811.24523/10–146: Telegram
The Ambassador in Peru (Cooper) to the Secretary of State
[Received 8:20 p.m.]
1036. Department’s 798, September 16. The Minister Aeronautics33 desires we turn over El Pato base by October 15th at official ceremonies to be held at base. If Department and Army approve, I request telegraphic authority proceed with plans and assurance that disposal property, in accordance with inventories now before Department and Army has been cleared and approved by FLC.
With regard surplus property under paragraph two (2) Minister Aeronautics has sent a letter to Peruvian Foreign Minister, text will probably reach me later, requesting information on following points:
- 1.
- What items are available and at what prices? Price list and inventory believed to be price list new equipment.
- 2.
- Requesting substantial reduction due age and condition equipment.
- 3.
- Arrangement for installment payments.
- 4.
- Assurance negotiations purchase surplus equipment will not interfere October 15th official return El Pato Airbase.
Although Peruvian Government interested continuing air program, I desire obtain views Department and Army re anticipated duration program. Military Attachés will clear with General Crittenberger number of technical points that must be settled before the base is returned.
- Gen. Enrique Góngora.↩