List of abbreviations, symbols, and code names
Editor’s Note.—This list does not include standard abbreviations in common usage; unusual abbreviations of rare occurrence which are clarified at appropriate points; and those abbreviations and contractions which, although uncommon, are understandable from the context.
- A–A, Office of Assistant Secretary of State Armour
- AAF, Army Air Forces
- ACA, Allied Control Authority for Germany
- ACA, Allied Council for Austria
- ACC, Allied Control Council
- AEG, Allgemeine Eliktrizitäts Gesellschaft (General Electric Company)
- AFL, American Federation of Labor
- AG, Aktiengesellschaft
- AGC, Document designation, American-British Coal Conversations, August 12–September 10, 1947
- AGWar, Adjutant General, War Department
- A–H, Office of Assistant Secretary of State John H. Hilldring
- A–S, Office of Assistant Secretary of State Charles Saltzman
- ATC, Austrian Treaty Commission
- AusPolAd, United States Political Adviser for Austrian Affairs
- BC, Division of British Commonwealth Affairs, Department of State
- CA, Civil Affairs
- CAD, Civil Affairs Division, War Department General Staff
- CC, military message indicator
- CDU, Christlich-Demokratische Union (Christian Democratic Union)
- CE, Division of Central European Affairs, Department of State
- CFM, Council of Foreign Ministers
- CGT, Confédération Générale du Travail (General Federation of Labor)
- CIC, Counter Intelligence Corps
- CIG, Counter Intelligence Group
- CINCEUR, Commander in Chief, European Command, United States Army
- COMGENUSFA, Commanding General United States Forces in Austria
- Cominform, Communist Information Bureau
- Comintern, The Third Communist International
- CORC, Coordinating Committee, Allied Control Authority for Germany
- CP, Communist Party
- C/S, Chief of Staff
- DDSG, Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaft (Danube Shipping Company)
- Delsec, indicator for telegrams from the United States Delegation to the Council of Foreign Ministers, at times headed by the Secretary of State.
- Dept, Department of State
- Desp, Despatch
- DP, Displaced person
- DRE, Division of Research for Europe, Department of State
- EAC, European Advisory Commission
- ECE, Economic Commission for Europe
- ECITO, European Central Inland Transport Organization
- ECO, European Coal Organization
- Econ, Economic Directorate, Allied Control Authority for Germany
- Embtel, Embassy telegram
- Emtel, Embassy telegram
- ERP, European Recovery Program
- Eucom, European Command, United States Army
- FDGB, Freier Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund (Free German Trade Union Association)
- FDJ, Freie Deutsche Jugend (Free German Youth)
- FonMin, Foreign Minister
- FonOff, Foreign Office
- ForMin, Foreign Minister
- GA, Division of German and Austrian Economic Affairs, Department of State
- GA, General Assembly of the United Nations, see also UNGA
- G–2, Intelligence section of the general staff of a large military unit
- G.m.b.H., Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (limited liability company)
- IARA, Inter-Allied Reparation Agency
- Infotel, Information telegram
- I.R.O., International Refugee Organization
- JCS, Joint Chiefs of Staff
- Kosmos, series indicator for telegrams from the United States Delegation to the Council of Foreign Ministers dealing with non-CFM business
- KPD, Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands (German Communist Party)
- KRN, Krajowa Rada Narodowa (Polish National Council of the Homeland)
- LDP, Liberal-Demokratische Partei (German Liberal Democratic Party)
- Leg, Legation
- Legsdesp, Legation despatch
- Legtel, Legation telegram
- Martel, series indicator for telegram from the Secretary of State while at the Fifth Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers, London, November–December 1947
- MEA, Mission for Economic Affairs, United States Embassy in London
- MG, Military Government
- Moskco, series indicator for telegrams to the United States Delegation to the Council of Foreign Ministers dealing with non-CFM business
- MRP, Mouvement Républicain Populaire (French Political Party)
- Mytel, My telegram
- NOE, Division of Northern European Affairs, Department of State
- OE, Division of Occupied Areas Economic Affairs, Department of State
- OMGUS, Office of Military Government in Germany (United States)
- Ourtel, Our telegram
- P, Military message indicator
- PL, Public Law
- POL, Petroleum, oil, and lubricants
- PolAd, Political Adviser
- POW, Prisoner of War
- RAD, Radio message
- RDR, Reparations, Deliveries and Restitution
- Reurtel, Regarding your telegram
- R.F.C., Reconstruction Finance Corporation
- RGR, Rassemblement des Gauches Républicaines (French Political Party)
- SANACC, State – Army – Navy – Air Force Coordinating Committee
- Secdel, indicator for telegrams to the United States Delegation to the Council of Foreign Ministers, at times headed by the Secretary of State
- SED, Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands (Socialist Unity Party of Germany)
- SHAEF, Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force
- SMA, Sowjetische Militäradministration Deutschlands (Soviet Military Administration for Germany)
- SMAD, see SMA
- Sov, Soviet
- SPD, Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (German Social Democratic Party)
- SWN, State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee document designation
- SWNCC, State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee
- SX, Military message indicator
- TC, Division of Language Services, Department of State
- Telmar, series indicator for telegrams to the Secretary of State while at the Fifth Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers at London, November–December 1947
- TOPSEC, Top Secret
- TT, telecommunications conference indicator
- TUC, Trades Union Congress (British)
- TVA, Tennessee Valley Authority
- UNESCO, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organzation
- UNGA, United Nations General Assembly
- UNO, United Nations Organization
- UNRRA, United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration
- UP, United Press
- URAD, Your radio message
- Urtel, Your telegram
- USDel, United States Delegation
- USFA, United States Forces in Austria
- USFET, United States Forces, European Theater
- USIA, Upravlenye Sovetskovo Imushchestva v Avstrii (Administration for Soviet Property in Austria)
- USPolAd, United States Political Adviser
- VE Day, Victory in Europe Day (May 7–8, 1945)
- VHB, very heavy bomber
- War, War Department
- WD, War Department
- WDSCA, War Department Staff Civil Affairs
- WE, Division of Western European Affairs, Department of State
- WFTU, World Federation of Trade Unions
- WX, military message indicator