjolin, Robert, 302, 377, 398, 420, 425–426, 473
- Marras, Gen. Efisio Luigi, 271, 808–816
- Marshall, George C.:
- Address to Pilgrims Society in London, Dec. 12, 1947, 2
- Berlin blockade, 885–886
- Denmark, question of U.S. role in defense of, 67–68
- European Recovery Program, 2, 352–413 passim, 420, 425–426, 432–433, 435, 437, 446, 450, 454, 456–458, 464, 469–477, 483, 490, 492, 873, 886–887, 1118
- France: Economic and political developments in, 592, 594, 597, 601, 607, 613, 622–623, 625, 634–637, 639, 642, 645–647, 661, 668, 670–682; security of, 617n , 643–645; U.S. arms for, question of, 664–665, 675, 678, 682
- German refugees in Denmark, disposition of, 584, 589
- Germany, draft Four Power treaty for the disarmament and demilitarization of, 80
- Greenland, defense of, 586–587, 589–590
- Iceland, U.S. relations with, 722
- Inter-American Conference at Bogotá, 68n
- Italian colonies, disposition of former, 891–942 passim, 951–952, 955–956, 958–968
- Italian fleet, disposition of, 972–973, 975–979, 982–983, 985–988
- Italy: U.S. efforts in support of the democratic forces in, 628, 633, 816, 819, 827, 832–859 passim, 866–868, 877, 879–880, 882, 886, 890; U.S. policy toward, 724, 726n , 736, 739–740, 743, 746–749, 752–754, 756–757, 763–764, 769–774, 777n , 779–782, 784–790, 796–803, 808–809, 811, 813n , 822, 824–827, 829, 837–839, 860, 866–867, 884
- Nordic defense pact, question of, 126, 160
- North African affairs, 689–691, 694
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, development of, 48–52, 70, 72, 96–97, 103, 106–108, 122n , 127–128, 132–134, 256–258, 260, 267–268, 271, 279, 283, 284n , 288–289, 294–295, 298, 300n , 301, 315, 323, 332, 345–346
- Norway, question of U.S. role in defense of, 24, 48, 51–52, 80, 279–281
- Portugal, U.S. relations with, 995–1000, 1002, 1008, 1012
- Scandinavian countries, policies of, 30, 235, 250–251, 277
- Soviet Union, U.S. relations with, 885–886
- Spain, U.S. relations with, 1020, 1025–1026, 1028–1029, 1031, 1033, 1036–1037, 1045–1047, 1050–1051, 1053–1057, 1059, 1063
- Speech at Harvard University, June 5, 1947, 7, 19, 22, 183, 470
- Swedish neutrality, 98, 120, 134, 264–266, 268, 295, 299
- Tito–Cominform rift, 528
- Trieste question, 502–552 passim, 557, 559–566, 568–569, 572–576
- Turkish security, question of U.S. guarantee for, 131, 196–197
- United Kingdom, U.S. relations with, 1066–1067, 1069, 1079, 1088–1089, 1108–1109, 1113, 1117–1118, 1120–1121
- Visit to Greece, 886
- Visit to Rome, 808, 811, 883–888
- Western European Union, development of, 1–61 passim, 68, 84, 88–89, 91, 99, 104, 111–112, 114–115, 118n , 121, 123, 135–137, 140n , 142–143, 158, 178, 183, 188, 190, 194, 199–200, 206, 221–223, 252, 261n , 267, 283, 885
- Marshall, Mrs. George C., 883n , 887
- Marshall Plan. See European Recovery Program.
- Martin, William McC., 598–600, 603, 605–606, 608, 626
- Marvel, Josiah, Jr., 51, 67–68, 251–252, 271n , 273n , 323–324, 346, 378–379, 586–589
- Marx, Karl, 529, 543
- Masaryk, Jan, 850
- Massigli, René, 386, 394–895, 900, 922, 936, 942–948
- Mast, Gen. Charles, 617
- Matthews, H. Freeman, 23–24, 97–98, 112–114, 120, 134, 250–251, 252n , 254, 259n , 272, 273n , 277–278, 295–296, 299–300, 354, 366–367, 473–474
- Mauger, Vice Adm. Francesco, 271, 974
- Mayer, René, 397, 437, 592, 595, 597, 601–602, 614, 625, 627, 638–639
- McCabe, Thomas B., 428
- McDermott, Michael J., 853–854, 857, 859
- McGinnis, Edgar L., Jr., 357–358
- McNeil, Hector, 951–952, 1077, 1109–1112
- McWilliams, William J., 713
- Mediterranean security, 47, 60–61, 115, 143, 165, 204, 288, 294, 322, 328–329, 338, 341, 919, 928–930, 1099; U.S. policy regarding, 724, 765–766, 775–776, 849, 907, 933–934, 958, 1099
- Mellaha, U.S. base at, 926
- Mendès-France, Pierre, 600, 604, 608–609
- Menemencioglu, Numan, 196
- Merlin, Umberto, 753n
- Merrell, George R., 899–900, 952–953
- Metzger, Stanley D., 998
- Mexico, 608, 731, 961
- Michelagnoli, Capt. Alessandro, 972
- Middle and Near East: Anglo-American talks concerning (1947), 13, 15, 892n , 1098; British policy, 16, 65, 1069, 1075, 1077, 1107, 1116; British strategic position in, 907; petroleum resources, 683, 907, 933, 1075; security of, 59, 63, 87, 95, 108, 370, 724, 765–766, 776, 907, 923, 933–934, 958, 1098–1099, 1125; situation in, 908–909; Soviet threat to, 109, 202, 294, 1116
- Millar, Sir Frederic Hoyer, 148, 182, 185–186, 201–205, 212, 214, 217, 219, 227–228, 234–235, 272n , 297, 312, 314
- Millard, Hugh, 3n , 19n , 26n , 35–39, 42, 52–53, 57, 104, 367–368
- Miller, Col. Joseph A., 1034, 1039
- Mills, Sheldon T., 357–358
- Moch, Jules, 680
- Mollet, Guy, 855
- Molotov, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich, 131, 885, 969–970, 1113
- Monick, Emmanuel, 627
- Monnet, Jean, 397, 406, 626–627, 631–632, 635
- Monroe Doctrine, 108
- Montgomery of Alamein. Field Marshal the Viscount, 222, 276, 290
- Montini, Giovanni Battista, 745
- Moore, Ben T., 668, 672n
- Morandi, Rodolfo, 816, 856
- Morgenstierne, Wilhelm Munthe de, 258n , 344–345, 348–351
- Morocco. See French Morocco, French North Africa, and Spanish Morocco.
- Morrison, Herbert, 361–362, 1069, 1110
- Moscow Conference (1943), 969–970
- Moseley, Harold W., 751n
- Most-favored-nation treatment to areas under occupation or control, 409–410, 413–414, 421–423, 432, 446, 450, 455, 457–461, 464, 582, 591, 716, 722–723, 992–994, 1016, 1065, 1126; British policy regarding, 447–450, 457–458, 460, 1110, 1126
- Munich Conference (1938), 130
- Murphy, Ray, 880
- Murphy, Robert D., 300n 389, 403, 410, 475
- Murray, Philip, 673, 841, 867
- Mussolini, Benito, 1096
- Myrdal, Gunnar, 362, 373–375, 392, 397
- Nabuco, Mauricio, 1045–1046
- National advisory council on international monetary and financial problems, 380, 386, 427–429, 466–467, 495, 498, 554, 598–601, 603–612, 650, 764, 996–997, 1084n , 1085n
- National Defense, (U.S.) Department of. See Defense, (U.S.) Department of.
- National Military Establishment (U.S.). See Defense, (U.S.) Department of.
