740.00119 Control (Germany)/4–1348: Telegram
The United States Political Adviser for Germany (Murphy) to the Secretary of State
853. Personal for Hickerson. Your 635 April 10.1 I personally feel that Control Council is defunct organization. Soviet Union has taken first step toward its practical dissolution. If this assumption correct efforts on our part to revive and keep going the organization would be exploited by Soviet representative here. If latter would attend future meetings it would only be presumably to use Control Council as sounding board for additional harangue. We should take no steps to dissolve Control Council. It technically is badge of German unity. It would be preferable to let onus rest on Soviet Union for its dissolution.
In meantime Soviet Union undoubtedly will continue with series of strictures and annoyances which it has inaugurated affecting our continued presence in Berlin. Whether among this series will be included later some form of denunciation of the agreements under which we operate here remains to be seen. Thus far there is no indication of such intention. There is of course the practial feature of food supply of three western sectors of Berlin with population of about 2,300,000 who are now fed with food imported from the west. I am sure that USSR will avoid action to cut off this important item until last moment.
[Page 893]Only feature, frankly, which worries me about our Berlin position is strength of determination in Washington to maintain the position. What I fear is that, in view unfavorable logistics this situation, its expenses, and, assuming dissolution the Control Council, lack of specific purpose for our presence here may over the longer term combine to vitiate US determination to hold fast. Elimination of Control Council activity of course would automatically permit substantial reduction OMGUS personnel and some of this is already in progress. There will also unquestionably be reduction in number American dependents residing Berlin.
[For the remainder of this telegram, see page 179.]