838.01/1–1646: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Haiti (Wilson)
10. Urtel, unnumbered, Jan. 16, 3 p.m. Dept expects consult other American republics regarding recognition Executive Military Committee and cirtel11 on this subject is being sent you for information only.
Consultative process may take some time. In view recent developments certain countries of hemisphere and possible future repercussions, Dept plans proceed cautiously as regards recognition military regimes. Dept needs all possible information as to whether Committee intends and will be able to hold elections and turn power over to its elected successor. Please keep Dept advised of any further facts and views you may have on this subject.12
[Page 908]Dept requests your views on recent or present applicability Article 39 of 1944 Constitution on presidential vacancy and the attitude of the Executive Military Committee towards this article.
- Circular telegram, January 17, 8 p.m., not printed.↩
Ambassador Wilson reported in telegram 50, January 22, 2 p.m., that he had reached the conclusion after careful consideration that it would be advisable to grant recognition to the Military Executive Committee; the Committee appeared to possess general popular support, and, in his opinion, it intended to proceed to elections as soon as possible, its members had no personal political ambitions, and it proposed to fulfill its international obligations. Furthermore, he expressed his belief that recognition by the United States would tend to strengthen the position of the Committee which in his opinion was the only organization in Haiti that could maintain tranquility. (838.01/1–2246)
In telegram 80, February 5, 1946, 8 p.m., Ambassador Wilson reported the intention of the Military Executive Committee to announce on February 10 its plan to hold elections, adding: “This will contemplate elections for legislature and not for constitutional convention in order to prevent Communists from endeavoring to control deliberations of latter. Legislature could draw up new constitution and elect president.” The Ambassador was of the opinion that this fact was a further indication of the good faith of the Committee to establish a civilian government at the earliest opportunity and should receive the Department’s sympathetic attention in connection with the question of recognition. (838.00/2–546)