
The Secretary of State to the British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Bevin)27

top secret

Dear Mr. Bevin: In addition to the formal communication we have both received from the French Government expressing its concern over the new bi-zonal plan for the level of German industry in our zones, I have received a personal message from Bidault expressing in even more direct language the alarm of the French Government over the consequences of any announcement of this plan both on the internal situation in France and the position of the French Government in regard to any program of European recovery.28 I am sure you will agree with me that the attitude of the French Government cannot be disregarded in this matter, and I feel we must make some concerted communication to the French Government in order to reassure them as to our intentions.

I therefore suggest for your consideration that we separately address a communication to Mr. Bidault informing him that the US and UK Governments will suspend further announcement on the agreed plan for revised bi-zonal level of industry in Germany until the French Government has reasonable opportunity to present its views for full consideration.

I would appreciate your urgent views on this suggestion.

Faithfully yours,

G. C. Marshall
  1. The source text was transmitted in telegram 3102, July 19, to London, not printed. This message was not delivered to Foreign Secretary Bevin until July 21.
  2. For the messages under reference here, see pp. 991 and 992.