- National Security Council: Existing international commitments involving the possible use of armed forces, 287n ; France, question of U.S. military assistance for, 649, 665, 666n ; French North Africa, U.S. policy toward, 682n , 713; Italian colonies, disposition of former, 916, 923–924, 933–934, 958–959; Italy, U.S. policy toward, 62, 724–727, 729–730, 733, 735n , 741, 757, 760, 762, 765–770, 772–783, 800–801; members, 724n ; military alliance between the United ‘States and the United Kingdom, question of, 13; North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 72, 96, 101–103, 122, 128; Scandinavia, U.S. policy toward, 232–234, 253; U.S. base negotiations with Denmark and Norway, 233n ; Western European Union, U.S. policy toward, 41, 58–59, 61n , 78n , 85–88, 100–103, 117–118, 140–141, 189n , 289–292
- National Security Resources Board, 85n
- Navy, (U.S.) Department of, 85n , 729, 746, 758, 772, 774n , 782, 788, 972–973, 976–977, 979, 983–986, 989
- Negrín López, Juan, 1052
- Nenni, Pietro, 361, 633, 753, 776–777, 820–821, 829, 832, 841, 843, 854–856, 859, 868–869
- Ness, Norman T., 428, 598, 603, 611
- Netherlands (see also
and under
European Recovery Program, Germany, International Monetary Fund
, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, etc.,
Organization for European Economic Cooperation,
Western European Union):
- Agreements with the United States: Double taxation, Dec. 1, 993; Economic cooperation, July 2, 408–409, 463–464, 993; most-favored-nation treatment to areas under occupation or control, July 2, 993
- Commercial agreement with Spain, 1022
- Customs union with France and Italy, question of, 379
- Italian colonies, disposition of, 896n , 922, 943, 961
- Restitution of gold looted by Germans, 1018n
- Soviet aggression against Western Europe, concern regarding, 617
- Spain, policy toward, 1007
- Trade agreement with Italy, 874
- Netherlands East Indies, 464, 496
- Newfoundland, 57, 74
- New Zealand, 442, 449, 896n , 922, 943, 951, 1084, 1100, 1110
- Nielsen, Sivert A., 223–224, 351
- Nigeria, 706
- Nitti, Francesco Saverio, 817–818
- Nitze, Paul, 301n , 387–388, 417n , 562n , 670
- Noce, Gen. Daniel, 561
- Nolting, Frederick, 43–44
- Nordenskiold, Gen. Bengt, 300
- Nordic defense pact. See under Scandinavia.
- Norstad, Lauris, 749–750
- North Africa (see also French North Africa and Italian colonies, etc.: Libya), 325–327, 705, 709–710, 712, 1099
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), development of:
- Anglo-American-Canadian conversations, Washington, Mar. 22–Apr. 1, 60, 64–66, 69–75, 79, 96–97
- Anglo-American-French consultations regarding, 38, 49–50, 52
- Austrian participation, question of, 66, 88, 203–205, 234, 237, 242
- Azores, defense of, 57, 109, 203, 217, 240, 244, 299
- Belgian participation, 73, 87, 96, 101, 176–178, 215, 217, 219, 221, 228–229, 232, 249–250, 270, 272, 279, 282–283, 298–299, 311–313, 325, 327–328, 330–331, 338, 341, 645
- Benelux participation, 49–50, 73, 86, 97, 99, 117, 134, 286, 303
- Brazilian participation, question of, 203–205
- British policy, 47, 49, 52, 60, 69–70, 73, 79–80, 86–87, 96, 101, 117, 122, 127–128, 134, 138, 153, 174, 179, 185, 202–204, 210, 212, 217, 219, 226–228, 231–232, 234–235, 249, 257–258, 270, 272, 297, 303, 312, 319–320, 324–326, 329, 338, 341–342, 1122, 1124
- Brussels Pact countries, 107, 122, 177, 179, 184, 187, 194–195, 211, 225, 230–232, 234–235, 240–241, 258–259, 263, 268, 270, 274, 279, 282, 288, 297, 299, 304, 310–313, 317, 326, 337, 348, 1006–1007, 1124
- Canadian participation, 47, 52, 59–60, 73, 87, 96, 101, 107, 122–123, 128, 153–181 passim, 198, 201, 211, 216–217, 219–220, 225–226, 228, 231–232, 234–235, 240–242, 245, 247, 249–250, 263, 268, 270, 279, 299, 303, 310–317, 320, 327, 330, 337–338, 341, 348, 1006, 1124
- Council, 334, 336, 338–339
- Danish participation, 47, 51, 73, 86–87, 96, 101, 107, 159, 203–204, 217, 226–227, 240–241, 244, 255, 258, 263, 271–272, 304, 315–316, 323–324, 327–328, 331, 343, 346, 348, 1006
- Draft treaty provisions, 245–248, 297, 311, 334–343, 345, 349, 351
- French Morocco, question regarding inclusion of, 328
- French position, 47, 49, 73, 87, 96–97, 101, 117, 134, 171–173, 181, 187, 206, 212–213, 217–221, 229–232, 234, 249–250, 270, 303, 310–312, 318–319, 324–329, 334, 338–339, 341, 643–645
- Greek participation, question of, 60, 64, 179–181, 202, 204–205, 225, 298, 321–322, 326, 328–329, 331–332, 340, 342
- Greenland, inclusion of, 179–180, 194–195, 217, 226–227, 240, 244, 265, 299, 323
- Icelandic participation, 47, 57, 66, 73, 86–87, 96, 101, 107–108, 159, 178–180, 194–195, 204, 210–211, 217, 234, 240–241, 244, 263, 279, 299, 304, 315–316, 343, 348, 1006
- Irish participation, 47, 57, 73, 87, 96, 101, 178–181, 203–204, 210–211, 240–241, 244, 279, 283, 298, 304, 316, 328, 331, 333, 343, 348, 1006
- Italian participation, question of, 49, 50n , 61, 64, 66, 69, 73, 80, 86–87, 96, 101, 107, 170, 179, 187, 202–203, 205, 211, 218, 225, 227, 232, 234–235, 241, 282–283, 294, 304, 316, 325, 327–332, 334, 339–342, 349, 812–814, 969
- Limited commitments, question of, 271–272
- Luxembourg participation, 73, 87, 96, 101, 237, 270, 286, 310, 330, 332, 342
- Membership question, 187–188, 202–205, 217–218, 231, 235, 237, 240–241, 279, 287, 298–299, 311, 316, 318–319, 332, 350–351, 814
- Netherlands participation, 73, 87, 96, 101, 169–171, 177–180, 185, 194–195, 204, 217–218, 221, 229, 232, 234–235, 249–250, 270, 311, 313, 318, 320, 325, 328, 331–332, 341
- North Africa, proposed inclusion of, 325–329, 331–332, 334, 338
- Norwegian participation, 47, 52, 73, 86–87, 96, 101, 107, 159, 171, 203–204, 210–211, 217, 227, 240–241, 244, 255–256, 258, 260, 263, 271–272, 278–279, 295, 304, 315, 323, 327–328, 331, 343–346, 348–351, 1006
- Portuguese participation, 47, 73, 87, 96, 101, 107, 178–181, 203, 205, 210–211, 226, 240–241, 244, 262–263, 294, 299, 304, 333, 343, 348, 1006, 1008–1011
- Scandinavian participation, question of, 80, 178–179, 258, 272, 279, 294, 299, 590
- Security arrangements, 47–48, 51, 159, 164, 169, 171–172, 175, 177–178, 182, 187–189, 204–205, 209–211, 237–240, 242, 245, 254, 303–304, 317–319, 327–329, 331, 335, 341, 347–350
- Soviet intentions, estimates of, 184–187, 193, 198, 237–240, 242–243, 280–281, 284–285, 287–288, 294, 323, 332
- Spanish participation, question of, 47, 66, 75, 88, 179, 202–203, 205, 242, 263, 299, 1007, 1009, 1011
- Swedish participation, question of, 73, 86–87, 96, 101, 181, 203–204, 211, 218, 234, 241, 258, 272–273, 279, 282, 300, 304, 316, 320, 325, 343, 346, 349
- Swiss attitude, 64, 68–70, 179, 205, 304, 344
- Territorial scope, 209–210, 225–229, 231, 234, 237, 240–242, 272, 285–288, 298–299, 314, 316, 325–332, 334–335, 338
- Tunisia, question regarding inclusion of, 328
- Turkish participation, question of, 60, 65, 202, 204–205, 225, 298, 321–323, 326, 328–329, 331–333, 340, 342
- United Nations relationship, 82–84, 181, 243, 245, 318–319, 324, 334, 336
- U.S. participation, question of, 42, 47, 51, 176, 178, 180, 240–242, 249–250, 263, 270, 279, 299, 317, 350
- U.S. policy, 47–50, 58, 60, 64–66, 72–75, 80, 86–88, 101–103, 128–129, 132–134, 138, 156, 159, 164–165, 168–169, 171–175, 177–181, 184–187, 189, 193, 202–235 passim, 244–245, 247–248, 254–256, 258–259, 271–272, 281–289, 297, 302–304, 310–314, 317–320, 325–330, 334, 337–339, 342, 348–351, 814, 1006, 1107
- U.S. political and Congressional leaders, consultations with, 268, 270n , 271, 297, 310, 312–313, 320, 327, 344–345, 349
- Vandenberg Resolution (Senate Resolution 239, 80th Congress), June 11, 92–96, 101, 104–109, 117–119, 130–131, 133, 135–136, 169–172, 178, 215, 242, 244–246, 255–256, 281–282, 296, 300, 318, 321, 326, 1006
- Washington Exploratory Talks on Security:
- Ambassadorial meetings, 148–185 passim, 198, 213–221, 228–232, 237, 249–250, 267–268, 270, 303, 310–321, 324–332
- Ambassadors’ Committee, 333–334, 342–343
- International Working Group: Meetings of, 315–316, 318–321; report of, 324, 333–343
- Washington Paper, Sept. 9, 193n , 210n , 237–249, 255, 257–258, 270–271, 310–312, 316–317, 329, 337–338
