A. Problems of quadripartite control in Austria; efforts by the United States to assure the reestablishment of Austrian sovereignty and democracy 1
1. Materials on these topics are also included in the documentation on the meetings of the Deputies for Austria in London, January 10–February 25, 1947 (Chapter I, B, ante, pp. 112 ff), the Fourth Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers in Moscow, March 10–April 24, 1947 (Chapter II, ante, pp. 139 ff), the meetings of the Austrian Treaty Commission in Vienna, May 12–October 11, 1947 (Chapter III, ante, pp. 577 ff), and the Fifth Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers in London, November 25–December 15, 1947 (Chapter IV, ante, pp. 676 ff).
[562] The United States High Commissioner for Austria (Keyes) to the United States Delegation at the Council of Foreign Ministers in London
Vienna Legation Files: Telegram
[563] The United States Delegation at the Council of Foreign Ministers to the Legation in Austria
863.515/12–1047: Telegram
[564] The Chargé in Austria (Yost) to the Secretary of State
863.51/12–1347: Telegram
[565] The Assistant Secretary of State for Occupied Areas (Saltzman) to the United States High Commissioner for Austria (Keyes)
863.5018/12–1547: Telegram