865.24/3–1048: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Italy


Niact 635. Re Army’s tel WARX 97122 March 71 which you have seen, President today approved amendment his directive approving [Page 782] SANACC 390/1 to permit delivery items without reference prior reimbursement to forces concerned.2 Accordingly, you are authorized propose Ital Govt agree immediately acceptance full program subject only formal agreement to reimbursement amounts indicated Army and Navy tels at such time most convenient Ital Govt but prior to close current fiscal year.

In anticipation Ital acceptance in toto equipment offered Deptel 461 Feb 19 and related Army and Navy tels, and in order make possible earliest delivery to Italy, Dept Army ordered initiation movement of items both in ZI and EuCom preparatory delivery. As consequence, operations well advanced and delivery expected most items before early April. Navy advises naval items ready for shipment promptly upon notification Ital agreement accept. In view advance status delivery operations and serious dislocating effect non-acceptance program substantially as offered, you slid urge PriMin immediate acceptance entire program with undertaking eventual reimbursement in order deliveries may be made accordance plans now in operation.

In view operational urgency, require your immediate comments.

  1. This telegram, not printed, was sent March 5, 1948, by the Plans and Operations Division, General Staff, U.S. Army to the Military Attaché in Italy and to Headquarters, EuCom in Frankfurt, Germany. It advised that the reimbursement feature of the President’s directive was not yet resolved but that in view of the urgency of the situation the Department of the Army issued instruction to make immediate shipment to Italy of all items listed in the Army list, part one of the list of matériel of February 19 (WARX 96225). The Military Attach was to inform the Ambassador of the message but to make no contact with members of the Italian Government on the subject until so directed by the Department of State. (Department of Defense Files)

    WARX 96225 is also referred to in footnote 3, p. 789.

  2. See supra.