760C.6215/2–347: Telegram

The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Smith) to the Secretary of State

top secret

273. Visit Polish Vice Premier to London re Polish-German frontier (infotel January 3015). I know Cavendish-Bentinck is strongly [Page 152] opposed to UK sponsoring any recommendation that the Western Territories be returned to Germany. Believe that Lane likewise shares this opinion. Ordinarily would defer to judgment of these experienced diplomats on the spot, but in this case I take the opposite view for following reasons.

Question at issue is Germany versus Poland. Their relative importance was stated clearly in lecture given here January 28 by academician Tarle, who said, “we now face the problem of Germany, beside which every other problem is of insignificant importance.”

As stated in my 33 of January 7,16 “Soviet approach to Germany is based on maintaining position of control already achieved in Eastern section and extending this control to the West.” The agency by which it is hoped this aim will be accomplished is Communist Party in Germany.

Last week for instance, Communist controlled Socialist Unity Party passed series of resolutions attacking administration of Western Zones “where every form of reaction flourishes,” and stated, “since it depends on the Germans themselves what course and aims are pursued, there must be cooperation between the Social Democrats and Communists in Western Zones”. These tactics are standard operating procedure, results of which have been seen in all satellite countries. They can be met only by encouraging German non-Communist majority in its present tendency to look toward the West. This was the effect of Secretary Byrnes’ wise speech at Stuttgart, immediately apparent in German elections. In our opinion the unavoidable reverse reaction in Poland was not of comparable importance in long-range future of Europe. Poland is already under Soviet domination, and likely to remain so for a long time to come. Whether or not the Polish people remain or turn still further to the East matters little provided the German people remain faced in other direction. And while I am sure there is no way of inducing Soviet or Polish Govts to relinquish the territory in question, if they decide to remain there, a firm stand on principle for the return of at least part of it as much needed agricultural land to Germany would cut the ground out from under German Communists who will of necessity follow the Kremlin line.

Please repeat to London as Moscow’s 34, Warsaw as 7.

  1. Not printed. It reported that Polish Vice President Grabski was visiting London in order to present to the British Government the Polish views with respect to the Polish-German frontier (800.00 Summaries/1–3047).
  2. Ante, p. 139.