740.00119 Control (Germany)/1–1548: Telegram
The United States Political Adviser for Germany (Murphy) to the Secretary of State
107. Personal for Saltzman and Hickerson. Eyes Only. Refer my telegram 100, January 14.1 Last night at dinner I gave for French delegation, St. Hardouin told me he had been severely criticized by Paris for failing to keep them informed regarding Frankfurt decisions. He said confidentially he personally believed that the excitement in Paris over Frankfurt development was exaggerated and unfounded. He asserted that when Bidault returned to Paris from London he announced in FonOff that the Secretary had promised in his conversation there would be consultation with French on all matters of importance relating to Germany. Bidault hereupon requested Couve [Page 27] de Murville to make analysis of situation and prepare for conversations with US/UK representatives in Germany. Before de Murville could complete this work French were faced with what Bidault refers to as a fait accompli. According to St. Hardouin, Bidault responsible for difficulty because he is embarrassed as result of statements he made to FonOff staff after his conversation with the Secretary.
St. Hardouin suggested last evening that the three political advisers and the three economic advisers get together today and see whether they could not prepare joint telegram to govts regarding both Frankfurt development and subjects which have been under discussion in Berlin relating to Saar, et cetera. British were agreeable to this but Clay refused to let his economics adviser participate saying I could do as I pleased about it but that he would not go along in absence of instructions. British had telegraphed London at considerable length yesterday and French desired if possible to have three-way analysis sent London, Paris and Washington today, believing this would produce helpful reconciliation of views.
We may succeed in having some sort of conversations either today or tomorrow and I will telegraph you further.
Sent Department as 107; repeated Paris personal for Caffery 17, London personal for Gallman 11.
- Not printed; it reported that General Robertson had been instructed by his government to invite General Koenig to discuss at Berlin the recent American-British decisions on bizonal reorganization. General Robertson asked General Clay if he would be willing to extend such an invitation to Koenig jointly, but Clay felt he was not authorized to participate in such a meeting in the absence of instructions from Washington (740.00119 Control (Germany)/1–1448).↩