IO Files: US(P)/A/281
United States Delegation Position Paper
Report of the Fourth Committee on the Question of South West Africa
1. United States Position
The United States should vote in favor of the Resolution on South West Africa (attached).
Under the provisions of this Resolution the General Assembly would note with regret that the Assembly’s previous recommendations concerning South West Africa have not been carried out, note the assurance given by South Africa that the proposed new arrangement for closer association of South West Africa with the Union does not mean incorporation or absorption of the territory, and recommend that the Union of South Africa continue to supply information on the territory for examination by the Trusteeship Council.
[Page 286]This Resolution is in conformity with the position paper on the question of South West Africa prepared by the Department and approved by the Delegation.
It should not be necessary for the United States to speak on this Resolution.
2. History in Committee1
Two basic resolutions were presented to the Fourth Committee on the question of South West Africa—a draft resolution submitted jointly by the Delegations of Denmark, Norway and Uruguay, and a second draft resolution submitted by India. The joint draft resolution was subsequently revised by the three Delegations to take into account certain suggestions made by the United States and Greece. Although there were many points of similarity between the two draft resolutions, the resolution presented by India was in stronger language than the joint resolution and contained a number of recommendations which the Union Government was clearly unwilling even to consider. The joint resolution of Denmark, Norway, and Uruguay was drafted infirm but moderate language. Its principal objective is to obtain from the Union Government further reports on South West Africa for examination by the Trusteeship Council.
The Indian draft resolution was withdrawn and certain portions of it were put forward as amendments to the joint draft resolution. These proposed amendments included a suggestion for the appointment by the Trusteeship Council of a visiting commission to South West Africa. This proposal was rejected by the Fourth Committee by 22 votes against, 21 in favor, and 11 abstentions. An amendment proposed by Cuba, by which the United Nations would consider petitions from inhabitants of South West Africa, was withdrawn without being put to the vote.
The joint draft resolution in the revised form, submitted by the three sponsors (A/C.4/163/Rev. 1), was taken by the Fourth Committee as the basic document on South West Africa. All proposed amendments to it were rejected and it was adopted by the Fourth Committee by a vote of 36 to 1. The United States voted in favor of the resolution.
3. Possible Developments in Plenary Meeting
It is possible, although not considered likely, that amendments will be offered in the Plenary meeting, either with a view to placing more vigorous language in the Resolution or with a view to weakening the [Page 287] Resolution. The Resolution presented by the Fourth Committee, however, represents a sound middle-ground position calculated to obtain from the Union Government further reports on South West Africa without constituting a retreat by the Assembly from its previous action on this matter. Therefore, the United States Delegation should take the position in the Plenary meeting that no further changes should be made in the Resolution and should vote against any amendments which may be presented.2
- For the history of this question in the Fourth Committee and the relevant texts of proposed resolutions and amendments, see the report of the Fourth Committee on South West Africa in GA (III/1), Plenary, Annexes, pp. 405 ff.↩
- The report and recommendations of the Fourth Committee on South West Africa were adopted by the General Assembly on November 26 after some discussion (the United States delegate did not speak); for the proceedings, see GA (III/1), Plenary, pp. 577 ff.↩