740.00119 Control (Germany)/1–2848: Telegram

The United States Political Adviser for Germany (Murphy) to the Secretary of State


227. Personal for Saltzman and Hickerson. Eyes Only. On return trip I discussed with Clay, Jake Beam’s outline of agenda for London meeting.1 Clay’s reaction was particularly vigorous on item five re Wuerttemberg-Baden. This suggestion was made on theory that French might bring up reconstitution of old states of Wuerttemberg and Baden and that it could be point upon which we could stand in return for French agreement to join in Trizonia. It was intimated that we might cede north Baden. I informed Jake Beam before departure I thought this would meet with violent opposition on part of Army.

Clay has telegraphed Draper personally to effect that while it is desirable for Baden to become whole state this can well await peace treaty when allied supervision of states’ governments may be expected to cease and occupational areas can then be re-determined as presumably token forces only would be left. Clay’s reasons for opposing any concession now re north Baden are as follows:

Heidelberg is to become CINCEUR headquarters and move is under way to free Frankfurt for bizonal activities.
Troops in area are billeted in casernes repaired at great expense. No space available elsewhere without new requisitioning. We have stopped new requisitioning and to start again would be serious blow to German morale.
It is important that US maintain access area to Rhine in event defense measures become necessary.
Heidelberg is cultural city important to our objectives. North Baden would be opposed to transfer as much as Germans desire restoration of Baden as state.
North Baden is important industrial area and essential to recovery program. Even if French join trizonal arrangement they can not be expected to push economic recovery and to get them to do so will require constant effort.
French political objectives are different than ours and any action relating to north Baden should await decision on western German government rather than economic fusion.
We are financing western Germany at great cost. It would be difficult for Congress to understand why we reduce our area of direct influence while we are paying bill. Our loss of prestige in Germany would be great and our part in control of Germany would be reduced. Also resultant reduction in our commitments might be worthwhile but such transfer would neither lessen our financial burden nor the number of troops now needed in Germany. In Clay’s opinion price of transfer [Page 45] is far too great to warrant it as inducement to France for entering trizonal arrangement.

I agree with foregoing. I do not agree this is moment to diminish prestige of US Army in Europe and the concession indicated certainly would not enhance our prestige in German eyes or for that matter in European eyes. It occurs to me, however, that compromise solution might be possible. Leaving occupational area as it now stands it might be feasible to organize joint military government administration of states of Wuerttemberg and Baden as separate units. With inauguration of civilian control of military government it might be possible to work out some plan of Franco-American integrated organization in each of states of Baden and Wuerttemberg. I think this should be explored. I know that on the French side, many months ago similar idea was entertained.

Agenda outline by Beam seems to cover principal points for discussion at London. I must admit to certain reservation re suggestion that French be “induced” to join fusion at an early date. I think it should be made abundantly clear that French are exceedingly welcome and invitation to join is open to them. It seems to me there is difference between such a line and one which would create atmosphere of inducement inform of concessions. As Department is aware, in our recent conversations with French at Berlin re Saar and trade with truncated French zone we made important concessions to French which translated into money involve millions of dollars additional expense to us. French have expressed themselves as pleased and General Koenig and Saint Hardouin particularly have shown great enthusiasm for our position. On basis of what I heard last week from several members Senate and House Appropriations Committees, as well as from members House Foreign Affairs Committee, further concessions at our expense would seem unwise as they are unjustified.

  1. The outline of the agenda for the forthcoming London conference prepared by Beam has not been found.