- Working Group: Agenda, 184, 187–188; meetings of, 182–188, 193, 198, 201–206, 208–214, 221, 226–228, 234–235, 237, 249, 314
- West German participation, question of, 64, 66, 75, 88, 179, 203–205, 210, 234, 237, 242
- Norway (see also under
Committee for European Economic Cooperation, European Recovery Program, North
Atlantic Treaty Organization, etc., Organization for European Economic Cooperation, and
Western European Union):
- Agreements with the United States:
- Economic cooperation, July 3, 160, 409, 463, 994
- Most-favored-nation treatment to areas under occupation or control, July 3, 994
- Mutual aid settlement, Feb. 24, 994
- Official publications, exchange of, June 20, 1947 and Mar. 15, 1948, 994
- Waiver for American citzens proceeding to Spitzbergen, Jan Mayen, and certain Norwegian dependencies, Sept. 10 and Oct. 19, 994
- Defense question: British role, 46–48, 52, 67–68, 350; Swedish role, 300; U.S. role, 24–26, 48–49, 51–52, 67–68, 77, 80–81, 139n , 170, 208, 223–224, 233, 260, 265, 269, 279–281, 296, 350
- Neutrality of, 98, 134
- Scandinavia: Conference of Foreign Ministers, 30–32, 251; customs union, proposed, 31; defense pact, proposed, 160–163, 256–257
- Soviet Union: Border agreement, 21; Norwegian attitude, 44–46, 81; Soviet attitude toward Norway, 21, 46–49, 51, 61
- Spain, relations with, 31–32
- Spitzbergen islands: U.S. support for Norwegian sovereignty over, 71, 74, 233n , 234; waiver agreement with the United States, 994
- U.S. base negotiations, 233n
- U.S. policy, 232–234
- Agreements with the United States:
- Notter, Harley A., 92n , 96
- Nygaard, Eigil, 223–224, 256n , 344
- Office of Alien Property, 996–998
- Office of Intelligence Research of the Department of State, 273–277, 1121–1124
- Office of the Foreign Liquidation Commissioner, 565, 735, 763–764, 787n , 790, 803–804, 809
- O’Konski, Alvin E., 1036n , 1037
- Organization for European Economic Cooperation (see also
Committee for European Economic Cooperation
and under
European Recovery Program):
- Anglo-American zones of occupation in Germany, participation by, 467
- Austrian role, question of, 467
- Belgian role, 425, 467, 473, 490–492
- British role, 342, 425, 447–450, 452, 457, 465, 467, 471, 473, 476–477, 482–484, 486–487, 489–490, 657, 1117–1119
- Convention for European Economic Cooperation, Apr. 16, 386, 389–390, 397, 404, 410, 417–418, 421–424, 431, 461, 470, 474, 547, 1110, 1112
- Council, 403, 417, 424–425, 437, 446, 472–473, 492, 560, 1112
- Danish role, 425, 467
- Draft charter, 404
- Economic Commission for Europe, relationship to, 499–501
- Establishment of, 146, 167, 226, 238, 352, 354–355, 360, 365–366, 373, 375, 377–378, 381–387, 389, 391, 396–397, 400–402, 421–423, 1094
- European Recovery Program, role in programming of the, 398, 406, 426–427, 433, 465–466, 468–469, 482, 670
- Executive Committee, 355, 391–392, 397–398, 401–402, 404, 406–407, 412, 417, 425–426, 437, 470–472
- Financing European trade, plans concerning, 439–442
- French role, 425, 467, 470, 473, 483, 647, 657, 670–671
- French zone of occupation in Germany, participation by, 467
- Greek role, 425, 427, 467
- Headquarters, location of, 396–398, 400, 402, 425
- Icelandic role, 467
- Irish role, 467
- Italian role, 253, 425, 467, 473, 483, 879, 885, 889
- Luxembourg role, 467
- Meetings, 445–446
- Membership questions, 237, 386, 408
- Most-favored-nation treatment to areas under occupation or control, questions regarding application of, 409–410, 413–414, 421–423, 446–450, 455, 457–461, 464
- Netherlands role, 425, 467, 483
- Norwegian role, 467
- Participating countries, 225, 242, 306, 437, 449–450, 401, 404, 466, 468, 470–473, 482–483, 493–494, 497, 499–501, 560, 652, 670, 885, 1117
- Portuguese role, 450, 459, 467
- Scandinavian role, 501
- Secretariat, 381, 385, 392, 396, 398–399, 401–402, 404, 406, 417, 472, 489, 492
- Secretary-General, 424–425
- Special accounts under ECA supervision, 439, 461
- Swedish role, 425, 467, 473–474
- Swiss role, 425, 431, 450, 459, 467, 470–471, 474
- Trieste (Anglo-American zone) participation, question of, 237, 242, 386, 546, 560, 564–565, 567, 571, 575
- Turkish role, 425, 467
- U.S. policy, 283, 301–302, 304, 384–386, 389–390, 412, 418–423, 432, 437, 452–453, 468–473, 476–477, 490–493, 499, 652, 1120
- West German participation, question of, 419, 450
- Orlando, Gen. Taddeo, 819
- O’Shaughnessy, Elim, 659–660
- Overby, Andrew N., 428, 598–606, 608–609, 611
- Owen, Arthur D. K., 374
- Pacciardi, Randolfo, 753, 788, 808, 819, 837, 845, 851n
- Packer, Earl L., 696, 711–712
- Pakistan, 65, 442, 896n , 922, 943, 1077, 1084
- Palestine question (see also Israel), 105, 701–702, 709, 714, 734–735, 740, 908–910, 913, 915, 1034, 1009, 1075, 1094, 1097, 1090, 1106, 1108, 1115, 1122
- Palmer, Joseph, 2d, 692–694, 891–892, 921–930
- Panama, 585
- Panama Canal, 90
- Paraguay, 961
- Parri, Ferruccio, 821
- Parsons, J. Graham, 745–746, 1020
- Pasquet, Maurice, 696
- Paton-Smith, E. A., 891
- Patrissi, Emilio, 818–819
- Patrizi, Ettore, 823
- Pauker, Ana, 837
- Pearson, Drew, 774n , 866n
- Pearson, Lester B., 59–60, 66, 132, 149, 159, 163, 168, 172, 175–176, 179–180, 214–220, 237, 477–478
- Pearsons, William W., 428
- Pereiro, Pedro Teotónio, 998, 1000
- Perez, Antonio, 1054
- Peru, 1049
- Petitpierre, Max, 393
- Philippines, 961
- Phillips, Morgan, 361, 843, 854–855
- Phillips, William T., 387–388
- Pius XII, Pope, 745, 827, 830, 846, 851, 883n , 887–888
- Pleven, René, 630
- Plitt, Edwin A., 691–692, 694, 696
- Plowden, Sir Edwin Noel, 1121
- Poland: British guarantee (1939), 130; British policy, 1077; Economic Commission for Europe, membership in, 500; International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, question of loan by, 476; Italian colonies, disposition of, 896n , 922, 943, 951; power deals concerning, 24; Spain, policy toward, 1053–1054; Warsaw conference of Foreign Ministers, 154
- Policy Planning Staff of the Department of State, 283–289, 682–689, 693, 724
- Pollante, Antonio, 930n
- Pope, Generoso, 823
- Popper, David H., 953n
- Porter, Paul R., 362–363, 375, 489, 499
- Portugal (see also under
European Recovery Program, North
Atlantic Treaty Organization , etc., Organization for European Economic Cooperation, and
Western European Union):
- African Development Council, 845
- Agreements with the United States:
- Assets in the United States, unblocking of, 995–1002
- German assets in, 996–997, 1000–1001
- International Civil Aviation Organization, participation in, 999
- International Monetary Fund, non-member of, 440
- Political and social system, 1012–1015
- Soviet policy, 999
- Spain, relations with, 1003–1004, 1015
- United Kingdom, relationship to, 165, 1008–1010, 1012
- United Nations, non-member of, 246, 999
- United States, Portuguese attitude toward, 1012–1016
- Post-UNRRA Relief Act, 738
- President’s Air Policy Commission, report of, 25
- President’s Committee on Foreign Aid, 1074n
- Presti, L. Z. Lo, 823
- Prieto y Tuero, Indalecio, 1051–1052, 1054, 1062–1063
- Pryce, Capt. Roland F., 971, 972n 973–977, 979, 983, 985–988, 991
- Public Law, 84, 559
- Pumphrey, Lowell M., 428
- Quaroni, Pietro, 967
- Queuille, Henri, 647n , 650–651, 659, 661, 663–664, 668–669, 677–682
- Radford, Vice Adm. Arthur W., 333n
- Radio Corporation of America, 686
- Rákosi, Mátyás, 837
- Ramadier, Paul, 678
- Rasmussen, Gustav, 31, 126–127, 251–252, 346, 586–590
- Raymond-Laurent, M. A., 460
- Raynor, Hayden. 260, 264, 279, 295n , 953
- Reagan, Daniel J., 592–594, 631–632, 635
- Reale, Eugenio, 752
- Reams, Robert B., 525–526
- Reber, Samuel, 9, 12, 34, 182–183, 193, 202, 204, 377, 727–729, 734, 749–751, 995, 1000–1001
- Rebuffel, Rear Adm. Gabriel, 971, 974
- Reconstruction Finance Corporation, 394, 562, 1067
- Regional arrangements for collective security. See North Atlantic Treaty Organization , etc.; Scandinavia: Nordic defense pact, etc.; Treaties, conventions, etc.: Inter-American treaty of reciprocal assistance and United Nations Charter; and Western European Union and under United Nations and United Nations: Security Council.
