740.00119 Control (Austria)/7–1648: Telegram

The Minister in Austria to the Secretary of State

top secret

911. Ur 588, July 3.1 General Keyes advises that only preliminary exploratory conversations have taken place with Austrians so far on subject establishment Austrian Army. In view controversial nature of [Page 1372] project, which might involve considerable friction between political parties, conversations so far have merely attempted encourage them to arrive at joint program, and have been conducted on informal basis without any commitments.

Question of authority for Austrians to commence planning on establishment of army has been raised in Allied Council and Executive Committee on two occasions but Soviets have consistently refused discussion.

Discussions of general nature have been held between US and British deputy High Commissioners although British have not been brought into our discussions with Austrians. We have not held discussions with French on this project except for discussion of problem of bringing subject up before holding Council. No objection would exist either from policy or security viewpoint to apprising French top level officials of our interest and Austrian plans.

  1. Not printed.