861.20263/11–1248: Telegram
The Minister in Austria (Erhardt) to the Secretary of State
1232. Series of recent arrests and kidnappings by Soviets have considerably increased feeling of insecurity among Austrian officials and people generally. Announcement by Ministry of Interior that 286 Austrians had been seized by Soviets during 1948 alone and 152 of these not released, followed within few days by dramatic arrest of Ottillinger,1 fatal leap of Austrian from window of Kommandatura and several other lesser kidnappings have created perceptible nervous tension which is reflected in press and is noticeable in our contacts with Austrian Ministries. Ross case2 has contributed to this feeling by giving impression that even Americans are not immune to this brutal treatment and that it is impossible to call Soviets to account.
While we believe most of these cases arise from actual or suspected involvement of persons concerned in espionage (using word in broadest sense), there can be little doubt Soviets fully aware of secondary advantages to them arising from this form of intimidation. If continued without effective hindrance, results are likely to be (1) increased subservience to Soviet pressure by Austrian officials in Eastern Zone including many in Vienna; (2) decline in cooperation at lower level with Western elements for fear of reprisals; (3) general lowering of administrative efficiency with resultant unfavorable effects on ERP implementation.
While protests will be made in AC and elsewhere, and full treatment is being given by Austrian press, Soviets have shown they are not seriously disturbed by such measures. Fact is there is no effective [Page 1443] means of stopping kidnappings as long as Soviet forces remain in Austria.
Sent Department 1232, repeated Paris 166 for Bohlen.
- Margarethe Ottillinger, Chief of the Planning Section of the Austrian Ministry for Property Control and Economic Planning, was arrested by the Soviet element on November 5, 1948.↩
- On the night of October 30, 1948, Irving Ross, an American ERP official, was Reaten to death by Soviet soldiers in Vienna.↩