- Rendel, Sir George W., 39, 53
- Reuchlin, Jonkheer, 149, 182, 185, 204
- Revers, Gen. Georges Marie Joseph, 271
- Reynaud, Paul, 454, 614, 638, 642
- Ribbentrop, Joachim, 418
- Ridgway, Lt. Gen. Matthew B., 103, 110–111
- Robb, Air Marshal Sir James, 276, 290
- Robertson, Gen. Sir Brian Hubert, 643
- Robertson, David A., 417n
- Robertson, 410, 419
- Rocamora, Viscount, 1060
- Rochet, Emile Waldeck, 662
- Rodriguez, Saenz, 1054, 1002
- Rogers, Paulo, 871–873
- Rogers, R. L., 182
- Romania, 154n , 837
- Romita, Giuseppe, 816, 821
- Ronald, Sir Nigel B., 262–263, 1009–1010
- Ronchi, Vittorio, 871–872, 890
- Roosevelt, Franklin D., 265, 683–684, 713, 970
- Ross, Charles G., 1036n
- Royall, Kenneth C., 221, 333, 458, 729, 760, 770n , 773–774, 782n
- Ruegger, Paul, 505
- Ruhr, 309, 1095
- Rusk, Dean, 78n , 92n , 95, 953n , 954, 960
- Ryckmans, Pierre, 491–492
- Saar, 433, 467
- Sadak, Necmettin, 294n 332–333, 435–436
- Saillant, Louis, 841
- Saint Laurent, Louis Stephen, 123, 128, 242
- Salazar, Antonio de Oliveira, 263, 995, 1002–1003, 1007–1012, 1014–1015
- Sale, W. B., 781n , 793
- Saltzman, Charles E., 419–420
- Sandifer, Durward V., 92n , 96
- Santana, Augustin, Jr., 528
- Santi, Fernande, 841–842, 848, 852
- Santo Domingo, 1049
- Saragat, Giuseppe, 33, 752, 753n , 828, 832, 834, 838, 843, 845, 851, 853, 855, 859
- Sargent, Sir Orme G., 623
- Satterthwaite, Joseph C., 321–323, 692, 734–735, 984
- Saner, Waiter, 428, 603, 608
- Saulnier, Jarvis L., 528
- Saxon, James J., 428
- Scandinavia (see also under
Committee for European Cooperation, European Recovery Program, North
Atlantic Treaty Organization , etc., Organization for European Economic Cooperation, and
Western European Union):
- British policy, 1077, 1080, 1093, 1098
- Conferences of Foreign Ministers, 30–32, 43, 45, 126, 235–236, 250–251
- Customs union, proposed, 30–31
- German refugees in, 585
- Meeting of Prime, Foreign, and Defense Ministers at Oslo, 344–346
- Neutrality of, 138, 236, 251–252, 256, 264, 269
- Nordic defense pact, negotiations concerning, 1, 119–120, 126–127, 160–163, 230, 250–252, 256–259, 264, 269, 272, 273n , 277–280, 300, 323–324, 346, 590
- Solidarity of, 67, 302
- Soviet policy, 269
- Spain, relations with, 31, 1007
- U.S. policy, 232–234, 253
- Scelba, Mario, 818, 870
- Schumacher, Kurt, 362
- Schuman, Robert: French economic and financial policies, 592, 595–596, 600–602, 614–615, 635n , 638; French political situation, 595–596, 611, 616n , 623, 630–631, 633–634, 637–641, 646–647, 690: French security, 110n ; Italian colonies, disposition of former, 929, 931–932, 951–952, 968–969: Prime Minister of France, 469: Spain, French policy toward, 1053–1054, 1056, 1058; Western European Union, 142
- Schwartz, Harry H., 200, 696, 916
- Schweitzer, Pierre Paul, 597
- Scoccimarro, Mauro, 748
- Scott Fox, R. D. J., 910–911, 922, 937
- Scotti, Sallarati, 261
- Sebald, William J., 388
- Secchia, Pietro, 529
- Selvaggi, Vincenzo, 819
- Sforza, Count Carlo, 42, 50n , 260–262, 267, 504, 509–510, 515, 542n , 671, 753, 808, 818, 835–836, 840, 854n , 860, 880, 882–884, 887n , 896, 937, 940, 966, 968–969, 972n , 974, 976, 978, 982n , 983, 987
- Sherman, Vice Adm. Forrest P., 876
- Shinwell, Emanuel, 937n , 1076
- Siam, 961
- Silvercruys, Baron Robert, 53, 76, 149, 153–154, 160, 165–166, 168, 176, 178, 181, 214–215, 217, 221, 228–229, 232, 237, 249–250, 270, 298, 311, 313, 317, 325, 327–328, 330–331, 645
- Simić, Stanoje, 526n
- Simonini, Alberto, 845, 855
- Singapore, 1109
- Siraud, Pierre, 631–632
- Skelton, A. D., 477–478
- Slavin, Commodore Semen V., 971
- Smith, Capt. Harold P., 953n
- Smith, Tomaso, 858
- Smith, Walter Bedell, 131, 988n
- Smithies, Arthur, 477–479
- Snoy et d’Oppuers, Baron Jean-Charles, 425, 437, 446
- Snyder, John W., 428, 597–599, 601, 603–604, 606–608, 611, 651, 995–996, 1000–1002, 1083, 1090n
- Socony-Vacuum Oil Company, 1106–1107
- Somaliland, British, 894, 924, 944
- Somaliland, French, 894, 927, 939–940, 945–946
- Somaliland, Italian. See under Italian colonies, etc.
