Editorial Note
On March 9, 1948 at Rome General Airey on behalf of the United Kingdom-United States Zone of the Free Territory of Trieste, and Del Vecchio for the Government of Italy signed a series of three agreements. The first was to regulate certain questions arising from the execution of the Treaty of Peace, the supplying of currency for the Zone. The second was to provide that the Zone receive adequate financing for the particular needs of its administration. The third stipulated that the Italian Government would provide for the foreign exchange needs of the Zone. A protocol signed at the same time stipulated that if the ultimate government of the Free Territory should not have been constituted by September 15, 1948, Italy reserved the right to request revision of the agreement on finance. The texts in Italian and in English are printed by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trattati e Convenzioni, 1948 (Rome: Tipografia Riservata del Ministero Affairi Esteri, 1948) “Accordo tra il Governo Italiano ed il Comando Militare Britannico e degli Stati Uniti relativo a Trieste, Roma, 9 marzo 1948.”