740.00119 Council/4–2748: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom
1509. For Douglas (Eyes Only) from the Secretary and Lovett. Lovett and I fully support your views in par. 3 urtel 1750 Apr 27,1 which was clearly understood to be the position of US Govt in the London talks. The principle of Ruhr control enunciated in my Chicago speech of Nov 18 remains US policy, has never been challenged by any responsible authority here and has served as the basis of all discussions I have had on the subject of the Ruhr. We are morally committed to this general proposal, which I continue to believe offers the best solution for Europe and Germany. I agree with you that the possibilities of future understanding on the German problem with the French as well as with Benelux depend upon our going through with it. As to the protection of US financial responsibility in Germany, I hope you will be able to achieve a broad and statesmanlike agreement [Page 207] on this principle which I understand both the Brit and French are willing to acknowledge.
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