851G.00/5–2947: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Caffery) to the Secretary of State


2124. In conversation with Baudet last evening he expressed discouragement regarding Indo-China. Referring to recent press reports of supposed negotiations with Viet-nam Govt carried on by Professor Mus, Baudet explained that Mus is director of colonial school in Paris and accompanied Bollaert to Indo-China; has lived 25 years in that colony, speaks perfect Annamese and has many close friends among native population. While continuing to deny any negotiations with Ho Chi Minh Govt had occurred, Baudet admitted Mus had made certain soundings; regarding agency reports of Viet-nam broadcast rejecting supposed French terms, including demand for surrender by Viet-nam of all arms, Baudet admitted certain military guarantees had been demanded. He contended these were entirely justified in view intercepted messages proving Ho regarded armistice as merely opportunity to reform his forces and acquire additional arms from China.15

Department please repeat Saigon as Paris’ 15.

Sent Dept as 2124, repeated London as 411.

  1. In telegram 2189, June 3, 6 p.m., from Paris, the Ambassador reported that Foreign Minister Bidault had told him that decoded Vietnamese messages showed a definite pro-Soviet orientation and that Ho’s aim was to drive the French out of Indochina (851G.00/6–347).