501.AA/7–3048: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Acting United States Representative at the United Nations (Jessup)


497. Dept requests you ascertain informally views of several other SC dels, particularly Belgian, UK, Canadian and Chinese, re further consideration of rejected applications by SC and GA. We assume that Apr 7 five power consultation and Apr 10 SC meeting constituted compliance with requests of GA embodied in 1947 membership resolutions. SC membership report to GA should state this clearly.

Dept’s tentative view is that, barring some unforeseen change, SC reconsideration of old applications before GA would probably not [Page 198] advance our policy of securing admission qualified States, since it would probably not result in approval of any applicant and might diminish even further the possibility of later approval. However, if SC consideration of new application or applications leads some Member to propose reconsideration of old applications, we should not object.

Your views invited on the above.
