740.0011 EW (Peace)/2–347: Telegram
The Ambassador in Iran (Allen) to the Secretary of State
87. With reference my immediately preceding telegram regarding the Iranian Government’s request to be admitted to the discussions concerning the peace treaty with Germany,43 I wish to recall that when a similar request was received concerning Iran’s admission to the Paris Conference last summer, the US supported the request. For some unknown reason, however, the Iranian public gained the impression that the Soviet Union was the great power which took the leading role in obtaining Iran’s admission. It would be desirable if the US supports Iran requests again, for our representative to speak first on behalf of Iran if possible.
[Page 21]While Iran may have no better claim for participation in the conference than a number of other countries which have also not been invited, I wish to report merely that the Government and people of Iran view the question as of much greater importance than the Paris meeting. Iran was at war with Germany. Any nation which supports Iran’s request to be present will gain tremendous good will here, and considerable public sentiment will arise against any of the great powers which opposes Iran’s presence.
Since the US has always favored a wide participation by small powers in conferences of this kind, the Iranians feel confident that the US will support their request to attend the London Conference.
I may also recall that while Iran was not invaded by the enemy, Iran sustained more foreign troops on her soil throughout the war than some of the invaded countries, and her territory was used conspicuously in the war effort. It seems to me that these considerations would entitle Iran to be included if the list of participating powers is broadened.
Sent Dept as 87; repeated London as 13.
- Telegram 86, February 3, from Tehran, not printed, transmitted the text of a letter of January 30, 1947, from Iranian Prime Minister Ahmad Qavam to Ambassador Allen, not printed. The letter requested the United States Government to use its good offices to arrange for Iran to be invited to attend the meetings of the Deputies for Germany (740.0011 EW (Peace)/2–347). Substantially the same request was contained in letter No. 2127, February 1, 1947, from the Iranian Ambassador to the Secretary of State, not printed (740.00119 Council/2–147).↩