Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270: Telegram

General Marshall to Mr. Walter S. Robertson, at Peiping

1087. Following is order supposedly put out by Generalissimo on 1 July. 1062, 1077 and 10841 refer. It should not be shown to Communists due to its bitter approach to the problem. It was issued to all commanders of Field Headquarters, Pacification Bureaus, War Areas, Pacification Areas, Garrison Commands, Army Groups, Armies and General Cheng Kai-ming.2 Order follows:

“Our Government has been extremely patient, disregarding the great injustice done to itself and conceded time and again, for the purpose of obtaining peace. But up to date, no successful solution is being reached on any problem. Now, for sake of urging the Communist Party to repent itself, so as to reach basis for reaching agreement and establishing peace and unity, the following stipulations are made: If Communist troops do not attack our forces, then our troops will not attack the Communist forces. Should the Communist troops advance against our forces, then our troops, for sake of self [Page 1336] defense, protecting lives and properties of the people, and to keep local law and order will concentrate their strength and counter attack them,—so as to do the duties of we soldiers. This order is being distributed and strict compliance by all units is requested. Also date of receipt of this order will be reported. Signed Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, dated 1 July 1946.”

  1. Telegrams of July 6, 8 and 9, pp. 1307, 1320 and 1331, respectively.
  2. National Government Commissioner of Executive Headquarters at Peiping.