840.50 Recovery/1–2748

Memorandum of Conversation, by the Under Secretary of State (Lovett)


Participants: Lord Inverchapel—British Ambassador
Mr. Lovett—Under Secretary
Mr. Reber—EUR

During the course of Lord Inverchapel’s call on me this morning, I told him that I could now give a reply to a question which he had raised when a further meeting of the CEEC was first broached. At that time discussions in Congress had not progressed sufficiently to make possible any estimate when an ERP plan would reach such a stage that it might usefully be considered by the CEEC nations. Pending this time we had thought that most useful work could be devoted to further improvement of multilateral organization. Discussions in Congress have, however, now reached the point where the congressional leaders, at least in the Senate, felt that hearings would be concluded and a committee plan be in shape by approximately February 10. If after that time a meeting of the CEEC were scheduled, they would have something to consider.

Lord Inverchapel said that as he understood it, we now felt the CEEC could usefully meet some time after February 15, to which I agreed.