- Sotelo, Calvo, 1050
- Souers, Adm. Sidney W., 61n , 78n , 85–88, 100, 117, 140n , 289n , 724n , 726n , 769–770
- Southard, Frank A., Jr., 428, 598, 600, 603–604, 606, 608, 611
- Southern Rhodesia, 442, 1084, 1106, 1111
- Soviet satellites in Eastern Europe: Italian colonies, disposition of, 904n , 907; paramilitary organizations in, 788: peace treaty violations, 788; Soviet control over, 4–5, 358; U.N. resolutions, violations of, 1018
- Soviet Union (see also Soviet subheadings under individual countries and subjects): Atomic bomb, development of, 90; Lend-Lease accounts, negotiations regarding settlement of, 1066; peace offensive, 138, 661; Politburo, 157; Soviet aggression in Western Europe, question of, 629, 658–659, 661–663, 676, 1005, 1044, 1094, 1107; Soviet expansionist policy, 40, 651–652, 835–836; U.N. Trusteeship Council, member of, 960: war between the United States and the Soviet Union, possibility of, 90–91, 122, 130, 142, 152, 158, 191–192, 195, 207, 285, 290, 616–618, 620, 644, 658–659, 663, 886, 900: Warsaw conference of Foreign Ministers and Declaration, June 24, 154–155
- Spaak. Paul-Henri, 3, 6–7, 18–19, 26n , 29, 34, 37–38, 52, 57, 76–78, 104, 114, 135, 276n , 279, 282–283, 298–299, 314, 358–359, 367–368, 385, 400, 425, 437, 471, 473, 490–492, 647
- Spain (see also
Spanish Morocco
and under
European Recovery Program: North
Atlantic Treaty Organization, etc.; United
Nations: General Assembly; and
Western European Union):
- Alianza Democracia, 1052
- Argentine loan, 1045
- Assets in the United States, release of, 995–997, 1030
- Belgian policy, 1007, 1028
- British policy, 1007, 1019–1020, 1026, 1028–1029, 1031–1033, 1043, 1054, 1058, 1062–1063, 1093, 1097–1098
- British socialist attitude, 362
- Chase National Bank loan, 1039–1040, 1057–1058
- Commercial agreements with: Ireland, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, and Turkey, 1045; France and the United Kingdom, 1045
- Communism, policy regarding, 1027–1029, 1033, 1035, 1037, 1044
- Communist party in exile, 1052
- Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT), 1052
- Diplomatic representation, level of, 1007, 1018, 1022, 1024–1025, 1029, 1033, 1045–1049, 1053n , 1055n , 1057–1058, 1062
- Economic policies and practices, 1037–1038, 1042–1043, 1063
- Economic situation, 1018, 1024, 1027, 1045, 1047, 1061
- Export–Import Bank loan, question of, 1018, 1030, 1039, 1040n
- Falange, 1052, 1063–1064
- French policy, 658, 1007, 1019–1020, 1024, 1043, 1054, 1058
- German looted gold, negotiations regarding restitution of, 996–997, 1018, 1024, 1035, 1042
- Government, 1017, 1022–1025, 1029–1030, 1037, 1039, 1040–1048
- Isquierda Cataluna, 1052
- Liberalization of Spanish government, U.S. interest in efforts toward, 1007, 1017–1064
- Monarchists (Royalists), 1022, 1050–1052, 1054, 1059–1060, 1062, 1097
- Municipal elections, 1037, 1040, 1063–1064
- Netherlands policy, 1007
- Political situation, 1028–1030, 1037, 1047, 1050–1052, 1054–1055, 1063–1064
- Portugal, relations with, 1003–1004, 1015
- Republicans, 1097
- Scandinavian policy, 31, 1007
- Socialist party in exile, 1051–1052, 1054, 1059, 1062, 1097
- Soviet policy, 1031, 1058
- Strategic importance of, 1029, 1031–1032, 1037, 1043–1045
- Unión General del Trabajadores (UGT), 1052
- U.N. organizations, question of membership in, 1031–1032, 1047, 1057
- United States: Air base facilities, proposals regarding, 1034–1035, 1039–1040, 1063; economic and military assistance, question of, 1029, 1043, 1045, 1063; loans, question of, 1022, 1024, 1027–1028, 1039; policy toward Spain, 1007, 1017–1026, 1028, 1030–1036, 1041–1047, 1055–1059, 1097–1098; relations with Spain, 686, 714, 995, 1017, 1021, 1023, 1026, 1031, 1041, 1044, 1056
- Vatican policy, 1019–1020
- Spanish Government in exile, 1052
- Spanish Morocco: Extraterritorial privileges, 686; situation in, 685; Spanish policy, 686; strategic importance of, 686, 689, 714; U.S. policy, 686, 688–689, 714
- Spencer, John H., 899, 955
- Spierenburg, Dirk P., 423
- Spitzbergen. See under Norway.
- Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovich, 57, 113, 193, 207, 529, 536, 543, 859, 877, 885, 888, 970
- Standard–Vacuum Oil Company, 807
- Stang, Emil, 504
- State–Army–Navy–Air Force Coordinating Committee (SANACC), 756–762, 771–772, 779–780, 782, 801n , 806, 977
- State–War–Navy Coordinating Committee (SWNCC), 757n
- Stefansson, Stefan Johann, 43, 315n
- Stein, Eric, 953n
- Stenger, J. J., 428
- Sterling area: British relationship to, 487, 489, 1072, 1085–1090, 1104, 1116; dollar deficit problem, 442–443, 450–452, 480, 1079–1080, 1082–1088; Export–Import Bank loan, question of, 1087–1088; International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, question of loan by, 1087–1088; International Monetary Fund drawings, 1082, 1087–1088; petroleum sales, 1106–1107; U.S. aid, question of, 1087, 1090: U.S. policy, 1116
- Stilwell, Lt. Col., Richard G., 785, 789, 803n
- Stone, Thomas A., 59, 132, 149, 182, 184, 198, 201, 204, 214
- Stopford, Robert Jemmet, 558, 565, 569
- Stowell, Ellery, 1016
- Strang, Sir William, 386
- Strange, Robert, 477
- Stucki, Walter, 505
- Suez Canal, 90, 684
- Sullivan, John L., 760, 770n , 774n , 782n , 801n , 806–807
- Sullivan, William J., 507–508
- Sultan of Morocco, 608, 684–685, 688, 691, 713, 715
- Sulzberger, Cyrus, 853n
- Suñer, Carlos Pi y, 1052
- Surplus Property Act (1944), 744, 758, 760
- Svolos, Alexander, 361
- Sweden (see also
and under
Committee for European Economic Cooperation, European Recovery Program, North
Atlantic Treaty Organization , etc., Organization for European Economic Cooperation, and
Western European Union):
- Agreements with the United States:
- Economic cooperation, July 3, 409, 459, 463, 474, 1065; most-favored-nation treatment to areas under occupation or control. July 3, 1065; quantitative import restrictions and deferment of payments, Feb. 11 and June 12, 1065
- Arms purchases from the United States, difficulties concerning, 296, 299–300
- British policy, 253–254, 259
- Commercial agreements with: Spain, 1022; United Kingdom, 1070
- International Monetary Fund, non-member of, 440
- Military strength, 280, 299, 1054
- Neutrality of, 1, 23–24, 31, 44–45, 67, 77, 97–98, 113–114, 119–120, 126, 134–135, 160–162, 165, 235n , 251–252, 259n , 264, 268–269, 277–278, 299–300, 324, 435, 1054; U.S. attitude toward, 98, 113–114, 134, 224, 233, 265–266, 281–282, 295–296
- Scandinavian customs union, attitude toward, 31
- Soviet Union, policy toward, 31, 44, 268–269
- U.S. military guarantee, question of, 252
- U.S. policy, 232–233, 253–254, 473–474
- Switzerland (see also under Committee for European Economic Cooperation, European Recovery Program, Organization for European Economic Cooperation, and Western European Union): Commercial agreement with Spain, 1022; economic cooperation agreement with the United States, negotiations concerning, 429–431, 459, 474–475, 494; International Monetary Fund, non-member of, 440; Italian colonies, disposition of, 945; neutrality of, [Page 1158] 264–265, 281, 393, 430–431, 470; Socialists, 361; trade agreement with Italy, 874
- Symington, Stuart W., 732–733, 770n , 782n
- Syria, 332, 709, 1106
- Szymezak. M. S., 428
- Taber, John, 388
- Taft, Orray, Jr., 696
- Taft, Robert A., 360
- Tanganyika defense clause, 911
- Tangier, International Zone of: Administration of, 686; extraterritorial privileges, 686; international regime, 686; Italian readmission, question of, 776, 778, 838, 844; Soviet policy, 776, 844; strategic importance of, 686; U.S. diplomatic establishment in, 688; U.S. policy, 686; U.S. relay station at, 658, 686
- Tarchiani, Alberto, 200–201, 261–262, 267, 332, 793–799, 802–803, 811, 830–832, 871–873, 889, 897, 932, 967
- Tardini, Domenico, 745
- Tasca, Henry J., 566–568, 825
- Tate, Brig. Gen. F. J., 617
- Taylor, Wayne C., 428, 446, 562n
- Taymans, Roger, 149, 182
- Teheran Conference (1943), 970
- Teitgen, Pierre Henri, 112, 142, 616–622, 640
- Terracini, Umberto, 835
- Thibodeaux, Ben H., 635
- Thomas, Norman, 881
- Thompson, 113
- Thorez, Maurice, 679
- Thorp, Willard L., 428, 446, 457n , 458n , 474, 494, 516–517, 553–554, 598–599, 603–606, 788n , 830, 849n , 869, 871–873, 1108–1109
- Thors, Thor, 720
- Tieri, Vincenzo, 817
- Tirana, Rifat, 428
- Tito, Josip Broz, 239, 528–530, 536, 543, 545, 548
- Togliatti, Palmiro, 515, 752, 820, 822, 845, 860, 919, 930
- Togni, Giuseppe, 753n
- Tomlinson, William M., 639
- Trades Union Conference. See under European Recovery Program.
