501.BB Interim/1–348: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin)
3. Please inform Secretary General of the UN of appointment by the President of the Honorable Warren R. Austin as United States Representative and the Honorable Philip C. Jessup as Deputy United States Representative in the Interim Committee of the General Assembly of the United Nations.1 Letters of credentials follow.
[Page 3]The United States Representative and Deputy United States Representative will be assisted by Advisers from the Department of State, David W. Wainhouse and David H. Popper, and others from the staff of the United States Mission to the United Nations as directed by the United States Representative.
- The Interim Committee was established in accordance with a resolution adopted by the General Assembly on November 13, 1947 (for documentation on this, see Foreign Relations, 1947, volume i ), and was scheduled to convene for its first meeting on January 5, 1948. The Interim Committee was established as a subsidiary organ of the General Assembly which would function between the regular sessions of the General Assembly. It held a broad commission to make studies on how the general principles of international cooperation in the political field and in the maintenance of international peace and security were to be implemented; and, within the scope of its jurisdiction, to conduct investigations and to appoint commissions of inquiry. More precisely, the Interim Committee was to assist the General Assembly in matters specifically referred to it by the General Assembly, and at the beginning of 1948 it had a specific instruction from the Assembly to undertake a study of the voting procedure of the Security Council.↩