501.BC Atomic/6–3048

The Deputy united States Representative to the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission (Osborn) to Mr. John C. Elliott of the Division of International Security Affairs


Dear Mr. Elliott; This confirms our telephone conversation of today. In conferences with the British Delegation day before yesterday, and with General McNaughton and George Ignatieff of the Canadian Delegation today, the following plan for the handling of atomic energy in the General Assembly was developed, as the best method of getting a satisfactory discussion in the General Assembly and a satisfactory Tote.

It would be proposed to introduce a resolution at the start of the debate, under which resolution the General Assembly would—

Approve the General Findings and Recommendations of the First Report, and the specific proposals of the Second Report, as constituting the essential basis for effective international control of atomic energy. (The exact wording of the latter part was not agreed on and may provide some difficulties, particularly with the British.)
Approve the Report and Recommendations of the Third Report.
Request the sponsoring powers to confer to determine whether a basis for agreement can be attained, and to report back the results of such conference to the General Assembly on or before their next meeting.

The introduction of such a resolution at the start would make it clear that the General Assembly was not proposing to lose control of the situation, but was simply referring the matter back to diplomatic channels, for which there is good precedent. It is felt that the smaller nations particularly would be pleased with this solution. If such a resolution were voted by the General Assembly the Soviet would be forced either to enter negotiations on the basis of the majority reports or refuse to negotiate and thus defy the mandate of the General Assembly.

We would appreciate your views on this proposal and will be glad of an opportunity to work with you on the exact wording of the resolution, about which there may be some difficulty.

It was further proposed that the first presentation and the introduction of the resolution should be made by the United States Delegate. General McNaughton feels very strongly about this. As Canada is probably the only other nation whom we can be entirely sure will handle the thing in the right way, it will probably be necessary to take General McNaughton’s advice and have the United States take the initiative.

Yours sincerely,

Frederick Osborn