- Treasury, (U.S.) Department of the, 253, 380, 451n , 452, 456, 568, 577, 637, 639, 773, 781, 825–827, 997–998, 1000–1001, 1083–1090
- Treaties, conventions, agreements, etc. (See also under
individual countries):
- Act of Algeciras, 700, 714
- Act of Chapultepec, 108, 178
- Agreement between the United States and Sweden regarding German assets and looted gold, 997
- Agreement between the United States and Sweden respecting quantitative import restrictions (1941), 1065
- Agreement between the United States and Switzerland regarding German assets and looted gold, 997
- Andes agreement, 1101
- Anglo-American financial agreement (1945), 488–489, 1104–1105, 1115
- Atlantic Charter, 524, 684, 712
- Bizonal fusion agreement between the United States and the United Kingdom (1946), 418, 1126
- Bretton Woods agreements, 605, 613
- Commercial agreement between France and Spain, 658
- Defense agreement between the United States and Iceland (1941), 720n : agreement for termination of (1946), 720, 722
- Defense of Greenland agreement between the United States and Denmark (1941), 323, 585–589
- General agreement on tariffs and trade (1947), 447–448, 450, 458, 460, 655–656, 1104–1105
- Hague convention, The, 524
- Havana charter for an International Trade Organization, 652, 656, 1104–1106, 1112, 1116
- Inter-American treaty of reciprocal assistance (Rio treaty) (1947), 3, 7, 10–11, 19, 23, 28, 38n , 58, 69–70, 74, 82, 87, 93, 95–96, 102, 111, 156, 160, 169, 173, 175–176, 178, 180, 204, 206, 211–213, 220, 225, 244–248, 263, 311, 313–314, 317, 320, 1006, 1102
- International convention for the protection of industrial property (1925, 1934), 656
- Italian armistice agreements (1943), 969
- Italian peace treaty. See under Italy.
- Italo-Ethiopian agreement of 1897, 944
- Italo-Ethiopian convention of 1908, 944
- Kellogg pact, 286
- Montreux convention regarding the regime of the Straits (1936), 989–990
- Nonaggression treaty between Denmark and Germany, 51
- Paris reparations agreement, 1001
- Potsdam agreement (1945), 447, 914–915
- Protocol between the United States, United Kingdom, Soviet Union, and France on the establishment of a Four Power Naval Commission, the disposal of excess units of the Italian fleet, and the return by the Soviet Union of warships on loan (1947), 971–978, 985, 987
- Statute of the International Court of Justice (1945), 36
- Teheran decisions (1943), 524
- Trade treaty between Italy and Yugoslavia, 534
- Treaty between Hungary and the Soviet Union, Feb. 18, 30
- Treaty of alliance and mutual assistance between France and the Soviet Union (1944), 36, 657
- Treaty of alliance and mutual assistance between France and the United Kingdom, Dunkirk (1947), 4–7, 9, 11–12, 14, 18, 20, 22, 27, 29, 34, 38n , 39, 42, 657, 1076–1077, 1080, 1093
- Treaty of alliance and mutual assistance between the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union (1942), 36
- Treaty of Fez, 700, 714–715
- United Nations Charter (1945), 10–11, 18–20, 23, 27–28, 34–36, 42, 47, 54, 58–61, 63–64, 67, 71, 73–74, 83, 86–87, 92–94, 96–97, 101–102, 105–107, 111, 119, 122–123, 135–136, 160, 169, 171, 175, 178, 188, 203, 211–212, 238, 243–247, 255, 262–263, 274, 276, 280, 286, 318, 334–336, 348, 541–542, 636, 736, 746, 752, 766, 768, 796, 936, 949, 1006, 1033, 1055, 1107
- Yalta agreement (1945), 524
- Tremelloni, Roberto, 753n
- Treves. Paolo, 855
- Trezzani, Gen. 787, 789–790
- Trieste, Free Territory of:
- Air transit arrangements for U.S, military forces, 732n
- Allied Military Government, 509n
, 516–517, 519–520, 523–525, 530–534, 539,
543, 545, 547–548, 551, 564–569
- Economic and financial agreements with Italy:
- Currency, financial, and foreign exchange agreements, Mar. 9, 531–533, 535, 548, 559, 564–565, 567–573, 580
- Financial agreement, July 31 and Sept. 22, 569–575, 579–580
- Foreign trade agreement, May 6, 533–535
- Implementation of Mar. 9 agreements, June 26, 548
- Negotiations, 549–559, 564–565, 578
- Postal, 534–535
- U.S. and British support for, 537
- Price policy, 578–579
- Economic and financial agreements with Italy:
- Belgian membership on United Nations Security Council subcommittee, proposed, 546
- Border dispute with Yugoslavia, 218, 725
- British military forces in, 502, 506, 510, 512, 561, 564, 566
- British policy, 508, 512, 514–515, 517, 519, 522–523, 525–527, 535–538, 542, 547–548, 565, 575–578, 580, 1077, 1096–1097, 1107
- Canadian membership on United Nations Security Council subcommittee, proposed, 546
- Committee for European Economic Cooperation, proposed participation for Anglo-American zone in, 553–554
- Communist party, split in, 543–544
- Council of Foreign Ministers, considerations by, 531–532, 555
- European Recovery Program, proposed participation for Anglo-American zone in the, 546–547, 553–554, 571–572, 573n , 574–576, 578, 847n
- Four Power commission of enquiry on financial problems (1947), 555–556
- French policy, 512–516, 519, 522, 525–527, 840, 860
- Governor, negotiations regarding appointment of, 502–507, 511–512, 519, 537, 540–542, 547–548, 551, 553, 556–557
- Integrity and independence of, 502, 507, 512–513, 517–518, 530–533, 535, 548
- Italian policy, 502–506, 509, 531, 542, 551–552, 561, 566–567, 569–570, 572–580, 808, 916–917, 966
- Most-favored-nation treatment for, 432, 460
- Organization for European Economic Cooperation membership, proposed, 237, 242, 386, 560, 565, 567, 571, 575
- Permanent statute, 518, 531, 538, 545
- Political situation, 543–546
- Public Law 84 assistance, 559
- Return to Italy, Anglo-American-French statement proposing, Mar. 20, 509–520, 522–527, 536, 538, 540–543, 545–548, 560, 566–568, 574, 658, 778, 840, 858–860, 869, 880, 917, 960, 1097
- Soviet position, 503, 512, 513n , 514–515, 522–523, 525–527, 536, 540–542, 548, 573, 840, 877
- Stopford–Hawes report, 558, 565, 568
- Tito–Cominform rift, reaction to, 528–530, 543–544
- Trade with Austria and Germany, 565
- Ukrainian position, 503, 540, 546
- United Nations: Financial assistance, proposed, 555–557; General Assembly consideration, possibility of, 536, 541, 555–557; Security Council deliberations, 502–508, 510–512, 518, 530–556 passim, 573, 576–577, 580, 746
- United States: Economic and financial policy, 390–391, 549–580; emergency plans, 812; military forces, 200–201, 502, 506, 510, 512, 561, 564, 566, 733; political relations with Trieste, 502–548, 779, 796–797, 1097; surplus property sales, proposed, 565
- Yugoslav position, 502–507, 509–510, 512, 514, 519–520, 523–526, 530–541, 545–548, 550, 573, 575–577, 580, 797
- Zone A. (Anglo-American zone of occupation), 506–508, 512, 520–568 passim, 576n , 577, 797, 840, 1097
- Zone B (Yugoslav zone of occupation), 506–509, 511–512, 518, 520–521, 535–541, 545–548, 556–557, 576–577, 579–580, 840
- Trimble, William C., 43
- Tripolitania. See under Italian colonies, etc.: Libya.
