740.0011 EW Peace/4–947
The United States Embassy in Cuba to the Cuban Ministry of State 84
No. 199
The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the Ministry of State of the Republic of Cuba and has the honor to inform the Ministry in the following sense:
The Delegation of the United States of America to the Conference of Foreign Ministers at Moscow has received, through the Secretary General of the Conference, a telegram from His Excellency Dr. Rafael Pérez y González Muñoz, Minister of State of the Republic of Cuba, with reference to the desire of the Government of Cuba to share in the formulation of a peace settlement with Germany.85
[Page 499]The Delegate of the United States, during the course of a meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers on March 26,86 stated the position of the United States Government as continuously supporting the participation, in the settlement of peace with Germany, of those states which helped in bringing about victory, and remarked that the United States Delegation desired recognition for their loyal cooperation in the war be given to its friends of the Western Hemisphere. The position of the Government of the United States is, of course, dependent on agreement among the four Ministers in the Council of Foreign Ministers.
The Embassy avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Ministry of State the assurances of its highest consideration.
The source text was transmitted to the Department of State as an enclosure to despatch 3041, April 9, 1947, from Habana, not printed.
This note was delivered to the Cuban Ministry of State in pursuance of instructions contained in telegram 1130, Delsec 1378, April 1, 1947, sent to Habana as telegram 1, not printed (740.00119 Council/4–147). According to despatch 3041, and telegram 182, April 9, from Habana, not printed, the Cuban Minister of State expressed verbally his appreciation for the friendly and understanding attitude of the Secretary of State. The Cuban Minister of State referred to the reported possibility of Mexico’s being invited to participate in the drafting of a German peace treaty, and he expressed the hope that Cuba would not be treated less favorably (740.00119 Council/4–947). Telegram 174, April 16, 1947, to Habana, not printed, instructed that the Cuban Government be informed that it would be accorded as favorable treatment as Mexico in the position taken by the United States with respect to participation in the German peace settlement (740.00119 Council/4–947).
↩ - The communication under reference is not printed. The Cuban Government’s request for participation in the German peace settlement was subsequently set, forth in a letter of April 4, 1947, from the Cuban Legation in Moscow to the Council of Foreign Ministers, circulated to the Council as document CFM(47) (M)107, April 7, 1947, not printed.↩
- For the report on this Council meeting, see telegram 1030, Delsec 1353, March 26, from Moscow, p. 292.↩