
The Ambassador in France (Caffery) to the French Foreign Minister (Bidault)53


Dear Mr. President: With reference to my letter of July 11, 1947,54 I take pleasure in conveying to you the following additional information which I have just received concerning the proposed Anglo-American conversations in Washington on the subject of coal.

In view of their responsibility for coal production in the bi-zonal area of Germany, the United States and the United Kingdom fully recognize that the increase of coal production in the Ruhr is essential to the success of any recovery plan which may be worked out by the countries of Europe. It was with this thought in mind that my Government suggested to the British authorities that they send top level representatives to Washington to discuss the means of increasing production.

[Page 939]

As indicated in my previous letter, the proposed talks will not be in any way competitive with or duplicate any discussion of the coal problem which may result from the present Conference for European Economic Cooperation. On the contrary, we envisage these talks primarily as an effort to improve the coal situation in the U.S.–U.K. zones in Germany in order to facilitate such plans as may be elaborated in Paris.

I may add that, if it has not already done so, the Department of State contemplates keeping in very close touch with the French Embassy in Washington regarding the progress of the conversations and will keep your Embassy fully informed.

I take [etc.]

Jefferson Caffery
  1. The source text was transmitted to the Department as enclosure 2 to despatch 9396, August 8, from Paris, not printed. This letter was sent to Bidault in pursuance of instructions contained in telegram 2576, July 11, to Paris, not printed (862.6362/7–1147).
  2. The letter under reference, not printed, informed Bidault of the projected American-British coal talks in Washington and enclosed a copy of the tentative agenda set forth in telegram 2959, July 10, to London, ante, p. 935. The July 11 letter was sent in pursuance of instructions contained in telegram 2541, July 10, to Paris, not printed (862.6362/7–1047).