851G.00/5–2347: Telegram

The Consul at Saigon (Reed) to the Secretary of State


165. In course interview with De Marolles,10 at his request, saying Bollaert asked him discuss situation with me, took occasion convey gist Deptel 78, May 13.11 He said Bollaert would appreciate views expressed especially as they coincided with his and said Bollaert doing his best bring about speedy settlement FIC situation. This difficult as he believes to treat with Ho solely, which latter reported to insist, is to deliver Vietnam into hands totalitarian regime, which, if now soft pedals Communist ideology because people not ready for it, has such ideology in mind as long range policy. Moreover, any change in Ho’s govt to eliminate extremist, professed Communist elements would be only gesture, as “Tongbo”12 is possibly real power. He felt National Union Front not as important, as leaders would have it, but agreed Front does represent certain minority elements, chiefly in Annam, Cochin-China, which must be considered, as Bollaert wants all Vietnam elements consulted, without which little likelihood really democratic regime. He said Bollaert’s departure for France may be delayed and intimated slow progress negotiations is cause thereof,13 In De Marolles’ opinion, China is future danger for independent Vietnam, which may well become as elsewhere Southeast Asia eventual scene struggle between Chinese interests and Communist ideas.

My impression Bollaert trying find satisfactory solution, but finding it all but impossible treat with anyone except Ho; also finding it difficult find formula protect French interests, as has no confidence in Ho or his group—as reported members Bollaert’s Cabinet have rather divergent ideas and was rumored very profound; also impressed, Bollaert realized puppet regime only lead to further troubles; and in this connection, although still backing Cochin Chinese Govt, he is finding existence this Govt very embarrassing, as Govt while professing favor federation, wants autonomy.14

Please pass Paris, Nanking.

  1. Claude de Marolles, assistant director of the High Commissioner’s cabinet, in charge of foreign relations.
  2. Same as telegram 1737, May 13, p. 95.
  3. Party bureau of Vietminh.
  4. The High Commissioner left Saigon on June 11.
  5. In telegram 166, May 24, 11 a.m., from Saigon, Consul Reed noted that, in turning over the French official residence in Cochin China to President Hoach, Commissioner Bollaert stated that this was for the Vietnam people: “You will give it to those who are able to speak and rule in the name of the people.” (851G.00/5–2447)