Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270: Telegram
Mr. Walter S. Robertson to General Marshall
5127. We are issuing instructions to Team 9 and 32 as per urad 1075. Reurad 1068, current situation north of Hankow is presented by summarizing information beginning in Opsum85 15 dated 27 June, We have no pertinent information beyond that presented in subsequent Opsums 17, 18, 19, 2386 and a recent National Govt. Branch complaint here that Communist forces are attacking along Peiping-Hankow Railway north of Hankow.
The 3 Commissioners this Headquarters issued orders 2 July 1946 to senior National Govt, and Communist Party Commanders to cease [Page 1324] all conflict and troop movements in the central plains military area in an effort to preserve the status quo. United States Branch here of the opinion that National Govt, will not agree to any displacement of Communist Party forces from central plain area. United States Branch here holds position that: (a) areas occupied prior to present conflict were those of 13 January; (b) any movement of Communist Party forces from this area to another locality is a strategical move which would unbalance situation at latter place and consequently elsewhere in China.
It is recommended: (a) that effort should be continued towards stopping conflicts, troop movements, and to maintain generally 13 January position; (b) northward movement of Communist Party troops is not recommended; (c) that the Generalissimo and Communist] Chou En-lai reinforce action of this headquarters by issuing cease conflict orders thru their channels.