711.60C/2–2348: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Poland
128. We have read with great interest report of your conversation with ForMin urtel 272, Feb 23 1 p. m.1 and will appreciate any further indications which you may receive whether ForMin was speaking spontaneously or acting under Soviet directive. In any event, we feel that any suggestions to ForMin no matter how informal the basis, would be reported to Russians and considered by them as being made on our initiative. We believe that this would have unfortunate effects upon Austrian treaty discussions in London2 and would be interpreted as a sign of weakness on our part, particularly in view recent developments in Czecho. We therefore suggest no further approach to ForMin at this time. Should he raise subject you might say that ForMin must be fully aware of issues involved, that he should need no guidance in determining what steps should be taken on Soviet side to overcome present impasse. Department appreciates skill with which you handled this matter.