740.00119 Council/4–2048: Telegram

The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Douglas) to the Secretary of State


1649. Delsec 1683. At first meeting resumed German talks this afternoon1 following revised agenda was adopted:

Association of Benelux countries in policy regarding Germany;
Role of the German economy in the European economy and control of the Ruhr;
Evolution of the political and economic organization of Germany;
Provisional territorial arrangements;
Security against Germany.

New agenda represents no change from original except for different order and deletion of items entitled “relationship of western Germany under the occupying powers to the ERP” and “reparations” (old b and e). It was agreed that in reply to press queries the reasons for the deletion of these items from agenda would be given as follows: former dropped because this matter now settled and hence nothing further to discuss, and latter because delegations not in a position at this time to continue discussion.

It was also agreed that last meeting this session should be held not later than three weeks from today although every effort will be made to conclude discussions earlier.

Press will merely be informed meetings will be concluded soon as possible to do so and will not be given any specific date of conclusion in order avoid publicizing any timetable which might be used by Soviets to their advantage. In general publicity will be handled same basis as first session.

Sent Department 1649; repeated USPolAd Berlin 97, AmEmbassy Paris 167, Moscow 64, The Hague 33, Brussels 51 (Brussels please keep Luxembourg informed); Oslo 30, Copenhagen 25, Stockholm 42, and Rome 100.

  1. This is the 13th meeting of the London Conference on Germany. The numeration begins with the 1st meeting on February 23.