862.00/2–448: Telegram
The United States Political Adviser for Germany (Murphy) to the Secretary of State
277. Personal for Saltzman and Hickerson. Eyes Only. Re bizonal reorganization. Last night General Robertson, in agreement with [Page 57] General Clay, offered the French here to make a modification in the method of selection of the Executive Committee. Robertson told Noiret that he and Clay would agree to the election of the chairman of the Executive Committee by the Economic Council and subject to the confirmation of the Laenderrat. Furthermore, they would agree to the election of the members of the Executive Committee by the Economic Council. The members, apart from the chairman, would not be subject to confirmation by the Laenderrat. This proposal is in contrast to the original idea of appointment by the chairman of the other members of the Executive Committee who will be directors of the bizonal departments.
Robertson asked the French whether this suggested diminution of the powers of the chairman of the Executive Committee would give them some satisfaction or at least would not be disagreeable to them. Noiret replied that while the French were disappointed that the powers of the Laenderrat vis-à-vis the Economic Council had not been strengthened in accordance with French desires, he nevertheless thought that given the overall decisions that the proposal would give a certain satisfaction to his government. However, he pointed out that in effect this new proposal, while it reduced the powers of the chairman of the Executive Committee in one sense, increased the power of the Economic Council. Noiret then asked for time to consult Paris. Robertson said he was glad to grant such time, but he hoped that an answer would be forthcoming from Paris today. Robertson then stated that according to his information Massigli had suggested in London that the powers of the chairman be reduced and, consequently, he and Clay agreed to make the offer outlined above. Noiret then inquired when the proclamation would be issued. Robertson replied he and Clay hoped to do it within two or three days.
Repeated Paris as 52 and London as 33.