Editorial Note
On September 22, 1948, a series of agreements were concluded between the Government of the United Kingdom–United States Zone of the Free Territory of Trieste and the Italian Government, signed respectively by General Gaither for the Zone and by Augusto Castellani for Italy. The agreements regulated local currency requirements and foreign exchange requirements of the Zone, and provided for a Mixed Commission to meet monthly in Rome. Two memoranda of understanding were also concluded at the same time. The texts in Italian and in English are printed by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trattati e Convenzioni, 1948 (Rome: Tipografia Riservata del Ministero degli Affairi Esteri, 1948) “Accordi fra il Governo Italiano e il Governo Militare Alleato della Zona Anglo-Americana di Trieste,” Trieste 22 settembre 1948.