740.00119 Council/3–1848: Telegram
The Military Attaché in the United Kingdom (Bissell) to the Director of Plans and Operations, General Staff, U.S. Army (Wedemeyer)
72974. From USMA London to GSID for Wedemeyer from Parker Pass to State, Info to CGUSFA. Accompanied Reber today to meeting with British reference arms for Austrian Army, gendarmerie and police. Present were representatives Foreign Office, Ministry of Defense and War Office (see Delsec 1640 dated 18 March).1
It was quickly agreed that specific measures for organization Austrian armed forces now were impracticable and should be delayed pending greater progress toward conclusion Austrian treaty but attention should be directed now to strengthening security forces.
British reported they had already begun issue of rifles and pistols from stock of approximately 10,000 each item which had been set aside for issue to gendarmerie all four zones. British indicated willingness to utilize these weapons for issue in three western zones. Discussion brought agreement in principle to desirability of creating small centrally-located [Page 1362] mobile reserve for gendarmerie, perhaps organized as battalion of six to 800 men. Discussion also indicated consideration should be given to providing small local reserves for police in nature of riot squads. However, it was agreed that details of solution to both these problems should first be worked out as far as possible in Austria by High Commissioners of US and UK initially, later consulting French High Commissioner and Austrians.
In discussion of availability of weapons and other equipment British stated their probable capability of furnishing small arms and ammunition therefor and also possible capability of furnishing automatic weapons even though this might require re-institution of some production. Defense Ministry representative observed that such production might be required for other commitments anyway and that desirability of educational contracts was point in favor. Marjoribanks of Foreign Office repeated former statement of British ability to satisfy Austrian Air Force requirement. British were emphatic in their statement of inability to furnish equipment in categories other than those set forth above.
It was agreed that study in Vienna should cover such points as increasing and reorganizing the gendarmerie in western zones including equipment requirements, and consideration of strengthening of riot squads for police, particularly in Vienna. Reber has reported to State Department agreed recommendation that governments should direct this study be made. Presume State and Army will frame instructions to Keyes to carry out this recommendation.
Additionally British are preparing despatch to British Embassy Washington directing that problem of arming Austrian armed forces be taken up officially with US Government.
- Not printed.↩