- Troilo, Ertore, 745
- Trotsky, Leon, 193
- Troutman, Harry L., 362–363
- Truman, Harry S.:
- Address to the Congress, Mar. 17, 54–58, 60, 62–63, 66, 72, 77–78, 85–86, 89, 93, 104, 111, 117, 140, 158, 178, 636, 798, 858, 1029
- Atomic weapons, utilization of, 885–886, 888
- Berlin blockade, 885, 888
- European Recovery Program, 353, 360, 367, 408, 412, 425–426, 457, 458n , 673, 873n , 1036
- France, U.S. military assistance for, 253, 648–649, 665
- French economic and political developments, 672, 674
- Italian colonies, disposition of former, 923–924, 960, 967–968
- Italy, U.S. policy toward, 62, 71, 724n , 726n , 729–730, 732, 735n , 737n , 738, 741, 744, 746, 751–752, 760, 762, 767n , 769, 770n , 772–774, 777n , 781, 796–797, 800–801, 806, 829, 854, 858n
- Military alliance between the United States and the United Kingdom, question of, 13
- Military assistance program, 390
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, development of, 49–50, 71, 73, 80, 83–84, 86–87, 93–94, 96–97, 101–103, 106–107, 117–119, 135, 271, 310, 320, 345, 349
- President’s Air Policy Commission, report of, 25
- President’s Commission on Foreign Aid, 1074n
- Scandinavia, U.S. policy toward, 232n
- Special message to the Congress on the European Recovery Program, Dec. 17, 1947, 353, 360
- Statement on Italy, Dec. 13, 1947, 796–797
- Swedish neutrality, 134
- U.S. base negotiations with Denmark and Norway, 233n
- U.S. economic and military assistance to Greece and Turkey, 294
- Western European Union, U.S. policy toward, 7, 10, 38, 41, 50, 54–58, 60, 62–63, 66, 71–72, 77–78, 85–119 passim, 135, 139–141, 206–207, 221, 222n , 224, 636, 652, 658, 798, 858
- Truman Doctrine. See U.S. economic and military assistance for Greece and Turkey.
- Tufts, Robert W., 486
- Tunisia (see also French North Africa): Communist party, 702; Destourian parties, 702; French policy, 683, 689, 692, 695, 697, 699–704, 710–711, 713: North Atlantic Treaty Organization, question regarding inclusion in, 328
- Turkey (see also under Committee for European Economic Cooperation, European Recovery Program, Italian fleet, etc., North Atlantic Treaty Organization, etc., Organization for European Economic Cooperation, and Western European Union): [Page 1161] Commercial agreement with Spain, 1022; economic cooperation agreement with the United States, July 4, 109, 445, 463; Federal Reserve Bank loan, 372; International Monetary Fund loan, 372; Italian colonies, disposition of former, 961; security of, 65, 67, 74, 78, 95, 97, 102–103, 108, 205, 321–323, 333–334, 342, 766, 1099: Soviet pressure, 46, 51, 98, 113, 294, 363, 369–370; U.S. aid mission, 732; U.S. economic and military assistance, 95n , 196–197, 280, 294, 322n , 373, 390, 682, 756, 759, 761–762, 770–772, 779–780, 799, 801n , 849n , 850; U.S. guarantee, Turkish request for, 129–131, 196–198
- Turrini, Col. Umberto, 815
- Tyler, William R., 661
- Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, 503, 540, 546, 896n , 922, 943, 951
- Undén, Östen, 31, 44–45, 113, 119–120, 126–127, 134n , 161, 252, 264–266, 268, 281, 296, 474
- Unger, Leonard, 569, 572
- Unia, Col. Carlo, 815
- Union of South Africa, 328, 442, 896n , 922, 943, 951, 1067, 1079, 1082, 1084, 1088, 1104
- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. See Soviet Union.
- United Europe Committee, 1077
- United Kingdom (see also
British colonies, British
Commonwealth, and
British Empire
and British subheadings under individual countries and
- Agreements with the United States:
- Allocations of ferrous scrap for export, Sept. 30, 1126
- Duty-free entry and payment of transport charges on relief supplies and packages for the United Kingdom, Dec. 1, 1127
- Economic cooperation, July 6, 409, 445, 447, 449–450, 457–458, 463–464, 1108–1112, 1126
- Economic fusion of American and British zones of occupation in Germany, extension of 1946 agreement regarding, Dec. 31, 1126
- Joint installations in the Middle East, disposal of, July 12, 1125
- Lend-Lease and reciprocal aid accounts and intergovernmental claims, settlement of, July 12, 1125
- Lend-Lease interest in future sales of surplus stores in the Middle East, settlement of, Jan. 7, 1125
- Most-favored-nation treatment to areas under occupation or control, July 6, 1126
- Passport visa fees, Nov. 9 and 12, 1127
- U.S. airlines in Ceylon, rights of, Jan. 14, 1125
- U.S. civil aircraft use of certain military air bases in the Caribbean area and Bermuda, Feb. 24, 1125
- U.S. Educational Commission in the United Kingdom, Sept. 22, 1126
- Beveridge plan, 42
- British policy in India, Burma, Ceylon, Nigeria, Gold Coast, and Black Africa, 706
- Canada, financial and trade relations with, 1068
- Canadian loan, 1071–1072, 1082
- Commercial agreements with: Soviet Union, 1066, 1070, 1110; Spain, 1045; Sweden, 1070
- Commonwealth ties, 303, 417, 452, 458, 460, 484, 487–489, 1077, 1081, 1090–1094, 1100, 1107, 1113–1115, 1118
- Communist party, 1073, 1077, 1123
- Conservative party, 1075–1076, 1117, 1123
- Dollar drain, problems concerning, 1070–1071, 1075, 1070–1080, 1085, 1087, 1105
- Economic and financial measures and policies, 1067–1068, 1071, 1075–1076, 1079
- Economic and financial situation, 1069–1074, 1082, 1116
- Export–Import Bank loan, question of, 1067
- Foreign policy, 1069, 1073–1076, 1116–1117
- Foreign trade policy, 1070, 1079, 1081, 1103–1106, 1117
- France, British policy toward, 623, 647, 657, 1076–1077, 1107, 1115
- Germany, British policy toward, 80, 657, 1009, 1077, 1095–1096, 1107
- Gold and dollar reserve position, 1067–1068, 1071–1072, 1075, 1078–1080, 1082–1085, 1089, 1104
- Imperial preferences, 1075, 1081, 1103
- International Monetary Fund drawings, 439–440, 1067, 1087–1088, 1104
- Labor party, 1073, 1076–1077, 1080, 1098, 1116–1117, 1119, 1122
- Military alliance with the United States, proposed, 13, 15–17, 22–23
- Political situation, 1075–1076, 1078
- Rearmament policy, 273–274, 1121–1124
- Reconstruction Finance Corporation loan, 1067
- Soviet aggression against Western Europe, danger of, 617, 1094, 1107–1108
- Soviet policy, 1074
- Soviet Union, British relations with, 1069–1073, 1075–1077, 1107–1108
- Standardization of arms, 191, 1091
- Sterling convertibility, suspension of (1947), 1074
- Strategic dependency upon the United States, 686
- Strategic importance of, 1091
- Strategic materials, policy regarding sale to the United States of, 488–489, 1106–1107
- Trade agreement with Italy, 874
- Trades Union Congress (TUC) (see also European Recovery Program: Trades Union Conference, etc.), 1071–1073
- Union of South African loan, 1067
- U.S. loan, 1071, 1115
- U.S. political, economic, and military relations with, 1066–1124
- U.S.-U.K. military arrangements and understandings, 1091
- Agreements with the United States:
- United Nations (see also under Italian
colonies, etc., Italian colonies, etc.: Libya, North
Atlantic Treaty Organization , etc., Trieste, etc., and
Western European Union):
- Atomic energy, 268
- British policy, 1094–1095, 1108
- Charter. See under Treaties, conventions, etc.
- Conference on Freedom of Information, 374–375
- Economic and Social Council, 501, 652, 956
- French North Africa question, 714
- French policy, 652
- General Assembly: Agenda, 146; British-American cooperation, 1094; Charter review, proposed, 119, 136; Economic Commission for Europe, 373, 501: French North Africa, 709–710; French representation, 647; Interim Committee, 95, 146, 1094; Italian peace treaty, possible Soviet charges against Italy for breach of, 986; meeting in Paris, 477n , 546, 955n , 1053n ; Moroccan question, 692, 694; North African question, 690, 695, 709–710: Soviet and Soviet satellite violation of U.N. resolutions, 1018, 1025, 1033; Spanish question, 1007, 1018, 1021–1025, 1027–1029, 1031, 1033, 1040–1042, 1046–1050, 1053–1059, 1097–1098; Trieste question, 536, 541, 555–557; trusteeship committee, 945
- General Conference, 119, 136
- Greek case, 1095
- Irish membership, question of, 203, 246
- Italian membership, question of, 725, 768, 779, 795, 869, 875, 940, 981
- Italian question, 726
- Maritime Conference, 374
- Membership, 175, 205
- Moroccan question, 685
- Palestine question, 1094, 1108
- Portugal, nonmembership of, 246, 999
- Principles of, 80
- Regional arrangements, 172
- Secretary-General, 503, 511n , 541, 944, 949, 952, 1048
- Security Council: Anglo-Egyptian question, 937, 1094; British-American cooperation, 1094: Corfu case, 1094; French representation, 647; Italian colonies, disposition of former, 940: Italian membership, 981; maintenance of international peace and security, 248, 336; meetings of, 61: regional arrangements, 27, 74, 88, 111: Spanish question, 1027n 1031; Trieste question (see under Trieste, etc.); veto question, 83, 94–96, 119, 136–137, 540, 795, 798, 940, 1094
- Soviet position, 877
- Treaties and agreements, registration of, 959
- Trusteeship Council, 919, 924, 935, 945, 960, 905
- U.S. policy, 149, 359, 1025, 1041–1042, 1046, 1091–1092, 1094–1095, 1108
- United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation (UNRRA), 556, 738, 1081
- U.S. and British warships loaned to the Soviet Union during World War II, negotiations concerning return of, 969–971, 976–977, 979–980, 983–984, 989, 991
- U.S. Armed Forces in Europe, 809
- U.S. Constitution, 211–212
- U.S. economic and military assistance for Greece and Turkey (Truman Doctrine) (see also under Greece and Turkey), 1095
- U.S. export controls for Soviet bloc, 382, 1018, 1024
- U.S. foreign aid program. See U.S. interim aid programs under France and Italy: United States.
- U.S. foreign relief program, 554–555, 755, 825
- Universal Military Training in the United States, proposed, 41, 783, 869
- Uranium in the Belgian Congo, 299, 582
- Uršič, Rudi, 530
- Uruguay, 1101
- Utter, John E., 696, 894, 899, 911–914, 921–922, 925–930, 937, 953n
- Vaes, Robert, 149, 182
- Valensi, Christian, 597, 604, 611
- Van Boetzelaer van Oosterhout, Baron, 18, 35n , 56–57
- Vandenberg, Arthur H., 72, 82–84, 89, 92–96, 104–109, 121, 271, 387–388, 553, 849n , 995–996
- Vandenberg Resolution. See under North Atlantic Treaty Organization, etc. and Western European Union.
- Van Kleffens, Eelco N., 43–44, 149, 152, 154, 158–160, 163–164, 166–171, 177–180, 214, 217–218, 221, 229, 232, 237, 249–250, 270, 311–313, 318–320, 325, 328, 331
- Van Why, Archie M., 528
- Vargas, Getulio, 683
- Varin, Giuseppe, 508–509
- Vatican (see also under Italy and Spain), 745–746, 887
- Vecchietti, Tullio, 856
- Venezuela, 961
- Vidali, Vittorio, 530, 541, 543–544
- Villard, Henry S., 278, 682n , 953, 955
- Vincent, John Carter, 393
- Vlahov, Dimitar, 528n
- Voice of America (VOA), 686
- Vought, Allan G. F., 120
- Vreede, C., 149, 182
- Vyshinsky, Andrey Yanuaryevich, 661, 870, 881, 951–952, 970
- Wadsworth, George, 294–295, 321, 322n , 332–333, 990n
- Wailes, Edward T., 136, 1108
- Wallner, W., 631–632
- Wapler, Arnauld, 148, 182
- War Department (U.S.) (see also Defense, (U.S.) Department of), 75, 469, 553, 644, 732, 744n , 659
- War in Europe: Danger of, 177, 180, 183, 215, 239, 349, 829, 933, 959, 1005, 1115; U.S. commitments regarding involvement, 156
- Ward, Barbara, 276n
- Warsaw conference and declaration by the Soviet Union and the Soviet satellites of Eastern Europe, 154
- Webb, James E., 666n
- Wedemeyer, Lt. Gen. Albert C., 110–111, 664–666
- West Germany (see also Most-favored-nation treatment, etc. and under European Recovery Program, North Atlantic Treaty Organization , etc., Organization for European Economic Cooperation, and Western European Union): Armaments for, question of, 676; Benelux attitude, 308; British policy, 2, 308; French policy, 308–309, 655, 676; London agreements, 309; U.S. policy, 308, 450, 655, 676
- Western European Union:
- Air Advisory Committee, 147
- Anglo-American-Canadian security conversations, Mar. 22–Apr. 1, 59–61, 64–67, 69–75, 78n , 122
- Austrian participation, question of, 62, 87, 141
- Belgian position, 3–7, 9, 18–20, 22, 26–29, 37–38, 42, 50, 54, 55n , 56–57, 62, 76–78, 85, 104, 114, 135, 143, 153, 162, 165–166, 170, 359, 491–492
- Benelux countries, participation of, 12, 14–15, 18–20, 26–29, 33–37, 39, 41–45, 47, 49–50, 55–56, 59, 68, 73, 91, 114, 137, 139–141, 274, 637, 1076, 1080
- British Commonwealth relationship, 1, 5, 10, 17, 273, 275n , 303, 1124
- British policy, 1–62 passim, 69, 73, 77–78, 85, 89, 91, 99–100, 114, 116, 122, 136–141, 143, 149, 153, 155, 164, 167, 174, 199, 201, 260, 273–275, 302–304, 389, 458, 637, 657, 810, 961, 1069, 1076, 1080–1082, 1092–1094, 1108, 1115–1116, 1122, 1124
- Canadian participation, question of, 64, 80, 118, 132, 137, 139, 141, 143, 150–151, 153, 105, 167–169, 172–173, 216, 218, 1124
- Chiefs of Staff Committee, 292–293
- Commanders in Chief Committee, 290–293
- Communist opposition to, 664
- Consultations with the United States, 56–57, 68, 91, 136–141
- Consultative Council (Commission) of Foreign Ministers, 57, 91, 100n , 124, 143–146, 158–159, 187, 194–195, 199, 201–202, 210, 231–232, 258, 270, 274–275, 277n , 293, 313
- Cultural and social organization, 277n
- Customs union, proposed, 29–30, 1081, 1102
- Danish participation, proposed, 62, 67, 73, 81, 87, 103, 117, 122, 135, 139n , 141, 160, 164, 167, 233, 252, 277–278, 1093
- Defense Ministers and Chiefs of Staff, meetings of, 275–276, 289–290, 293
- Economic and financial organization, 277n
- European Council of Ministers, proposed, 275, 302
- European representative assembly, proposed, 274–275, 302
- Finance committee, 290, 293
- French position, 1, 4–5, 9, 14–62 passim, 73, 77, 84–85, 89, 91, 112, 114–115, 135, 137, 140–143, 152, 157–158, 164–166, 168, 196, 206–208, 222–223, 274, 302, 634n , 637, 647, 657, 810, 1080, 1124
- Greek participation, question of, 5, 16–17, 64–65, 115, 200
- Greenland, defense of, 57, 71, 74, 107, 159, 165, 169
- Icelandic participation in, question of, 43, 47, 62, 65, 73, 87, 97, 103, 117, 141, 164–165, 167, 169
- Irish participation, question of, 62, 65, 164, 170, 445n
- Italian participation, question of, 1, 4–5, 16, 18, 20, 33, 35, 37, 42, 45–47, 53–54, 61–62, 65, 73, 77, 87, 97, 103, 107, 114–117, 122, 141, 143, 164–165, 196, 200–202, 225, 227, 234, 252–253, 260–262, 267, 271, 292, 298, 304, 330–331, 340, 342, 778, 786n , 794–796, 798–799, 810–812, 813n , 815, 978n , 981n , 1077, 1093
- Luxembourg position, 4, 7, 9, 26–29, 50, 54, 55n , 62, 85, 143, 170
- Military Committee, 124–125, 142–148, 155–156, 159, 188n , 220, 229, 275, 277, 291, 293; Canadian participation in, 277; U.S. participation in, 267, 277, 289, 291–292, 305, 660, 811
- Military conversations among treaty powers, 76–78, 84–85, 88, 91, 100, 104, 112, 117–118, 123–126, 132, 137, 140–